Shaw Ridge Primary School

Job Description – Senior Leader

This post is subject to the current conditions of employment for teachers contained in the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document, the 1998 School Standards and Framework Act, the required standards for Qualified Teacher Status and other current legislation.

This job description may be amended at any time following discussion between the head teacher and member of staff, and will be reviewed annually.

Job Purpose

The post holder should play a major role, under the overall direction of the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher in:

·  Formulating the aims and objectives of the school

·  Establishing the policies or agreed approached through which they should be achieved

·  Managing staff and resources

·  Monitoring progress towards achievement

The Role

In addition to those classroom responsibilities that are common to all class teachers in the school, senior leaders’ overriding responsibility will focus on leading a phase of the school and raising the standards of teaching and learning within that phase. The Senior Leader must be an excellent classroom practitioner with a minimum of three years teaching experience. It is expected that the phase leader will have experience of teaching within KS1 and KS2 and if this is not the case their knowledge and understanding of key practise in each phase must be of a high level.

Senior leaders will have responsibility in the areas of leadership, curriculum development, assessment, liaison and pastoral duties.

Teaching and learning

·  Modelling effective planning and teaching in the primary curriculum

·  Ensure that the teaching and learning policies and agreed approach is delivered accurately within the phase and the curriculum requirements are covered

·  Support the school vision of developing and implementing an engaging and dynamic creative curriculum

·  Set high standards for behaviour and discipline

·  Take responsibility for the development and monitoring of a key area for development

·  Engage in appropriate training opportunities to promote professional effectiveness.


·  Support staff to ensure that accurate teacher assessments are undertaken termly

·  Co-ordinate regular moderation of assessments

·  Review targets and progress, alongside other SLT members, to ensure progress is regularly monitors and appropriate interventions identified and implemented

·  Ensure data is compiled accurately for pupil performance reviews

·  Set challenging targets for pupils in your phase in collaboration with the Head Teacher and Deputy Headteacher

Monitoring and Evaluation

·  Ensure that specific phase policies and school policies are implemented and evaluated

·  Have an overview of achievement within the phase

·  Carry out lesson observations and/or drop-ins according to the school’s cycle

·  Carry out pupil progress meetings alongside other senior leaders


·  Support teachers to implement a positive behaviour agreed approach

·  Actively encourage and support all staff, providing advice, praise and assistance

·  Communicate clearly with parents on any pastoral issues as required, across the phase

·  Foster and develop an ethos of trust and care in order to create a healthy team approach

Management and Staffing

·  Develop staff within the phase and support them to raise standards

·  Develop positive working relationships with and between staff

·  Arrange phase meetings with a clear focus and an accurate record of minutes

·  Carry out the annual appraisal for some staff with support of the senior leadership team

Classroom Environment / Resources

·  Ensure high quality displays are evident in practise

·  Monitor the effectiveness/organisation of classroom resources and equipment

·  Make sure that classrooms and communal areas are kept tidy and fit for a learning environment


·  Liaise with other senior leaders to ensure whole school initiatives are monitored and evaluated

·  Work respectfully and effectively with other senior leaders to ensure effective communication throughout the school

·  Promote a positive image of the school within the local community

·  Work with the Head Teacher and governors in establishing priorities for expenditure and monitoring the effectiveness of spending and usage of resources with a view to achieving value for money

·  As required, liaise with the Governing Body and other Academy partners


·  Understand the safeguarding policy and procedures

·  Ensure that safeguarding procedures are followed by all staff

·  Ensure that all new staff go through an appropriate induction process which highlights safeguarding procedures


·  specific responsibilities to be agreed according to the requirements of the school .