Spiritual Counselors
Training Manual
Table of Contents
SECTION A- Introduction
- How to Use This Manual A-1
- We Welcome You to HLC with The Seven Spiritual Truths A-2
- What is Holistic Spiritual Counseling? A-6
- What Are Original Belief Methods (OBM)? A-7
- The Purpose of OBM Self-Mastery Process A-8
- How does Original Belief Methods Works? A-9
- HLC Spiritual By-Laws A-11
- Why Namaste is part of our LOGO! A-12
- Holistic Spiritual Counselors Poem A-13
- Holistic Spiritual Counselors Oath A-14
- Seven Disciplines of Holistic Spiritual Counselors A-15
- Student Agreement A-17
- Counselor-In-Training Agreement A-18
- Mission of Holistic Spiritual Counselors A-21
- Mission of HLC Corporation A-22
- HLC Executives Teams Primary Goals & Intentions A-23
- How To Build An Abundant Holistic Practice (Elective Course) A-24
SECTION B- Holistic Spiritual Counselors Course-
1. Course Mission Statement and Objectives B-1
2. Lesson One: How Belief Systems are Formed B-2
3. Lesson Two: The Creation/Dis-Creation Cycle B-4
4. Lesson Three: The Power of Presence & Spiritual Distinction Meditation B-7
5. Lesson Four: Original Belief Methods! B-17
Table of Contents B-21
- Clean Mind Process B-23
- Inner Child Processes B-32
- Corrective Exercises B-65
6. Lesson Five: How to Grade & Give a Holistic Profile B-92
- Lesson Six: How to Deliver your Clients INTRO SESSION B-100
- Lesson Seven: How to facilitate a Client thru 1st 4-sessions of OBM A-102
- Holistic Spiritual Counselors Study Guide & Final Exam Questions A-105
- Certification Requirements A-116
- Holistic Spiritual Counselors Four Options After Graduation A-117
1.Commitment Poem C-1
2. Fundamentals Poem C-2
3. Work At Your Passion Worksheet C-3
4. The How & Why of Intention & Attention Creating! C-4
5. Primary Objectives for Certification- CHECKLIST C-7
6. Secondary Objectives for Certification- CHECKLIST C-8
7. Six Month Action Plan for Certification Completion C-8
- One Year Action Plan for Certification C-11
- Six Month GOAL BOARD for Certification Completion C-13
10. One Year GOAL BOARD for Certification Completion C-14
11. Life Planners- Planning Meeting A & B C-15
12. Case supervisor CHECKLIST Report C-19
13. Unconscious Avoidance of F.E.A.R. C-21
14. HLC – Terminology C-27
15. Discipline Poem C-33
SECTION D- Duties & Responsibilities
of a Private holistic Practice
1. Private Practice Organizational Chart D-1
2. Private Practice Duties & Responsibilities D-2
a. Administration D-2
b. Sales & Marketing D-2
c. Quality Control D-2
SECTION E- The Nature of Building
a private Practice
- Nature of Building an Holistic Practice E-1
- RightSteps-RightTools-RightState of MIND! E-1
- Your Holistic practice is a BUSINESS! E-2
- Joint Venture Programs E-3
SECTION F- Launching a private Practice
1. Selecting a Legal Name for your Practice F-1
2. Establishing a Legal Entity F-1
3. Obtaining Professional Assistance F-7
4. Estimated Cost to Launch Your Practice F-7
SECTION G- Ethics, Legalities,
Counselors Self-Care
1. High Legal Risk Situations G-1
2. Ethical Issues G-3
3. Holistic Spiritual Counselors Self-Care G-3
4. Tough Intervention Calls G-6
SECTION H- The Art of Handling
Clients & Co-Workers
1. Things to remember when starting a conversation H-1
2. Secret Motivators of People H-1
3. Argument Guidelines H-2
4. Leadership & Business Conversations H-2
5. Orders for Giving Orders H-2
6. How to Correct a Mistake in a Positive Manner H-3
7. How to make an Average Employee a Superior One H-4
8. How to get Accurate Answers to your Questions H-5
9. How to Improve your Listening Habits H-5
10Guidelines for Handling Gripes and Complaints H-6
11Communication Nutshells H-6
Section I- SpiritualT.E.A.M.Building
Introduction: Lessons from GEESE! I-1
- HLC Spiritual By-Laws I-2
- Loving Relationships I-3
- Fair-fight Rules I-4
- Respons-Ability Communication I-5
- Inner Child Permission Rules I-8
- TEAMBuilding I-9
7. Brain Storming I-10
1.Public Speaking Preparations Summarized J-1
2. How to get your Point Across J-2
3. Speakers Rating System J-4
4. Practice, Practice, Practice! J-6
- Time Management, the best keep Secret of the Rich K-1
a. The Time Formula K-2
b. Typical Time Management Problems K-3
c. Time Management Basics K-3
d. Priortize-Categorize-Schedule K-3
2. The X- Graph K-6
3. Using a Day-Timer K-7
4. Time by Arnold Bennett K-7
SECTION L- Advanced Processes and Exercises
- Disabling Beliefs Process (for long term, chronic beliefs)
- The Metaphysics of How Holistic Spiritual Counselors Works!
