Ojmar, S. A. – Quality Locking Systems August 3, 2011
U.S. Sales Manager, Mr. James B. Oonk
1289 Heather Drive, Holland, Michigan 49423
Toll Free: (888) 795-5588
Ojmar, S.A. Headquarters: Elgoibar, Spain
Product Shortform Guide Specification
Specifier Note: This product shortform guide specification is written in accordancewith Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) current versions of MasterFormat, SectionFormat and PageFormat and as described in The Project Resource Manual—CSI Manual of Practice, Fifth Edition.
Use this specification as the basis for developing a project specification. Section must be carefully reviewed and edited by the Architect/Design Professional to meet the requirements of the project and local building code. Coordinate this section with other specification sections and the Drawings.
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SECTION 10 51 56
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Specifier Note: This section covers Ojmar S.A. Locker Locks. Consult with Ojmar S.A. for technical assistance in editing this section for the specific project requirements.
Select appropriate items in brackets [_____]or in boldas necessary to satisfy project requirements.
Allow at least 3 week lead-time for shipping of locks upon ordering, unless noted otherwise.
A. Locks for use with lockers.
1. Locker Hasp, for use in dry and wet areas.
2. Cam locks, for [wet] [dry] area use.
3. Latch-bolt locks, for [wet] [dry] area use.
Specifier Note: This section may be used as an individual section or integrated into the Locker Section. Integration into Section 10 51 00 (Level 2) is recommended, or applicable level 3 locker type section for specific project.
A. Section 10 51 00 – Lockers: Refer to this section for locker information that locks are provided for.
A. LGA Guidelines - LGA QualiTest GmbH, Furniture Test Institute, based in Nuremberg, Germany:
Specifier Note: Edit the following as necessary for Allowances or Unit Prices that may pertain to this section.
Verify section number and title underPrice and Payment Procedures(Level 2) in Division 01.
A. See Section 01 2100 - Allowances, for allowances affecting this section.
B. See Section 01 22 00 – Unit Prices, for unit prices affecting this section.
Specifier Note: Edit the following list of submittal requirements and provide only those that pertain to the project.
Verify section number and title for Administrative Requirements in Division 01.
A. See Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures.
B. Product Data: Provide data on locker lock types, sizes and configurations.
C. Shop Drawings: Indicate locker plan layout, direction of door swing, locker numbering plan,with lock types and locations.
D. Samples: Submit two samples of each lock type indicated
E. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate locker locks component installation assembly.
A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with at leastthree years of documented experience.
B. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of locker lock from single source and from single manufacturer.
A. Ojmar, S.A. – Quality Locking Systems:
1. Contact: James B. Oonk, U.S. Sales Manager.
2. Location: Holland, Michigan.
3. Toll Free: (888) 795-5588.
4. Email: .
Specifier Note: Edit the following list of components; provide information directly related to project.
Select appropriate items in brackets [_____]or in boldas necessary to satisfy project requirements.
Locks are generally for use on non-sheet metal type locker doors.
A. Locker Hasp, Wet or Dry Area Use: For heavy duty use in high traffic and dedicated use installationswith rotating cam lock attached to interior face of locker door with anti-rotation hasp system protruding through door for placement of padlock.
1. Reference Number: 039.
2. Materials:
a. Cam: Steel.
b. Lock: Zamak; zinc base metal with aluminum, magnesium and copper alloys.
3. CamRotation: 180 degreesand indicate swing direction of lock for locker door based on door hinge side, either left or right.
4. Attachment to Locker: 4 screws.
a. Locker Door Hole Size: 0.177 inch (4.5 mm) diameter.
b. Screw Locations: Corners at 0.71 inch by 1.42 inch (18 mm by 36 mm).
5. Cylinder Hole Size: 0.87 inch (22 mm) diameter.
6. Locker Hasp Closing: Padlock with up to 0.354 inch (9 mm) shaft diameter.
a. [Padlocks are not included.] [Padlocks available upon request specify type.]
7. Hasp Finish: Chrome.
8. Locker Door Thickness: Up to 0.79 inch (20 mm).
9. Locking Cycles: 60,000 in accordance with LGA guidelines.
10. Salt Spray Test: 48 hours.
11. Resistance: 110 lbs force (50 kilogram-forces).
Specifier Note: Editthe following as potential options for project. Refer to Section 10 5156.20 – RFID Locker Locks for additional information.
