Pre-Course Assignment – 325pts

Summer Reading Assignment

– Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition Class of 2016

Ø  You are to read and annotate one novel this summer:

·  Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley 268 pgs

Ø  In addition, you are to read and annotate the informational items listed below.

Pre-reading – before novel:

NOTE: All of the following are also available on my website in PDF format.

·  Lynch, Jack. “Close Reading.” Getting an A on an English Paper. Rutgers University,

Newark. 3pp.

·  Orman, Tracee. “How to read literature critically in 6 easy steps.” 2010. 1p.

·  Otten, Nick. “How and Why to Annotate a Book.” 2pp.

·  Background packet for the novel.

Ø  Read the assignment instructions very carefully. They explain how you will be graded and the expectations for these assignments. Summer reading is an individual assignment. Plagiarism of any kind or any student work copied or similar in nature will not be accepted, and each student involved will receive a zero for the assignment.

General requirements

·  Read the additional background notes and objectives in the background packet – you will be responsible for the content.

·  Annotate your Text as You Read (5 points each additional reading and 10 points each for background packet and the novel)

This will be checked on the first day of class.

·  Written assignments (blog posts, study questions, reader’s responses, and the essay) are to be submitted in one of the following ways:

o  in a word document attachment to an email sent to (I will acknowledge receipt in a return email)

o  uploaded to my website at (access teacher websites from the high school page)

o  mailed (post mark by due date) or hand delivered to the school (have secretary initial and date upon receipt).

·  In addition, quizzes and/or exams will be given over literary devices, vocabulary, and the novel during the first few classes in the fall.

Please note: Assignments may be submitted early; however, no late work will be accepted.

(Late begins at Midnight of the due date)

Assignment descriptions begin on next page

Assignment descriptions

Annotation 35pts

This is explained more thoroughly in the pre-reading articles, but basically you mark your text as you read, highlighting or underlining words, phrases, or sentences that stand out to you, and/or making notes directly on the text.

Blog Entries 50pts

These are less formal than the essay, but more formal than the reader’s responses. The first and last compositions are to be 300 words minimum with internal citations (MLA). The other two are responses to your classmates’ posts, and, although there is no word minimum, are expected to be respectful and demonstrate a well-thought-out reply. You will submit these to my blog on the website. Your first Deep Thought Composition is due before you read the novel (see “anticipation guide” assignment).

Reader’s Responses 60pts

·  You are to write an informal response for each part of the novel. 3 @ 20pts each

This is an informal paper graded for content

Each response should be roughly one page long minimum, typed and double-spaced

Label as reader’s response number one, two, or three

Identify over which specific portion of that section you are writing your response

§  An interesting passage, chapter, or entire section may be used as the focus of your response

You should refer to specific characters, language, or events from that section of the text in your response

Must also include your thoughts, insights, reactions, and/or questions about that section (this is the response part)

This is not a summary of what you’ve read, nor is it only your reactions and thoughts; it is a blend of both

Study Questions 150pts

The study questions are to enhance your comprehension and to prepare you for your essay, quizzes, exams, and class discussions. Answer thoroughly and with reference to text as needed (including citing page numbers)

Essay 30pts

please note: There are two versions of this assignment – a and B – which are exactly the same except for the essay prompts. Therefore, do not be surprised if a classmate has a different set of prompts. This is just to keep your instructor from going crazy from reading fifty-two versions of the same essay. (Trust me, this is to your advantage when I grade.)

Include a strong, clear thesis, and support with quotations from the novel which you cite as well as explain thoroughly.

Note: Remember the PEE Chain –

·  make a point to prove your thesis (minimum of 2 reasons your thesis is correct)

·  give evidence (quote or example) to prove your point (minimum of 4 properly cited quotes from novel included [2 for each point you make])

·  explain how your evidence proves your point

Please note: Assignments may be submitted early; however, no late work will be accepted.

(Late begins at Midnight of the due date)

Assignment due dates begin on next page

Due dates

Anticipation Guide

·  Pre-reading deep thought blog post May 31 (20pts)

·  Responses to classmates June 7 (5pts ea)

Preparatory Assignment – Before Reading Novel:

·  Read and annotate the background notes, Lynch, Orman, and Otten (I recommend starting with Otten)

o  Annotation will be checked on the first day of class (Wed 8/19 or Thu 8/20) – be sure to bring articles and notes with you.

Assignment #1 – Due Sunday, June 14, 2015

Chapter 1 through Chapter 6

·  Read and annotate chapter 1 through chapter 6 of Brave New World. (Annotation will be checked during first class)

o  annotation should prove helpful in preparing your reader’s responses and review for exams

·  Reader’s Response #1

·  Part One Study Questions #1-27

Assignment #2 – Due Sunday, June 28, 2015

Chapter 7 through Chapter 13

·  Read and annotate chapters 7 through 13 of Brave New World. (Annotation will be checked during first class)

·  Reader’s Response #2

·  Part Two Study Questions #28-50

Assignment #3 – Due Sunday, July 12, 2015

Chapter 14 through Chapter 18

·  Read and annotate chapters 14 through 18 of Brave New World. (Annotation will be checked during first class)

·  Reader’s Response #3

·  Part Three Study Questions #51-61 (#62 due first week of class)

Essay: Due Sunday, July 19, 2015 (choose and respond to one prompt)

Anticipation Guide

·  Post-reading deep thought composition (20pts) due Aug 2, 2015

Essay Prompts


Choose and respond thoroughly to one:

1.  Consider the motto of the world order: “Community, Identity, Stability.” How does this motto relate to the events in the story?

2.  Does the idea of controlled breeding seem feasible to you in today’s world? How would you argue to support or refute such an idea?

3.  In what way are both children and adults conditioned to respond in our society?

4.  Compare and contrast the following sets of characters:

a.  Benard Marx and Helmholtz Watson

b.  Lenina and John, the savage

c.  John, the savage, and Mustapha Mund


Choose and respond thoroughly to one:

1.  Point out why critics consider this novel to be a novel of ideas, and point out three ways Huxley presents his ideas to the reader.

2.  Why may some readers be attracted to Huxley’s New World while others are repulsed? Point out what is gained in this world and what price is paid for these gains.

3.  There is great emphasis today on the lack of values in our society and the importance of teaching them in school. What difference, if any, is there between teaching and inculcating values? What are your thoughts on teaching values?

4.  What is the function of sex, sports, and soma in the New World?

Please note: Assignments may be submitted early; however, no late work will be accepted.

(Late begins at Midnight of the due date)