Spiritual Counselors

Training Manual

Table of Contents

SECTION A- Introduction
  1. How to Use This Manual A-1
  2. We Welcome You to HLC with The Seven Spiritual Truths A-2
  3. What is Holistic Spiritual Counseling? A-6
  4. What Are Original Belief Methods (OBM)? A-7
  5. The Purpose of OBM Self-Mastery Process A-8
  6. How does Original Belief Methods Works? A-9
  7. HLC Spiritual By-Laws A-11
  8. Why Namaste is part of our LOGO! A-12
  9. Holistic Spiritual Counselors Poem A-13
  10. Holistic Spiritual Counselors Oath A-14
  11. Seven Disciplines of Holistic Spiritual Counselors A-15
  12. Student Agreement A-17
  13. Counselor-In-Training Agreement A-18
  14. Mission of Holistic Spiritual Counselors A-21
  15. Mission of HLC Corporation A-22
  16. HLC Executives Teams Primary Goals & Intentions A-23
  17. How To Build An Abundant Holistic Practice (Elective Course) A-24
SECTION B- Holistic Spiritual Counselors Course-

1. Course Mission Statement and Objectives B-1

2. Lesson One: How Belief Systems are Formed B-2

3. Lesson Two: The Creation/Dis-Creation Cycle B-4

4. Lesson Three: The Power of Presence & Spiritual Distinction Meditation B-7

5. Lesson Four: Original Belief Methods! B-17

Table of Contents B-21

  1. Clean Mind Process B-23
  2. Inner Child Processes B-32
  3. Corrective Exercises B-65

6. Lesson Five: How to Grade & Give a Holistic Profile B-92

  1. Lesson Six: How to Deliver your Clients INTRO SESSION B-100
  2. Lesson Seven: How to facilitate a Client thru 1st 4-sessions of OBM A-102
  3. Holistic Spiritual Counselors Study Guide & Final Exam Questions A-105
  4. Certification Requirements A-116
  5. Holistic Spiritual Counselors Four Options After Graduation A-117

1.Commitment Poem C-1

2. Fundamentals Poem C-2

3. Work At Your Passion Worksheet C-3

4. The How & Why of Intention & Attention Creating! C-4

5. Primary Objectives for Certification- CHECKLIST C-7

6. Secondary Objectives for Certification- CHECKLIST C-8

7. Six Month Action Plan for Certification Completion C-8

  1. One Year Action Plan for Certification C-11
  2. Six Month GOAL BOARD for Certification Completion C-13

10. One Year GOAL BOARD for Certification Completion C-14

11. Life Planners- Planning Meeting A & B C-15

12. Case supervisor CHECKLIST Report C-19

13. Unconscious Avoidance of F.E.A.R. C-21

14. HLC – Terminology C-27

15. Discipline Poem C-33

SECTION D- Duties & Responsibilities

of a Private holistic Practice

1. Private Practice Organizational Chart D-1

2. Private Practice Duties & Responsibilities D-2

a. Administration D-2

b. Sales & Marketing D-2

c. Quality Control D-2

SECTION E- The Nature of Building
a private Practice
  1. Nature of Building an Holistic Practice E-1
  2. RightSteps-RightTools-RightState of MIND! E-1
  3. Your Holistic practice is a BUSINESS! E-2
  4. Joint Venture Programs E-3

SECTION F- Launching a private Practice

1. Selecting a Legal Name for your Practice F-1

2. Establishing a Legal Entity F-1

3. Obtaining Professional Assistance F-7

4. Estimated Cost to Launch Your Practice F-7

SECTION G- Ethics, Legalities,

Counselors Self-Care

1. High Legal Risk Situations G-1

2. Ethical Issues G-3

3. Holistic Spiritual Counselors Self-Care G-3

4. Tough Intervention Calls G-6

SECTION H- The Art of Handling

Clients & Co-Workers

1. Things to remember when starting a conversation H-1

2. Secret Motivators of People H-1

3. Argument Guidelines H-2

4. Leadership & Business Conversations H-2

5. Orders for Giving Orders H-2

6. How to Correct a Mistake in a Positive Manner H-3

7. How to make an Average Employee a Superior One H-4

8. How to get Accurate Answers to your Questions H-5

9. How to Improve your Listening Habits H-5

10Guidelines for Handling Gripes and Complaints H-6

11Communication Nutshells H-6

Section I- SpiritualT.E.A.M.Building

Introduction: Lessons from GEESE! I-1

  1. HLC Spiritual By-Laws I-2
  2. Loving Relationships I-3
  3. Fair-fight Rules I-4
  4. Respons-Ability Communication I-5
  5. Inner Child Permission Rules I-8
  6. TEAMBuilding I-9

