Hinchingbrooke History Department
This booklet has been designed to help you work through the different topic areas you need to revise for Medicine Through Time and American West.
Each week you need to complete a new row on your Personal Learning Checklists (PLCs). For each topic you feel confident about, colour the box in GREEN. For those topics you are less certain about, colour the box in AMBER. For those topics you feel you are weakest on, colour the box in RED.
Once you have identified your RED areas for that week, you need to focus on these for your revision. You can use your class notes, revision guides, Doddle presentations and the videos and notes from revisegcsehistory.co.uk to help you with this. You can then choose some exam questions from the relevant section to test your knowledge. Make sure you hand your answers in to your teacher so that you can get some feedback.
Medicine Through Time –Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC)
Supernatural Beliefs and Treatments / Natural Beliefs and Treatments / Egyptian Civilization / Supernatural Beliefs and Treatments / Natural Beliefs and Treatments / Greek Civilization / Supernatural Beliefs and Treatments / The Theory of the 4 Humours / The work of Hippocrates / Health and Hygiene / Developments in Knowledge of Anatomy / Roman Civilization / Beliefs and Treatments / The Work of Galen / Public Health Schemes / Developments in Surgery / Medieval Civilization / Rediscovery of Hippocrates and Galen / Natural Beliefs and Treatments / Supernatural Beliefs and treatments / Developments in Anatomy and Surgery / Hospitals and Caring for the Ill / The Black Death of 1348 / Renaissance Civilization / The work of Vesalius, Pare and Harvey / Treatments and Public Health / The Great Plague of 1665 / Medical HealersMedicine Through Time –Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC) cont…
Nineteenth Century Civilization / Edward Jenner and Vaccination / Developments in Nursing / Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch / Developments in Surgery / Public Health / Developments of X-Rays and Blood Transfusions / The Magic Bullet / The Story of Penicillin / Impact of WW1 and WW2 / Introduction and Impact of the NHS / Religion / War / Communication / Technology/Science / Individuals / Chance/LuckAmerican West –Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC)
Native American Beliefs / Native American Society / Native American daily life / The Buffalo / The geography of the Great Plains / The Trailblazers / The Mormons – Joseph Smith / The Mormons – Brigham Young / The Mormon journey to Salt Lake / The 49ers / The homesteaders – government legislation / The journey west / The homesteaders – problems and solutions / The homesteaders – role of women / The rise and fall of the cattle industry / Cowboys – routines and the long drive / The end of the Open Range (cattle ranching) / The Johnson County War / The ‘wild west’- problems of law order / Vigilantes / The Plains Wars - causes / The Plains Wars - battles / The Plains Wars - treaties / The Battle of Little Bighorn – Custer / Reservations / The Ghost Dance Movement / The Railways / Manifest DestinyExam Questions on Ancient Medicine
Briefly describe how the Egyptians tried to stay healthy. [5]
Explain why the Greeks were able to make so much progress in medicine. [7]
‘The Romans are more important than the Greeks in the history of medicine.’ How far do you agree with this statement? [8]
Briefly describe the Theory of the Four Humours. [5]
Briefly describe how prehistoric people kept healthy and treated illness. [5]
Briefly describe the part played by religion in Ancient Egyptian medicine [5]
Why did the Romans use many Greek medical ideas? Explain your answer [7]
‘Greek medical ideas and practices prevented progress in medicine in the period between the Romans and the end of the Medical Renaissance’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer [8]
Exam Questions on the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Briefly describe the part played by monasteries in medieval medicine. [5]
Explain why Pare was able to make advances in medicine. [7]
‘Vesalius is more important than Harvey in the history of medicine.’ How far do you agree with this statement? [8]
Explain why religious beliefs were used to explain and treat illness in the Middle Ages. [7]
Who was more important in fighting disease in the 19th century, Pasteur or Koch? [8]
Explain how people in the Middle Ages explained the Black Death. [7]
Briefly describe treatments in Medieval hospitals [5]
How did the Church help the development of medicine in the Middle Ages? Explain your answer [7]
