Data explain
1. The index of area、strength、ridge line and northern extend of Indian subtropical high, namely the 4th ,15th ,26th and 37th term, they are replayed by 999 during June to September.
2. The index of the station and strong of Eastern Asian trough and cold air, namely the 65th, 66th and 70th term, they are replayed by 999 during June to August.
3. 23—44th term (namely the ridge line and north extend of the subtropical high ),they are replayed by the minimum when there is no subtropical high, 45th term (namely: the west ridge point) is replayed by the maximum.
All of the 74 circulation parameters are treated by the Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Division of the National Climate Center. The copyright belongs to the Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Division of the National Climate Center , anybody can’t diffuse to other departments. If they were used in your operation or research, please give clear indication of the data.
The beginning year of this data is January of 1951.The format of this data is integer.
The following program fragment will read the data:
dimension hc068(iva,imon,iyr)
read(10,100) (((hc068(k,i,j),k=1,iva),i=1,imon),j=1,iyr)
100 format(37I5)
200 continue
Circulation index:
1. Index of the area of the Northern Hemisphere subtropical high (5E-360E)
2. Index of the area of the North African subtropical high (20W-60E)
3. Index of the area of the subtropical high over the North African、Atlantic and North American(110W-60E)
4. Index of the area of the subtropical high over Indian (65E-95E)
5. Index of the area of the subtropical high over the western Pacific (110E-180E)
6. Index of the area of the subtropical high over the eastern Pacific (175W-115W)
7. Index of the area of the North American subtropical high (110W-60W)
8. Index of the area of the subtropical high over the Atlantic (55W-25W)
9. Index of the area of the subtropical high over the South China Sea (100E-120E)
10. Index of the area of the North America-Atlantic subtropical high (110W-20W)
11. Index of the area of the subtropical high over the Pacific (110E-115W)
12. Index of the strength of the Northern Hemisphere subtropical high(5E-360)
13. Index of the strength of the North African subtropical high (20W-60E)
14. Index of the strength of the subtropical high over the North African、Atlantic and North American(110W-60E)
15. Index of the strength of the Indian subtropical high (65E-95E)
16. Index of the strength of the subtropical high over the western Pacific (110E-180)
17. Index of the strength of the subtropical high over the eastern Pacific (175W-115W)
18. Index of the strength of the North American subtropical high (110W-60W)
19. Index of the strength of the subtropical high over the Atlantic (55W-25W)
20. Index of the strength of the subtropical high over the South China Sea (100E-120E)
21. Index of the strength of the North America-Atlantic subtropical high (110W-20W)
22. Index of the strength of the subtropical high over the Pacific (110E-115W)
23. The ridge line of the Northern Hemisphere subtropical high (5E-360)
24. The ridge line of the North African subtropical high (20W-60E)
25. The ridge line of the subtropical high over the North African、Atlantic and North American(110W-60E)
26. The ridge line of the Indian subtropical high (65E-95E)
27. The ridge line of the subtropical high over the western Pacific (110E-150E)
28. The ridge line of the subtropical high over the eastern Pacific (175W-115W)
29. The ridge line of the North American subtropical high (110W-60W)
30. The ridge line of the Atlantic subtropical high (55W-25W)
31. The ridge line of the subtropical high over the South China Sea (100E-120E)
32. The ridge line of the North America-Atlantic subtropical high (110W-20W)
33. The ridge line of the subtropical high over the Pacific (110E-115W)
34. Index of the northern extend of the Northern Hemisphere subtropical high (5E-360)
35. Index of the northern extend of the North African subtropical high (20W-60E)
36. Index of the northern extend of the subtropical high over the North African、Atlantic and North American(110W-60E)
37. Index of the northern extend of the Indian subtropical high (65E-95E)
38. Index of the northern extend of the subtropical high over the western Pacific (110E-150E)
39. Index of the northern extend of the subtropical high over the eastern Pacific (175W-115W)
40. Index of the northern extend of the North American subtropical high (110W-60W)
41. Index of the northern extend of the subtropical high over the Atlantic(55W-25W)
42. Index of the northern extend of the subtropical high over the South China Sea (100E-120E)
43. Index of the northern extend of the North America-Atlantic subtropical high (110W-20W)
44. Index of the northern extend of the subtropical high over Pacific (110E-115W)
45. Index of the western extend of subtropical high over the Western Pacific
46. Index of the area of the polar vortex in the Asia(1区,60E-150E)
47. Index of the area of the polar vortex in the Pacific sector(2区,150E-120W)
48. Index of the area of the polar vortex in the north American(3区,120W-30W)
49.Index of the area of the polar vortex in the Atlantic and Europe sector(4区,30W-60E)
50.Index of the area of the northern hemisphere polar vortex (5区,0-360)
51.Index of the strength of the polar vortex in the Asia(1区,60E-150E)
52.Index of the strength of the polar vortex in the Pacific sector(2区,150E-120W)
53.Index of the strength of the polar vortex in the north American(3区,120W-30W)
54.Index of the strength of the polar vortex in the Atlantic and Europe sector(4区,30W-60E)
55.Index of the strength of the polar vortex in northern hemisphere (5区,0-360)
56. Index of the station of the polar vortex center in northern hemisphere (JW)
57. Index of the strength of the polar vortex center in northern hemisphere (JQ)
58. Atlantic and Europe pattern W
59. Atlantic and Europe pattern C
60. Atlantic and Europe pattern E
61. Zonal index over Eurasian continent (IZ, 0-150E)
62. Meridional index over Eurasian continent (IM, 0-150E)
63. Zonal index over Asia (IZ, 60E-150E)
64. Meridional index over Asia (IM, 60E-150E)
65. Station of the East Asian trough (CW)
66. Index of the strength of the East Asian trough (CQ)
67. Tibetan Plateau (25N-35N,80E-100E)
68. Tibetan Plateau (30N-40N,75E-105E)
69. Index of the strength of the India-Burma trough (15N-20N,80E-100E)
70. Index of the frequency of cold-air intrusion into China冷空气
71. Formatting typhoon
72. Landing typhoon
73. Index of the macula
74. SOI