Objective # 1: TSW describe community agencies that campaign for healthy individual, families, and communities so that, given time, research materials, and a specific organization to research, tsw write a report on the organization. The report should include the name of the organization, the purpose of the organization, two principal fund-raising methods, the address, telephone number and, if appropriate, web page address of the national and local offices for the organization. The report should include at least one way in which the student believes they could assist the organization or benefit from the organization.
Directions to students: Students, one of your assignments for this unit will be to write a report on a community agency that campaign for healthy individuals, families, and/or communities. Your report should be word-processed and include, as a minimum, the following information: the name of the organization, its purpose, and two principle methods for fundraising. For both the local and national offices, provide information on the address, telephone number and if appropriate web page address for the agency. Your report should also include at least one way you believe you could assist this agency or the agency could assist you. Writing skills will be graded, so check you spelling and mechanics. Due November 1.
Assessment Form:
Completed report on time ___ YES ___ NO
Report was word-processed ___ YES ___ NO
Contents include organization
name ___ YES ___ NO
purpose ___ YES ___ NO
fundraising method 1 ___ YES ___ NO
fundraising method 2 ___ YES ___ NO
local address ___ YES ___ NO
local phone # ___ YES ___ NO
local web site ___ YES ___ NO ___ NA
national address ___ YES ___ NO
national phone # ___ YES ___ NO
national web site ___ YES ___ NO ___ NA
way to assist/be assisted ___ YES ___ NO
additional info provided ___ YES ___ NO
writing mechanics
___ fewer than 3 spelling errors/typos ___ 3 – 6 spelling errors/typos ___ more than 6
___ fewer than 3 mechanics errors ___ 3 – 6 mechanics errors ____ more than 6
OJECTIVE #2: TSW compare the earth’s composition to other planets in terms of supporting life so that, given the scenario of the planet Earth no longer being habitable for human and other biological life forms, tsw develop a persuasive argument for which of the other planets (or moons of planets) would be an appropriate host for earth life. The argument must contain accurate information and use only currently known technology for preserving life on the new planet (moving life to this new planet does not have to be considered in a factual manner). The argument must address at a minimum, the new planet’s atmosphere, temperature, and gravity, as compared to the Earth. It should be logical and persuasive.
DIRECTIONS TO STUDENTS: The year: 2005. Your assignment: Determine which of the other planets or moons in our solar system could be made habitable for humans and other earth biological life forms, because in one year the earth will no longer support such life. You are to write (word-processed) an argument supporting your choice of planet or moon. Your argument must contain accurate information and only currently known technology for preserving life on our new planet. Do not be concerned with having to move people to your choice – just make a decision and write your best defense for your choice. Your argument should contain, at a minimum, information about the planet/moon’s atmosphere, temperature and gravity as compared to earth. You will have to persuade lots of people, so your argument should also be logical and persuasive. Use your best writing skills, as I will grade for spelling and mechanics. Due Oct 30.
Turned in assignment ___ yes ___ no
Word-processed ___ yes ___ no
Choose planet/moon in solar system ___ yes ___ no
Provided argument for choice ___ yes ___ no
Quality of argument
· Info provided: ___ all accurate __mostly accurate some inaccurate __ mostly to all inaccurate
· Technology used: ___ all relevant ___mostly relevant, some irrelevant ___ mostly to all irrelevant
· Correct information about planet atmosphere ___ yes ___ no
· Correct information about planet temperature ___ yes ___ no
· Correct information about planet gravity ___ yes ___ no
· Additional accurate and relevant information provided ___ yes ___ no
Persuasiveness of argument
___ very persuasive, good use of data, made all important arguments for/against, convincing
___ somewhat persuasive, not all data used well and/or not all arguments for/against made well
___ not persuasive, poor use of data, major arguments not addressed, not convincing
Writing mechanics
___ fewer than 5 spelling errors/typos ___ 5 – 10 spelling errors/typos ___ more than 10
___ fewer than 5 mechanics errors ___ 5 - 10 mechanics errors ____ more than 10