Generating the EWN1 Form

When a pupil leaves your school mid-year, then as well as creating a CTF in the usual way and sending to the destination school via the S2S website, you must also complete an EWN1 form and return it to your local Education Welfare Office. You can do this by using a hard copy of the form or by using the Sims .net report which generates an electronic copy of the form with some information already filled in. After downloading and importing the report from our website it will be available to run for any leaver. The report should not normally be run by going to the main Report Browse, unless you need to run it for several leavers at once.

Running the Report for One Pupil

1.Open the Pupil Details screen by going to Focus > Pupil > Pupil Details or by clicking ,then search for the pupil who is leaving. Open their record.

2.Click on the School History link at the top of the record.

3.In the School History panel, enter a Date of Leaving, Reason For Leaving and Destination After Leaving (if known).


5.With the pupil record still open, click the link for Reports in the Links panel at the right of the screen.

6.In the Report Browse, expand the Student Focus and find the report called SITSS–EWN1 Form. Double click the name of this report to run it.

7.The report will run to Word and produce the EWN1 Form with the pupil’s name, UPN and other information already filled in.

8.Once you have completed the rest of the information, you should return the form to your local Educational Welfare Office (see addresses below).

Running the Report for Several Pupils

If you have several pupils leaving around the same time, you can run the report from the Report Browse rather than having to run it individually for each pupil.

1.First ensure that all the leaving details have been entered for each pupil as described at step 3above.

2.Open the Report Browse by going to Reports > Run or by clicking .

3.Expand the Student Focus and find the report called SITSS–EWN1 Form. Double click the name of this report to run it.

4.You will be prompted for leaving date – enter a suitable date range and click OK. Forms will be generated for all pupils leaving within the chosen date range.

5.Once you have completed the rest of the information required, you should return the forms to your local Educational Welfare Office (see addresses below).

Local Education Welfare Offices

East 1:Old Grammar School, Broadway, Letchworth, Herts, SG6 3TD

East 2:East Area Office, County Hall, Pegs Lane, Hertford, Herts, SG13 8DF

West 1:Hertfordshire County Council, First Floor, Apsley One, Brindley Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP3 9BF

West 2:First Floor, Apsley Two, Brindley Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP3 9BF

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