Rebecca Place Communications Coordinator

TESOL-SPAIN Submission Guidelines

TESOL-SPAIN began two new publishing ventures in 2012, the e-Newsletter and the Convention Proceedings and 2013 saw the launch of the TESOL-SPAIN Academic Journal.

·  The e-Newsletter is a monthly, digital publication sent out to all of our members. It contains news, reviews and articles with a practical focus for teachers of English to speakers of other languages (ISSN 2255-0356).

Past publications are accessible exclusively on the Members

Only section of our website

·  The Convention Proceedings is an annually published volume of selected papers and plenary lectures presented at the TESOL-SPAIN’s national Convention.

Our first Convention Proceedings was published in collaboration with the Universidad de Deusto (ISBN 978-84-9830-356-8).

·  The Academic Journal aims to be a peer-refereed knowledge dissemination publication which links the works of TESOL-based academics and materials writers to students of applied linguistics, teachers, trainers, trainees and other researchers. Our primary aim is to provide a global forum for people to share their research, or an aspect of it, and encourage discussion of its impact on language pedagogy. The objective of the journal is to bridge the gap between the field of Applied Linguistics and class praxis. Other fundamental goals include providing up-dated information about the latest trends, techniques, materials and methodologies employed in EFL teaching and to exchange experiences and publications between research teams both on a national and international level.


Contributions should be sent as an e-mail attachment (Word doc.) to Rebecca Place at .

All articles are submitted for blind review together with a cover letter including:

(1) The title of the contribution

(2) The name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s)

(3) Contact details: name and e-mail address (Please specify whether or not you are happy to have your contact details published with your contribution)

(4) A brief paragraph of biographical information (50 words max. per author)

(5) Pictures (optional) (.jpg document).

You may contact the Editorial Team at any time to discuss possible submissions. We have a rolling deadline for submissions, distributed as follows:


- 25th of previous month for news items

- articles and reviews will be proofread and published when appropriate

Convention Proceedings

- 15th May

Academic Journal

- 30th September


The following policies apply to all submissions:

·  Since manuscripts are submitted for blind review, all identifying information should be removed from the body of the paper and should be included in the cover letter.

·  Authors will receive an acknowledgment message when we receive your submission and another message with the results of the review.

·  All TESOL-SPAIN authors receive a contributors’ copy of the issue in which their work appears (digital or paper as relevant)

·  The Editorial Board of TESOL-SPAIN reserve the right to make editorial changes in any manuscript accepted for publication for the sake of style or clarity. If major changes are deemed necessary, either the article will be returned for amending, or the edited version will be sent for the author’s approval.

·  The views expressed by contributors to TESOL-SPAIN publications do not necessarily reflect those of the Editorial Board or Executive Board of TESOL-SPAIN. Material published by TESOL-SPAIN should not be construed as having the endorsement of TESOL-SPAIN.

·  Authors of accepted manuscripts will assign to TESOL-SPAIN the right to

electronically distribute their article, but authors will retain copyright and, after publication by TESOL-SPAIN, authors may republish their text (in print and/or electronic form) as long as they clearly acknowledge TESOL-SPAIN as the original publisher.


We recommend authors follow the style guidelines laid out in

Format requirements: Font / Font size: Arial 12

Articles for the Convention Proceedings and Academic Journal should be no longer than 8,000 words and include a brief abstract (approximately 40 words),

an introduction and a concluding section or paragraph.

Articles for the e-Newsletter should be no longer than 2,000 words (including references, notes, and tables) and may contain hyperlinks to the author’s blog, etc.

Book and software reviews for the e-Newsletter should be approximately 1,000 words long and include the following information:

Book title

Author (year of publication)


Total number of pages

ISBN number


Publisher and Contact Information



Minimum System Requirements for PC/Mac Support

Cost of Individual and Site License

Reports for the e-Newsletter written by members on conferences or interesting experiences should be approximately 500 words long. The conferences or experiences are not limited to those sponsored by TESOL-SPAIN and our affiliates but should be relevant to the interests of our members and our mission.

Publishers’ descriptions of recent publications in ELT and related fields for the e-Newsletter should be approximately 50-100 words long and include publishing details and a picture of the book in jpg format.

Teaching Tips written for the e-Newsletter describing an effective activity or technique in a short and practical manner should be approximately 200 words long and may include photos and hyperlinks to relevant blogs or websites.

Thank you for collaborating with TESOL-SPAIN!