DATE OF BIRTH : 21-10-1963.
AGE : 49 years.
PRESENT EMPLOYMENT& : Professor of English
Department of English and Communications
Director, School of Distance and Continuing
Dravidian University
Kuppam – 514275, Chittoor (Dist.), AP., India
: (Mobile): 00918985756921
: ( Off.) 08570-202677
Fax : 0091-8570 278230
Email IDs :
M.A. English (1986) First Class Andhra University
(Language and Literature) (AP, India)
PG Dip Linguistics (1987) II Class Andhra University
Ph.D. in English (1990) Awarded Andhra University
Ph.D. Area: Indian English Studies
Recent Academic Accomplishments: 1. Invited as a foreign thesis examiner for
Ph.D. thesis evaluation by Addis Ababa
University, Ethiopia. (2008) &
Again in Feb., 2012
2. Invited to be a Foreign Reviewer of
articles to be published in OSSREA
(Organization of Social Science Research in
East Africa)’s Journal. (since, 2008-2010)
3. Awarded a major UGC research project
entitled, “ Teaching English Language
through Literatures in English: Designing
Course Developing Material.” (2009)
Aademic Distinctions : The thesis was adjudicated as’ Best
Thesis’ and awarded Sir R.Venkata
Ratnam Research Medal by
Andhra University in 1992.
Teaching Experience : 22 years plus of teaching experience with Ph.D. , which includes 9 years and few months period teaching experience in 3 abroad universities: 3 and half a year in University of Asmara, Eritrea, North-east Africa, 4 and half a year Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, East Africa) and a year in Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya. And one year plus in the present university.
Break-up of the Teaching Experience—Years-wise and Organization-wise:
Taught( at Masters level) in the capacity of Lecturer & Head in the Post-Graduate Department of English, Sri Y.N. College, Narasapur (Affiliated to Andhra University, A.P., India) for 3 years. (August,1990- Nov.1994).
Taught(Masters level) in the capacity of Reader & Head (in the above-said institution) for 3 years. (Nov.1994-Jan.1997). After doing a foreign teaching assignment( in the University of Asmara) for about 2 and half years, resumed job in the parent institution in the said- capacity during the period, July 1999-August 2000. As another spell, after doing a one-year stint(Sept. 2000-July 2001) in the University of Asmara, resumed job in August, 2001 in the parent institution in the above-stated designation.
Taught in the capacity of Asst.Professor of English-II in Asmara University, Asmara, Eritrea, February 1997- June 1999 ( Two years and a few months.) And again during the period, September, 2000-July 2001( About a year).( Total 3 years and a few months).
(iv) Taught in the capacity of Professor of English during the period, April, 2002 – July, 2006, in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature of Addis Ababa University ( for four years plus).
(v) Taught in the Department of English, Garyounis University, September, 2006-
July, 2007 in the capacity of Professor of English.
( vi) Teaching as Professor & Head in the Department of English and Communications,
Dravidian University since 9th June, 2008.
Courses Teaching/Taught :
In India in a Post-Graduate Department of English (M.A. English Programe) (Affiliated to Andhra University, India.)
Field Field
English Language Literatures in English
1. ELT 1 Indian English Literature,
2 Shakespeare,
3 European Novel in English translation
4 British Novel
In Asmara University: At Under-Graduate Level
1. Freshman English 1.African Literature,
2. Remedial English 2. Novel,
3. Sophomore English 3. Short Story,
4. Fundamentals of Literature
5. Poetry
In Addis Ababa University:
At Under-Graduation Level At MA Level:
1. Freshman English 1. Modern Narrative Theory.
2. Sophomore English 2. Contemporary Trends in African
and Caribbean Literatures
3. Drama and English Language
Teaching 3.Stylistic Analysis of Prose Fiction
In Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya.