12. Provide backplate for use with [Coin Lock][RFID Lock] locking system.
a. Ref. No.: 039.002PN.
Specifier Note: Edit the following cam lock basedon type of Key; Standard (557, 577) or Security (357, 377); length of casing required; locker door thickness, variables indicated in Bold.
B. Cam Locks, Wet Area Use: Rotating cam lock attached to interior face of locker door with key cylinder protruding through door for placement of key.
1. Materials:
a. Casing and Cylinder: Chrome plated solid brass.
2. Keys:Key can only be removed or inserted when locker is in closed position.
a. Security Key: Alloy of nickel with copper and zinc(Argentan-German silver); Ref. No.[357][377].
b. Standard Key: Nickel plated brass; Ref. No.[557][577].
c. Pins: 6 pinned, stainless steel.
d. Keying Differences: Up to 2000.
e. Master keyed.
3. Cam Rotation: 90 degrees, and indicate swing direction of locker doors based on hinge side of either left of right.
4. Attachment to Locker: Nut.
5. Cylinder Hole Size: 0.64 inch by 0.76 inch (16.2 mm by 19.2 mm), straight sides.
6. Diameter of Casing: 0.87 inch (22 mm).
7. Thickness of Casing Head: 0.08 inch (2 mm).
8. Finish of Casing Head: Chrome.
9. Length of Casing: 0.93 inch (23.5 mm);Ref. No.[357][557].
10. Length of Casing: 1.18 inch (30 mm); Ref. No.[377][577].
11. Locker Door Maximum Thickness:0.77 inch (19.5 mm); Ref. No.[357][557].
12. Locker Door Maximum Thickness: 1.02 inch (26 mm); Ref. No.[377] [577].
Specifier Note: There are various options available for cam and latch lengths and configurations, the following are the standard types. Coordinate with locker suppliers and Ojmar for project specific requirements.
13. Cam Dimensions: 0.79 inch wide by 0.12 inch thick (20 mm wide by 3 mm thick).
a. Cam Radius/Length: [R20; 20 mm (0.79 inch)][R30; 30 mm (1.18 inch)].
14. Locking Cycles: 65,000 in accordance with LGA guidelines.
Specifier Note: Edit the following cam lock based on attachment to locker; cylinder hole size; locker door hole size; lock head thickness; casing length; locker door thickness; cam length, variables indicated in Bold.
C. Cam Locks, Dry Area Use: Rotating cam lock attached to interior face of locker door with key cylinder protruding through door for placement of key.
1. Materials:
a. Internal Parts and Cylinder: Die Cast.
2. Key: Reversible with round headand key can only be removed or inserted when locker is in closed position.
3. Cylinder: 10 wafers.
a. Material: Nickel plated brass.
b. Keying Differences: Up to 4000.
c. Master keyed.
4. Cam Rotation: 90 degrees, and indicate swing direction of locker doors based on hinge side of either left of right.
5. Attachment to Locker: Clip or nut; Ref. No. 603.
6. Attachment to Locker: Nut; Ref. No. 617.
7. Cylinder Hole Size: 0.64 inch by 0.76 inch (16.2 mm by 19.2 mm), straight sides; Ref. No. 603.
8. Cylinder Hole Size: 0.64 inch by 0.80 inch (16.2 mm by 20.2 mm), straight sides; Ref. No. 617.
9. Cylinder Locker Door Hole Size: 0.91 inch (23 mm); Ref. No. 603.
10. Cylinder Locker Door Hole Size: 0.96 inch (24.3 mm); Ref. No. 617.
11. Lock Head Thickness: 0.26 inch (6.5 mm); Ref. No. 603.
12. Lock Head Thickness: 0.18 inch (4.5 mm); Ref. No. 617.
13. Lock Head Finish: Chrome.
14. Casing Length: 0.87 inch (22 mm); Ref. No. 603.
15. Casing Length: 1.18 inch (30 mm); Ref. No. 617.
16. Locker Door Minimum Thickness: 0.04 inch (1 mm).
17. Locker Door Maximum Thickness: 0.59 inch (15 mm); Ref. No. 603.
18. Locker Door Maximum Thickness:0.79 inch (20 mm); Ref. No. 617.
Specifier Note: There are various options available for cam and latch lengths and configurations, the following are the standard types. Coordinate with locker suppliers and Ojmar for project specific requirements.
