HELD August 2ndrd, 2017
A public meeting of the Arizona Geographic Information Council’s sUAS work group was convened at 1:00 pm on May 3rd, 2017 at the Arizona State Land Department, 1616 West Adams Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 in Room 215 and the following members were in attendance.
Brady, Brian – Yuma
Gene Trobia
Bridget Johanning - BOR
Robert Davis – The Quiet Creek
Colman, Tim – ASLD
Jared Zeigler – Cooper Aerial
Pulford, Curtis – ASLD
Jonathan Gholson - MCAS
· Meeting was called to order at 1:03 pm
· Logistics Planning for the AGIC Education and Training Symposium 1:03 pm
o Steve Whitney (conference committee) has received approval from the hotel to use site “A” on Robert Davis’s site assessment.
o Robert Davis provided an overview of the assessment.
o The workgroup was in agreement that AGIC will not authorize flights occurring during the conference and that each “Pilot In Command” (PIC) shall be responsible for all aspects of their own mission(s).
o Robert made the point that flights provided by commercial entities fall under Part 107 as it is in furtherance of a business.
o Gene is going to check to ensure that the flight area to the east is still within the confines of the resort so that no additional permissions would be required.
o We discussed making all the data collected available on-line so that conference participants can review the results of the flights.
o It was restated by both Gene and Curtis that while that seeing the vehicles is the exciting part for most, the products are what is important.
o Gene requested we check that flying east of the parking lot is acceptable to fly off to the east and that we can cordon off parking spaces on the south east corner of site “A”.
o Gene stated that the demos are not part of the normal sUAS tract and that current plan is for the demo’s to occur on sometime on Thursday and preferably in the morning to avoid adverse weather.
o Gene would like for our social outreach to highlight the Thursday morning demonstrations in order to attract more conference attendees.
o Gene requested following up with Richard Lawrence to determine if his presentation is a hand’s on lab and will folks be able to use their own laptop.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:57 pm