1. Introduction to Modern Linguistics 1. Literary Criticism
2. Research Methodology
Again in India ever since June 9th , 2008
In Dravidian University, Kuppam 1. Literary Criticism
2. Indian Writing in English
3. American Literature
4. Literary Periods and Movements
5. Modern Dravidian Literature
Research Guidance in Addis Ababa University:
Ph.D. Level: 3 Candidates
1. “ ‘Audience-Authoring’: Improvised Drama as Means for Deterring the Spread of HIV/AIDS: A Case Study in Urban Ethiopia.”
2. ‘Gender, HIV/AIDS, Literature: Purpose-focused Short Story as an Effective Means of Intensifying Awareness about, and Deterrence of HIV/AIDS among Students of Colleges and Schools in Ethiopia.
3. ‘Moral Vision in Ethiopian Novel’: A Select Study.
Recognized Ph.D. Supervisor for the Following Universities in India:
1. Andhra University (Address: Visakhapatnam, AP, India)
2. Acharya Nagarjuna University (Address: Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur,
3. Dravidian University, Kuppam, AP, India.
Research Projects / Works Conceived During Foreign Teaching Assignments:
1. A mega research project worth 160,000 USD under DIF Scheme (Development and Innovation Fund (jointly proposed along with a colleague), Center for African Studies, has been conceived, and ultimately got approved by the Ministry of Education, Government of Ethiopia.
2. An English Language Text Book Writing Project has been accepted by CODESRIA. ( A Ghana-based major African research institute)
The title of the project: Functional and Student-Centered Communicative English: An English Language Textbook for First/Second Year University Students.
Membership on Committees in Addis Ababa University ( during the teaching period):
1. Managing Editor, Ethiopian Journal of Language and Literature (EJOLL)
2 Member, DGC( Department Graduate Committee), DFLL, AAU.
3 Member, 18th ILS Conference Organizing Committee, AAU. ( Held in June, 2006.
While in Asmara University:1. Member `Lecture Series Social Committee.’
(For the year 1998)
Previous Administrative Experience: Held the headship of the P.G. Department of English in Y.N.College(Affiliated to Andhra University, India) in the years 1990-1997 January& during the period, July 1999-August 2000.
Member, Board of Studies of English(PG), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AP,
India for the period, 16-9-2000 - 15-9-2003.
Coordinator: Acted as Coordinator for Sophomore English in Asmara University for the academic year, 2000-2001.
Administrative Experience in Dravidian University:
Head, Department of English and Communications, 2008-2012
Dean, School of Comparative Dravidian Lit.& Trans. Studies, (2009-2012)
Chairman Board of Studies (PG&UG), Department of English and Communications
Member, Academic Senate, Dravidian University (2009-2011)
Editor: Dravidian Studies
Research Guidance:
Awarded: Ph.D. 1
Books Published :3
1. Title of the Book Published: The Function of Enigma in Arun Joshi: A Critical Study(An Andhra University Sponsored publication, India, 1995).
2. Research Methodology ( Dravidian University, 2009).
3. Cosmos in Logos—A Translation of Telugu Science Poetry into English (Dravidian University, 2009)
Published Articles& Reviews
from the most recent to the
Present ones
Non-Literary Publications:
1. “Human Rights Education in : “Emerged” or “Emerging” India?—Indispensable Introspection for Curricular and Pedagogical Intervention.” Human Rights Education. Dravidian University Press, 2011.
2. Pedagogical Challenges and Prospects in the Age of Globalization
3. “Pursuit of Inter-disciplinary Education for Comprehensive Academic Development.” ( )
4. “Interfacing of Curriculum and Students’ Needs for Optimization of University Education.”( )
5. “Teaching and Learning as a Communication Act
at Tertiary Level Education: An Ignored Pedagogical Dimension.” (University News, Vol 47, No.24, June 15-21, 2009)
5. Is Urbanization synonymous with progress in the
developing world? (Ethiopian Herald, 25th Oct.,2005)
Under ELT/EFL Area
1. “Mimesis, Aesthetics and Discourse: Drama and
English Language Teaching in the EFL Scenario
Of Ethiopia.” 17th Annual Proceedings of
Annual Conference of Institute of Language
Studies, Addis Ababa University, 2006.
