Iota Lambda Sigma Honor Society
Grand Chapter Meeting
December 3, 2010
Las Vegas, Nevada
President Sue Anthony opened the meeting. The delegates were seated.
The Secretary’s report was handed out for embers to read. Tony Mileca made a motion to accept the minutes. Jerry Risinger seconded. Motion passed.
The treasurer’s report was handed out. Tony Mileca moved to accept the treasurer’s report. Jerry Risinger seconded. Motion passed.
Old Business
There was no old business to discuss.
New Business
A new webmaster was selected due to the retirement of David Netherton due to ill health. Mickey Koslowski, Alpha Rho Chapter has accepted the position.
NAC recommendations were given by Tony Mileca
#1It was recommended that Rhonda Hoyman be our representative to the National Policy Seminar for 2011 and that she be reimbursed the costs.
Motion passed
#2It was recommended that we honor David Netherton for his service as Webmaster, workforce Journal editor and his service to the Society. Gary Theil moved to accept and Sue Anthony seconded. Motion passed
#3It is recommended that Adam Viney, Alpha Gamma chapter be accepted as the next appointee to the board. Gary Theil moved to accept. Tommy Rhodes seconded. Motion passed
Tommy Rhodes moved to have ILS ribbons provided at no cost. Jerry Risinger seconded. A discussion followed. Jerrry Risinger called for the question. Motion passed
Lynn Cox suggested that the ILS staff look at redesigning the ILS ribbon to match other ribbons worn at the ACTE convention. Tommy Rhodes seconded. Motion passed.
The next item on the agenda was the memorial service for our deceased members. The following members were remembered.
Robert McAbee and Timothy WhittenSigma Chapter
George RobertTheta Chapter
Elmore GradyEpsilon Chapter
Carl TruxelNU Chapter
Rocco Bianco, Thomas Hunt and
Kenneth LimpertDelta Chapter
The awards were given out. The following received honors.
Workforce Developer of the year Adams Learning Resources LLC nominated by Epsilon Chapter
OutstandingMember of the YearTiffany Plato
Randall PeacockLifetime Achievement Award went to Tommy B. Rhodes
The red key award went to Epsilon chapter for 11 new members.
The officers were then installed in their new offices. Tommy Rhodes, President, Tony Mileca Vice President. Rhonda Hoyman NAC Chair and Adam Viney NAC Vice Chair and Sue Anthony as Past President.
Sue Anthony hen passed the gavel to Tommy Rhodes.
In closing Tommy issued a challenge to all to extend an opportunity to others and to dedicate this year to improving membership.
The meeting was adjourned
Respectfully Submitted,
Anna Skinner