Chapeltown Arts Festival 2016 Proposal Form

The Chapeltown Arts Festival will be taking place from Monday 4th – Sunday 10th July 2016. The planning group will be applying for funding for some elements of the festival in the hope that we get as many projects, activities and events taking place over the week as possible to celebrate the wealth of creativity in the area and showcasing Chapeltown’s finest artistic talent. We also anticipate that some groups or individuals will already have funding for projects or activities but would like them to sit under the Chapeltown Arts Festival banner and be included in the festival programme.

Please fill in the proposal form below and indicate what type of activity you are planning and the funding arrangements you have in place or are thinking about as part of the Chapeltown Arts Festival 2016 programme.

Proposals must be submitted by:

Monday 7th December to be considered for the larger funding application

Monday 8th February if you have/are intending to secure your own funding

Name: / Phone:
Event title: / Type of Proposal:
E.g. exhibition, event, talk, performance, workshop etc

Please tick a box:

☐Have received funding from …………………………………………………………………………

☐Will be applying for funding in coming months.

☐Would like to be considered for Chapeltown Arts Festival 2016larger funding application.

☐Do not need any funding to deliver activity or event or is self funded.

Proposed event dates & times:

Monday 4th☐From:To:

Tuesday 5th☐From:To:

Wednesday 6th☐From:To:

Thursday 7th☐From:To:

Friday 8th☐From:To:

Saturday 9th☐From:To:

Sunday 10th☐From:To:

Venue of event:
This does not have to be confirmed but please let us know who you have approached or any arrangements made or what venues you have in mind.
Event description:
(Max 200 words)
(Please describe your target audience if you have one, eg. age group)
(Max 100 words)
Budget (if funding is required)
Please breakdown how much you think your project or event will cost to deliver.
Things to consider when making your budget –
Materials, assistants, rental of equipment or venues, travel, publicity, marketing, printing.
Your fee (which you should decide depending on the how much time the work will take and how much work is involved)
An optional 10% 'contingency', listed This allows for a limited overspend should you need it.
Ticket price (if applicable) / £ . per adult / £ . per child / Free ticket
Ticket concessions:
Details of where tickets can be obtained:
The Chapeltown Arts Festival has the following aims & objectives:
  • To support artistic and creative talent in Chapeltown.
  • To showcase Chapeltown as one of the art centres of Leeds and be recognised as such nationally and internationally.
  • To support emerging, mid career and established artists to exhibit or perform their work.
  • To utilise the arts to develop community participation in the festival and its associated events.
  • To attract new audiences and visitors from the city and region wide.
  • To retain and develop an audience from within Chapeltown.
  • To build community cohesion by engaging individuals, groups, businesses and organisations and creating new partnerships/collaborations/networks.
  • To develop a sustainable strategy for the festival whereby the positive gains are not lost but are used as building blocks for future art festivals and events in Chapeltown.
Please note that all activities during the week of the festival must take place within the Chapeltown area.
Please consider how your event meets one or more of these aims and objectives and briefly explain how:
(max 200 words)