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<Insert here a small abstract detailing the key contribution of the paper>
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1.1.Second level of heading
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1.2.Figures and tables
Figure and Table will be cited in the text as Figure XX and Table XX. Each figure and table will get a legend under it. For example, we provide in Figure 1 and example of a mark and in Table 1 the measures obtained. You may take advantage of the Insert –> Caption… option of Word.
Figure 1: Legend of the figure
Table 1: Legend of the table
The figures or tables can be directly inserted in the text. Take care to provide high-quality images or drawings.
References will be cited in the text as (Blain, 1996) with the reference given in the reference section. Multiple authors will be cited as (Blain et al. 1996), with the reference giving the names of all the authors.
The formatting style used for the references is APA 6th edition.
Examples are given below for:
- A paper in a published journal(Swofford et al., 2018)
- A book (Olsen, 1978)
- A chapter in a book (Neumann, 2012)
- A conference proceedings (Wilkinson, 1996)
- A thesis (Langenburg, 2012)
- References from same author(s) and sharing the same year are distinguished with letters after the year(Dominick et al., 2009a, 2009b)
Dominick, A. J., Nic Daéid, N., Bleay, S. M., & Sears, V. (2009a). The recoverability of fingerprints on paper exposed to elevated temperatures - part 1: comparison of enhancement techniques. Journal of Forensic Identification, 59(3), 325-339.
Dominick, A. J., Nic Daéid, N., Bleay, S. M., & Sears, V. (2009b). The recoverability of fingerprints on paper exposed to elevated temperatures - part 2: natural fluorescence. Journal of Forensic Identification, 59(3), 340-355.
Langenburg, G. (2012). A Critical Analysis and Study of the ACE-V Process. (PhD), University of Lausanne, Lausanne.
Neumann, C. (2012). Statistics and Probabilities as a Means to Support Fingerprint Examination. In R. S. Ramotowski (Ed.), Lee and Gaensslen's Advances in Fingerprint Technology (3rd ed., pp. 407-452). Boca Raton: CRC Press.
Olsen, R. D. (1978). Scott's Fingerprint Mechanics. Springfield (Ill.): Charles C. Thomas.
Swofford, H. J., Koertner, A. J., Zemp, F., Ausdemore, M., Liu, A., & Salyards, M. J. (2018). A method for the statistical interpretation of friction ridge skin impression evidence: Method development and validation. Forensic Science International, 287, 113-126. doi:
Wilkinson, D. (1996). One-Step Fluorescent Method for Lipid Fingerprints. In J. Almog & E. Springer (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fingerprint Detection and Identification (pp. 79-83). Ne’urim, Israel, June 26-30, 1995: Israel National Police.