AP Physics 1

First Semester Review of EVERYTHING I learned J


·  The general relationship between position, velocity, and acceleration:

o  I can analyze x vs. t, v vs. t, and a vs. t graphs. I know the significance of the slope.

·  I know 4 main kinematics equations:

·  A vector is:

o  The rules for adding and subtracting vectors:

o  I know how to find a resultant vector using Pythagorean Theorem or trig to find either a side or an angle:

·  I know how to use my 4 kinematics equations to solve problems in 2 dimensions:

o  My 3 main “projectile” formulas:

o  Velocity and acceleration in x-direction vs. y-direction:

o  Steps for solving projectiles questions with an initial velocity:

o  Basic picture of a projectile with velocity and acceleration vectors:


·  Newton’s Three Laws:

o  1st –

o  2nd –

o  3rd –

·  Net force means:

·  If there is NO NET FORCE on an object, then the object is doing 1 of 2 things:

o  The object is

o  Or the object is

·  I can draw a well-labeled free body diagram, for example:

·  I know the steps for solving force problems…

o  Hanging stop light questions:

o  Pulley (Atwood) questions:

o  Pulley on Table questions:

o  Pulley on Ramp questions:

·  When I sum my forces, I know that I can set them equal to 1 of 2 things:

o  =

o  =

·  Friction is:

o  I know about 2 types of friction and when each apply:

o  What the coefficient of friction means:

o  Formula for Frictional Force:

o  I can figure out when an object will start to slip, for example:

·  Terminal Velocity is:

o  I can calculate terminal velocity, for example:

·  Action-Reaction Pairs are:

·  A great picture for remembering equal and opposite forces is:


·  Work is:

o  Work is positive when:

o  Work is negative when:

o  Work is zero when:

o  2 Formulas for Work:

·  I can calculate work from a graph, for example:

·  Work-Energy Theorem is represented by this equation:

o  Example problem:

o  I know that I have to find the ______on an object before finding the NET WORK done on an object.

o  If I want to find the work done by a specific force, I use the component of that force in the direction of movement and work equation.

§  Example:

o  I can figure out the stopping distance needed for an object using the Work-Energy Theorem.

§  Example:

o  If an object is moving at a CONSTANT VELOCITY, then the NET WORK is ______.

§  BUT, work is still done on the object by the individual forces, for example:

·  More formulas for this chapter:

o  Work

o  Kinetic Energy

o  Gravitational Potential Energy

o  Elastic Potential Energy

o  Hooke’s Law

·  Law of Conservation of Energy:

o  I can use conservation of energy to solve problems in situations such as:

§  Atwood’s machine (simple pulley)

§  Pendulums (including ballistic pendulum)

§  Hanging Mass-Spring systems

§  Objects that slide and compress springs

§  Objects that change heights

·  Power is:

o  4 Formulas for power:

o  When a person is lifting themselves up (as in going up a flight of stairs), the force I use in the power equation is ______.

o  When calculating the power needed to lift something up, the force I use in the power equation is______.

o  When I calculate AVERAGE POWER, then I need to use AVERAGE VELOCITY.


·  Formulas:

o  Momentum:

o  Impulse:

o  Impulse-Momentum Theorem:

o  Conservation of Momentum:

·  I can use graphs to solve momentum questions, for example:

o  1 type of collision in which the objects return to their original shape is:______

§  After colliding, the objects ______

§  Momentum is ______(conserved or not conserved?)

§  Kinetic Energy is ______

o  Another type of collision where the objects deform or where significant heat is created is ______

§  After colliding, the objects can either ______or ______. If the objects have identical velocities after the collision, it is said to be a ______collision.

§  Momentum is ______

§  Kinetic Energy is ______

·  I can find the loss of energy in a collision by:

·  Impulse is equal to D______or F______. Airbags work by increasing ______and thus reducing ______on the occupant. An airbag (does, does not?) reduce impulse.

·  Sample problem for 2 cars colliding in one and two dimensions.

·  Sample problem for the change in momentum of an object produced by a force on that object exerted over a period of time.