2 . “Teaching English Language through Literature:
Reader/Learner Centered Approach: A Case
Study.” (Proceedings of the Second Annual
Multi-Disciplinary Conference, Unity University
College, Addis Ababa, December, 2003), pp.121-132
Under Literatures in English Area
1. “Gaps and Leaps: Literary Translation as a Mediating Means of Inter/Cross Cultural and Linguistic Communication—A Case Study.” Critical Expressions: Delhi: Mangalam Publishers, 2011, pp. 314-324.
2. “Generic Impact on Translation Activity: A Comparative Study of Translating Experience of ‘Science Poetry’ and Short Story”. Triveni, Oct- Dec., 2010.
3. “Harold Pinter—The Playwright That Unveiled
Dumb Aches, Uncertainties … of Life: A Critique.” Triveni, Vol. 77, No.4, Oct-Dec, 2008.
3 “Logocentrism and a Priori Binary Opposition
Vis a Vis Woman: the Narrative Politics
in Ethiopian Folktales: A Study of Select
Ethiopian Folktales.” Fabula, No. 48,2007,
4. Style as Substance: The Interfacing of Means
and Message in Beautyful Ones Aren’t Yet
Born.” Conspectus: A Journal of English
Studies (Vol. III, 2006), pp. 68-77.
5. A review published on an Australian
novel, Neem Dreams by Inez Baranay
in JAS (Journal of Australian Studies,
an Australian online Journal), Issue NO.34,
June, 2005.
6. ‘Mother Africa and Beyond’—The Self-Portrayal
of African Women: A Select Critical Reading of
African Women’s Poetry (Proceedings of the 14th
Annual Conference of the Institute of Languages
Studies, Addis Ababa University, 2003), pp 100-
7. A book review published on an Australian
novel Lines in theSand by Anne Daveson
in JAS (Journal of Australian Studies,
an online journal) 5 Issue, March, 2002.
8. After Million Oppressions, A Mutiny’: In
Defence of The God of Small Things(The
Atlantic Literary Review, Vol. 2, No.1, Jan-
March, 2001), pp.77- 83
9. A book review published in Jan. 2001 issue of
Journal of Indian Writing in English.
1. “Darkness Pursues Butterfly” : A Reading of
Sembane Ousmane’s Black Girl As A Story of
‘Racial Conflict’ and ‘Protest’(Triveni,Vol.66,
No. 4, Oct-Dec., 1997) pp.60-63.
10. A Review on Slaves of Society. An Anthology
of Short Stories by C.D. Irene( Indian Book
Chronicle,Vol., 20, No., 8,1995)pp.6-
11. War and No Peace’ : A Study of Arun Joshi’s
Homecoming(Triveni, Vol., 64, August, 1995,
12. ‘After the Fall’: A Critique on Arun Joshi’s The
Apprentice. Indian Literature Today
Ed.,R.K.Dhawan(New Delhi:
13. ‘Fact and /or Fiction?’ : A Study of Kushwant
Singh’s Delhi(Indian Book Chronicle,Vol. XX,
No., 4, April, 1995), pp.8-10.
14.. ‘The Saga of City and Man’ : A Study of Ahmed
Ali’s Twilight in Delhi (The Journal of Indian
Writing in English,Vol. 23, Nos.1&2,1995)pp.125-
15. ‘The Loss And Retrieval of A Noble Soul’ : A
Critique on Dostooyesky’s Crime and
Punishment(Triveni,Vol.,62,No.3, 1993)pp.58-61.
16. ‘Values Vs.Vagaries’ : An Approach to Arun
Joshi’s The Gherao( Indian Scholar Vol.XII, No.