7. Brain Storming I-10


1.Public Speaking Preparations Summarized J-1

2. How to get your Point Across J-2

3. Speakers Rating System J-4

4. Practice, Practice, Practice! J-6

  1. Time Management, the best keep Secret of the Rich K-1

a. The Time Formula K-2

b. Typical Time Management Problems K-3

c. Time Management Basics K-3

d. Priortize-Categorize-Schedule K-3

2. The X- Graph K-6

3. Using a Day-Timer K-7

4. Time by Arnold Bennett K-7

SECTION L- Advanced Processes and Exercises
  1. Disabling Beliefs Process (for long term, chronic beliefs)
  2. The Metaphysics of How Holistic Spiritual Counselors Works!
  3. Observing Clients Physical Manifestations
  4. De-Accessing Clients
  5. De-Accessing by Observing Physical Manifestations DRILL
  6. Permeation Process for Holistic Spiritual Counselors
  7. Parental Process (to Validate Abuse & Understand Parental Idealization)
  8. Sentence Completions for Negative MONEY BELIEFS
  9. Your Word as Law Process
  10. Presence Process
  11. Increase Client’s Positive Mood Level Process
  12. Recovery of Client’s Personal Importance Process
SECTION M- Spiritual Prescriptions
  1. How to do Spiritual Prescriptions M-1
  2. Spiritual Prescriptions Table of Contents M-1
  3. A Sample of Spiritual Prescriptions M-enclosed

1. Compare HLC Tuition with other Schools APX-1

2. Feel Better Guarantee APX-2

  1. Client Refrigerator Pieces APX-3
  2. Why Self-Improvement Seminars “ALONE” Don’t Work APX-8

5. One reason… Clients Quit Session! APX-15

6. The Clean Mind process… Difference! (Maieutic vs. Didactic) APX-16

7. Instant Evaluation form for HSC Training Classes APX-17

8. CIT Introduction Workshop Evaluation Forms APX-18

9. Atonement, Creation & Emotional Healing APX-19

10. Recommended Reading & Tape List for Building a Practice APX-20

11. Fact Facts About Beliefs APX-21

12. Jim Rohn;

Adversity APX-25

13. Joseph Hu Dalconzo;

a. Recruiting Key Personnel APX-26

b. A Leaders Prayer APX-27

  1. Why Haven’t We Heard From You? APX-28
  2. Affirmations for Building your Practice APX-29
  3. Failure by Robert Schuller APX-31
  4. Five pages of the HLC, Inc. Business Plan APX-33
  5. Do You Want to be a Member of the HLC T.E.A.M? APX-38
  6. The Common Dominator of Success, by Mr. Gray APX-38
  7. Achievement, by James Allen APX-40
  8. Why Listening to Cassettes can Help You Build Your Practice! APX-40
  9. The Seven Levels of Reality APX-41
  10. Six Reasons why Client’s go Unconscious & Quit Session APX-43
  11. Is My client Accessed or Is it Unhealed Caseload? APX-44
  12. Inner Child Affirmations APX-45
  13. Marketing for Client’s Needs to be a… PROCESS! APX-49
  14. Love is ONE! APX-50
  15. Counselor Sales & Administration Forms APX-53-56
  16. Three OBM Intentions APX-57
  17. OBM Testimonials APX-58
  18. 7-Day cancellation Policy APX-59
  1. Creation/Dis-Creation Series; APX-60

a. Why Affirmations ‘ALONE” Don’t Work! APX-60

b. Pre-Mature Positive Thinking APX-62

c. Creation/Dis-Creation Process APX-64

33. Why Is This Happening to me… AGAIN Series? APX-68

a. Ascension/Crash Syndrome APX-68

b. How Identities Are Formed APX-69

c. Unconscious Involuntary Replication APX-72

34. Spirituality, Creation and Money Beliefs Series; APX-74

a. Spirituality and Money Beliefs (Part 1) APX-74

b. Spirituality and Money Beliefs (Part 2) APX-76

c. The Creation begins on the Spiritual Plane APX-79

d. Self-Mastery and Spiritual Creation APX-81

e. Seven Steps to Self-Empowerment APX-83

f. The Creation/Dis-Creation Process (short version) APX-85

35. Sample CIT Book Report APX-87

  1. Sample CIT Dharmic Theisis APX-
  2. Louise Hay Question’s for neophyte client’s APX-
  3. Happy/Sad OBM face! APX-
  4. Loving Relationships Series;
  1. Loving Relationships I-3
  2. Response-Ability Communication I-5
  3. Fair-Fight Rules I-4
  4. Boundaries and Loving Relationships B-85
  5. Spiritual By-Laws I-2
  6. Inner Child Permission Rules B-60
  7. Love is ONE! APX-50
  1. Holistic Profile Blue/Green Analysis sheets APX-enclosed
  2. Profile Grading Transparency’s APX-enclosed
  3. Letterhead;
  1. HLC HSC Letterhead APX-enclosed
  2. HLC Advanced Training Letterhead APX-enclosed

43. Client/CIT Consent Form APX-enclosed

44. Sentence Completions for negative MONEY BELIEFS L-7

45. Unconscious “F” Process APX-enclosed

46. Unconscious Boxes Process APX-enclosed

47. Definition page of Pain, Source, Knowledge APX-

48. Three Onions Page APX-enclosed

49. Mind the Master Jailer APX-

50. Dis-Creations Recording Page APX-enclosed

51. Ah! Recording Page APX-enclosed

52. A Book for the MIND! APX-

53. Holistic profile training handouts APX-

54. Self-Mastery Commitment Form APX-

1509 Lakeside Drive So., Forked River, New Jersey, 08731 (609) 693-7897, Fax (609) 971-3093