UNITS One AND Two– History and Research Methods
Homework Due
Aug. 29th and 30th / Intro to the class
Intro to Psychology – What is psychology?
  • Background of Social Sciences
  • Introduction to text

Aug 31st and Sept 1st /
  • Syllabus
  • Prologue/Ch. 1 Schedule
  • Specialties in Psychology
  • Examine the limits of intuition and common sense in psychology
  • Various Research methods
/ Unspun Introduction AND Chapter 1 questions due.
Sept 2nd and 6th / Survey
Case Studies
Naturalistic Observation / QUIZ on terms basic research to psychiatry AND hindsight bias to hypothesis
Sept 7th and 8th / Begin Correlational Studies
Continue Correlation Studies / Unspun Chapter 2
Sept. 9th and 10th / .
Experimental Method
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Variables (Independent, Dependent Confounding)
  • Operationalizing the Definitions
  • Experimental vs. Control Groups
Double Blinds, Placebos / QUIZ- .
Replication to Dependent Variable EXCEPT Confounding Variables
Sept13th and 14th / Ethics
  • Animal Research
  • Human Research
Descriptive Statistics
Measures of central tendency and variation / Unspun Ch. 3 questions.
Sept 15th and 16th / Go over UNIT One/Two / Study for UNIT 2 test using notecards notes/powerpoints. Turn in all notecards
  • Purchase 600 3X5 OR 4X6 index cards (no halved index cards,

Notecard Guidelines

  • 4X6 notecards or notebook paper accepted)
  • Must be completed in INK
  • Notecards are due on test days with a rubber band holding them together. About 80% of test questions will come from notecards but some will come from notes. You will NOT be able to keep your notecards because of some students “passing down” their notecards to future students. However, to study for the AP exam you will be given a more condenced review packet.
  • Terms are mostly from the Myers (M) Text – most terms are bold printed unless indicated with a M followed by the page numbers. Terms from Barrons (review guide you are to purchase) will be indicated by (B) followed by the page number. Remember that the page numbers correlate with the 6th edition of Barron’s. However, the 4th/5th edition almost always has it. The Myers page numbers come from the edition that you have at home NOT the older edition that we have in the classroom.
  • Write DEFINITIONS from the text. They are printed on the sides of pages AND in the glossary (either is acceptable). You may write shortened and/or paraphrased definitions but be aware that there is a chance that I will not give credit if I think that you don’t understand the term.
  • Write an APPLICATION. This means applying the term to a real world situation. Sometimes examples The book usually provides at least one. I usually provide at least one in class you may use this as well. You must use a complete thought (1, 2, or 3 words is insufficient…. you will receive no credit). Paraphrasing of definitions do NOT score.
  • Correct definitions will receive 1/4 of a point and correct applications will receive 1.25 points Quality and quantity will effect your grade. These cards will count around 15-20% of your overall grade each quarter.
  • An asterick (*) by the terms indicate no application required – only explanation of the term or study. Studies should include a) very brief summary of what happened in study b) contribution and/or results
  • Complete these notecards on your own (NO GROUP WORK)
  • Complete the terms in all 3 columns for each chapterBACK
  • Use appropriate format (shown below!)
  • TIP: Do your notecards and do them well.


(Front) (Back)

Word must be in the

The Index card

Term must in the

middle of the

non lined side.


Basic research (p.13)

Applied research

Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology

Human Factors Psychology


Counseling Psychologists

Clinical psychologists



Hindsight Bias

Critical Thinking


Operational Definition


Case Study


False Consensus Effect


Random Sample

Naturalistic Observation


Correlation coefficients (M 30)


Illusory correlation


Double Blind Procedure

Placebo Effect

Experimental Condition

Control Condition

Confounding Variables (notes/B58)

Random Assignment

Independent Variable

Dependent Variable

*Measures of central tendency 3 examples (M41)

*Measures of Variation 2 examples (M41)

Skewed score distribution (notes/M41)

*Inferential Statistics (notes/B 65)

*Statistical Significance

*P value*

APA Guidelines for Human Research. Summarize all 5 (Notes/Barron’s p.67)