1, 1990), pp.61-70.
Translations-Published: [Translated from Telugu, an Indian language to
1. 1 Short Story entitled, The Leader(Thulika,
October, 2004). [ Thulika( is
an online journal devoted to translations of
Telugu fiction].
2. A poem entitled, Mother Africa (Eritrea
Profile, Vol.6, No.9, May 8, 1999.
Conferences/ Seminars Organised : 1. Gave a Seminar on African Women’s Poetry in
the Department of English, Asmara University,
Eritrea, North-East Africa on 15th June, 2001.
‘ “Severed Tongues ... And Bitter Sweet
Songs”- Humanist Feminism and the Triple
Yoke of Gender, Race and Class.’
2. Theme of the seminar: "Higher Education:
Vision 2020”.
Acted as Convenor and Vice-chariman of the
state-level confernece held on 10th January, 2000
on the occasion of Golden Jubilee Celebrations of
Sri Y.N.College(Affiliated to Andhra University)
Narsapur, AP., India.
Title of the Paper Presented on the Occasion:
‘Self-financing Higher Education: Will It Turn
Into A Spectre?
3. Coordinated a National Workshop on “Teaching
Literatures in English: Contemporary Trends and
Techniques.” March, 25-26, 2009, Dravidian
University Campus.
4. Coordinated a national seminar on Tagore on the occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary
of Tagore on 20-4-2011 in DU.
5. Organized a three-day international seminar on “Teaching Literatures in English for Cross Cultural Communications” during 8-10 August, 2011 in DU.
Conferences Attended&
Title of the papers Presented
1. UGC National Seminar on Indian Literature in English Translation held during the
period, 28-29, March,2009, organized by Department of English, Kakatiya University, Warangal, AP, India.
Title of the Paper:“Translating Science Poetry as Transcending Dichotomies: A Case Study of Kothapalli Satya Srimannarayana’s Science Poetry in Telugu.”
2. National Conference on Emerging Trends in English Language Teaching held on 10th Nov., 2007 in V.R. Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, AP, India.
Title of the paper: Genre-specific Language Features of Texts (Lessons) for Comprehensive ELT: A Case Study.
2. 2nd Annual Translation Conference of Academy of Graduate Studies, Garyounis
University, held during Nov.19-20,2006)
Title of the Paper: Gaps and Leaps …: Literary Translation as a Mediating Means of Inter/Cross Cultural and Linguistic Communication
4. Annual National Conference of College of Education (2006) held during, 5-6, May,
2006, in Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
Title of the Paper: Gender Sensitizing Curricula …: Moving from Margins to Center.
5. XVII Annual Conference of Institute of Language Studies, Addis University held
during 13-14th May, 2005.
Title of the Paper: Mimesis, Aesthetics and Discourse: Drama and English Language Teaching in the EFL Scenario of Ethiopia.
6. XVI Annual Conference of Institute of Language Studies of Addis Ababa University held during 14 and 15 May, 2004.
Title of the Paper Presented: Gendering the ‘Un-gendered’ and Unveiling the ‘Hidden’ …: Gender and Narrative in Literary Studies.
7. II Inter-disciplinary Conference organized by Unity University, Addis Ababa during the period, June 23-242003.
Title of the paper: Teaching English Language Through Literature: Reader-
Centred Approach—A Case Study.
8. XV Annual Conference of Institute of Language Studies (ILS), Addis Ababa
University, held in Addis Ababa University, 29-30th May,2003.
Title of the Paper Presented: Logocentrism and a Priori Binary Opposition vis a Vis Woman: The Narrative Politics in Ethiopian Folktale—A Study of Select Ethiopian Folktales.
9. XIV Annual Conference of Institute of Language Studies(ILS), Addis Ababa
University, held in Addis Ababa University, 7-9, July, 2002.
Title of the Paper Presented:‘Mother Africa and Beyond’: The Self- portrayal