- Observing Clients Physical Manifestations
- De-Accessing Clients
- De-Accessing by Observing Physical Manifestations DRILL
- Permeation Process for Holistic Spiritual Counselors
- Parental Process (to Validate Abuse & Understand Parental Idealization)
- Sentence Completions for Negative MONEY BELIEFS
- Your Word as Law Process
- Presence Process
- Increase Client’s Positive Mood Level Process
- Recovery of Client’s Personal Importance Process
SECTION M- Spiritual Prescriptions
- How to do Spiritual Prescriptions M-1
- Spiritual Prescriptions Table of Contents M-1
- A Sample of Spiritual Prescriptions M-enclosed
1. Compare HLC Tuition with other Schools APX-1
2. Feel Better Guarantee APX-2
- Client Refrigerator Pieces APX-3
- Why Self-Improvement Seminars “ALONE” Don’t Work APX-8
5. One reason… Clients Quit Session! APX-15
6. The Clean Mind process… Difference! (Maieutic vs. Didactic) APX-16
7. Instant Evaluation form for HSC Training Classes APX-17
8. CIT Introduction Workshop Evaluation Forms APX-18
9. Atonement, Creation & Emotional Healing APX-19
10. Recommended Reading & Tape List for Building a Practice APX-20
11. Fact Facts About Beliefs APX-21
12. Jim Rohn;
Adversity APX-25
13. Joseph Hu Dalconzo;
a. Recruiting Key Personnel APX-26
b. A Leaders Prayer APX-27
- Why Haven’t We Heard From You? APX-28
- Affirmations for Building your Practice APX-29
- Failure by Robert Schuller APX-31
- Five pages of the HLC, Inc. Business Plan APX-33
- Do You Want to be a Member of the HLC T.E.A.M? APX-38
- The Common Dominator of Success, by Mr. Gray APX-38
- Achievement, by James Allen APX-40
- Why Listening to Cassettes can Help You Build Your Practice! APX-40
- The Seven Levels of Reality APX-41
- Six Reasons why Client’s go Unconscious & Quit Session APX-43
- Is My client Accessed or Is it Unhealed Caseload? APX-44
- Inner Child Affirmations APX-45
- Marketing for Client’s Needs to be a… PROCESS! APX-49
- Love is ONE! APX-50
- Counselor Sales & Administration Forms APX-53-56
- Three OBM Intentions APX-57
- OBM Testimonials APX-58
- 7-Day cancellation Policy APX-59
- Creation/Dis-Creation Series; APX-60
a. Why Affirmations ‘ALONE” Don’t Work! APX-60
b. Pre-Mature Positive Thinking APX-62
c. Creation/Dis-Creation Process APX-64
33. Why Is This Happening to me… AGAIN Series? APX-68
a. Ascension/Crash Syndrome APX-68
b. How Identities Are Formed APX-69
c. Unconscious Involuntary Replication APX-72
34. Spirituality, Creation and Money Beliefs Series; APX-74
a. Spirituality and Money Beliefs (Part 1) APX-74
b. Spirituality and Money Beliefs (Part 2) APX-76
c. The Creation begins on the Spiritual Plane APX-79
d. Self-Mastery and Spiritual Creation APX-81
e. Seven Steps to Self-Empowerment APX-83
f. The Creation/Dis-Creation Process (short version) APX-85
35. Sample CIT Book Report APX-87
- Sample CIT Dharmic Theisis APX-
- Louise Hay Question’s for neophyte client’s APX-
- Happy/Sad OBM face! APX-
- Loving Relationships Series;
- Loving Relationships I-3
- Response-Ability Communication I-5
- Fair-Fight Rules I-4
- Boundaries and Loving Relationships B-85
- Spiritual By-Laws I-2
- Inner Child Permission Rules B-60
- Love is ONE! APX-50
- Holistic Profile Blue/Green Analysis sheets APX-enclosed
- Profile Grading Transparency’s APX-enclosed
- Letterhead;
- HLC HSC Letterhead APX-enclosed
- HLC Advanced Training Letterhead APX-enclosed
43. Client/CIT Consent Form APX-enclosed
44. Sentence Completions for negative MONEY BELIEFS L-7
45. Unconscious “F” Process APX-enclosed
46. Unconscious Boxes Process APX-enclosed
47. Definition page of Pain, Source, Knowledge APX-
48. Three Onions Page APX-enclosed
49. Mind the Master Jailer APX-
50. Dis-Creations Recording Page APX-enclosed
51. Ah! Recording Page APX-enclosed
52. A Book for the MIND! APX-
53. Holistic profile training handouts APX-
54. Self-Mastery Commitment Form APX-
1509 Lakeside Drive So., Forked River, New Jersey, 08731 (609) 693-7897, Fax (609) 971-3093