19. Cam Dimensions: 0.59 inch wide by 0.12 inch thick (15 mm wide by 3 mm thick).
a. Cam Radius/Length: [R20; 20 mm (0.79 inch)][R30; 30 mm (1.18 inch)].
20. Locking Cycles: 65,000 in accordance with LGA guidelines.
Specifier Note: Edit the following latch bolt lock based on type of key; door swing, variables indicated in Bold.
D. Latch-Bolt Locks, Wet Area Use: Door latching mechanism is attached to interior face of locker door with key cylinder protruding through door for placement of key.
1. Materials:
a. Lock Body: Polyamide and fiberglass.
b. Casing and Cylinder: Chrome plated brass.
2. Key: Interchangeable solid brass core.
a. Standard Key: Nickel plated brass; Ref. No. 35.
b. Security Key:Flat and reversible with round head, made using an alloy of nickel with copper and zinc(Argentan-German silver); Ref. No. 36.
c. Pins: Stainless steel, 6 total.
d. Keying Differences: Up to 1600.
3. Attachment to Locker: 4 screws, M5.
a. Locker Door Hole Size: 0.26 inch (6.5 mm) diameter.
b. Screw Locations: Corners at 2.97 inch by 1.93 inch (75.5 mm by 49 mm).
4. Cylinder Hole Size: 0.87 inch (22 mm).
5. Lock Body Size: 3.94 inch long by 3.35 inch high by 0.98 inch thick (100 mm long by 85 mm high by 25 mm thick).
6. Locker Door Minimum Thickness: 0.04 inch (1 mm).
7. Locker Door Maximum Thickness: 0.91 inch (23 mm).
8. Latch Size: 0.94 inch high by 0.45 inch deep (24 mm high by 11.5 mm deep).
9. Latch Stroke: 0.47 inch (12 mm).
10. Indicate swing direction of locker doors based on hinge side of either left of right.
a. Locker Right Side Hinge: Ref. No. [35.D] [36.D].
b. Locker Left Side Hinge: Ref. No. [35.I] [36.I].
Specifier Note: Edit the following cam lock based on door swing, variables as indicated in Bold.
E. Latch-Bolt Locks, Dry Area Use:Door latching mechanism attached to interior face of locker door with key cylinder protruding through door for placement of key.
1. Materials:
a. Lock Body: Polyamide and fiberglass.
b. Casing and Cylinder: Die Cast.
2. Key: Reversible with round headand key can only be removed or inserted when locker is in closed position.
a. Cylinder Type: 10 wafers, interchangeable.
b. Key Material: Nickel plated brass.
c. Keying Differences: Up to 4000.
3. Attachment to Locker: 4 screws, M5.
a. Locker Door Hole Size: 0.26 inch (6.5 mm) diameter.
b. Screw Locations: Corners at 2.97 inch by 1.93 inch (75.5 mm by 49 mm).
4. Cylinder Hole Size: 0.87 inch (22 mm).
5. Lock Body Size: 3.94 inch long by 3.35 inch high by 0.98 inch thick (100 mm long by 85 mm high by 25 mm thick).
6. Locker Door Minimum Thickness: 0.04 inch (1 mm).
7. Locker Door Maximum Thickness: 0.91 inch (23 mm).
8. Latch Size: 0.94 inch high by 0.45 inch deep (24 mm high by 11.5 mm deep).
9. Latch Stroke: 0.47 inch (12 mm).
10. Indicate swing direction of locker doors based on hinge side of either left of right.
a. Locker Right Side Hinge: Ref. No. 34.D.
b. Locker Left Side Hinge: Ref. No. 34.I.
A. Lockers: Refer to Section 10 51 00.
B. Padlocks: With 1/4 inch (6.2 mm) shaft diameter.
1. 3-digit lock, with self-assigned combinations.
2. 4-digit lock, with self-assigned combinations.
A. Verify that lockers are in correct position and configuration.
B. Verify upon receiving materials on the project site that they are undamaged and that delivery is complete including accessories and necessary documentation.
1. Do not begin installation of these materials if damage to materials is suspected, contact manufacturer for further instructions.
A. Install locks in accordance with technical operating conditions described in manufacturer’s written instruction manual.
B. Installation and handling of materials shall be by manufacturer authorized personnel and qualified installation specialists.
C. Do not remove or replace the protective covers of products and materials.
D. Coordinate position of lock to locker body to ensure latching mechanism works properly.
E. Coordinate lock installation in accordance with left or right handed swing of locker doors.
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