How far do you agree that the Medical Renaissance had little impact on how patients were treated in the period up to 1914? Explain your answer [8]
Exam Questions on 19th century medicine
Explain why Pare was able to make advances in medicine. [7]
‘Vesalius is more important than Harvey in the history of medicine.’ How far do you agree with this statement? [8]
Briefly describe the work of Florence Nightingale. [5]
Explain how the problem of bleeding during surgery was overcome. [7]
‘Simpson is more important than Lister in the history of medicine.’ How far do you agree with this statement? [8]
Who was more important in fighting disease in the 19th century, Pasteur or Koch? [8]
Briefly describe the career of Mary Seacole. [5]
Explain the contribution made to the developments of hospitals and nursing by Florence Nightingale. [7]
‘The work of Fleming was the most important factor in the development of penicillin.’ How far do you agree with this statement? [8]
Which was more important in the history of medicine, the Roman public health system or public health developments in the 19th century? [8]
Briefly describe attempts to solve the problem of pain during operations between 1790 and before the work of Simpson in the late 1840s [5]
Exam Questions on 20th century medicine and factors
Briefly describe one example of chance helping medical development. [5]
Explain how war has led to developments in medicine. [7]
‘Governments have been more important than individuals in bringing about developments in medicine.’ How far do you agree with this statement? [8]
Explain how war helped the development of medicine in the period 1800 to 1918 [7]
‘The most important development in medicine in the twentieth century was the introduction of the National Health Service.’ Explain how far you agree with this statement [8]
Exam Questions on Native Americans
Briefly describe the main features of the Great Plains. [5]
Explain why the Plains Indians lived in tepees. [7]
‘The homesteaders were more important than the US army in taking the Plains from the Indians.’ How far do you agree with this statement? [8]
Briefly describe Indian beliefs about the land. [5]
Explain why the Indians were nomadic. [7]
Which was more important in causing the final defeat of the Indians, the actions of the US army or reservations? Explain your answer. [8]
Briefly describe the religious beliefs of the Plains Indians. [5]
Explain why the Indians were able to survive on the Plains. [7]
Which was more important in finally defeating the Plains Indians, the Battle of the Little Bighorn or the reservations? Explain your answer. [8]
Explain why many white Americans thought the Plains Indians were savages. [7]
Was the Battle of the Little big Horn really a victory for the Plains Indians? Explain your answer [8]
Explain why the US government wanted the Plains Indians to live on reservations. [7]
‘Custer was to blame for the defeat of the US army in the Battle of the Little Big Horn.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. [8]
Briefly describe the role of women in the life of the Plains Indians [5]
‘The policy of the American government towards the Plains Indians was unchanged between 1840 and 1895’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. [8]
Exam Questions on Homesteaders
Briefly describe why people moved West to settle on the Great Plains. [5]
Explain why many homesteaders at first found it difficult to make a success of their homesteads. [7]
‘The introduction of dry farming and new types of crops were the most important reasons why many homesteaders became successful.’ How far do you agree with this statement? [8]
Briefly describe a woman’s life in a homestead on the Plains. [5]
Did the Indians and the homesteaders want to live on the Plains for the same reasons? Explain your answer. [8]
Briefly describe the problems faced by settlers on their journey across the Plains. [5]
Briefly describe the main features of Manifest Destiny [5]
Explain why the railroad was important in the American West [7]
Exam Questions on Cowboys / Cattle Industry
Briefly describe the cowboy’s job during the winter. [5]
Explain why cowboys faced dangers and difficulties during the long drive. [7]
‘The disastrous winter of 1886-7 was the most important reason why the traditional way of life of a cowboy came to an end.’ How far do you agree with this statement? [8]
Describe the work done by cowboys. [5]
Explain why cattle ranching spread to the Plains. [7]
Was the harsh weather of 1883 to 1887 the most important reason they the ‘open range’ came to an end? Explain your answer. [8]
Exam Questions on the Mormons
Explain why the Mormons decided to go west in the 1840s. [7]
How far were the problems the Mormons faced at Salt Lake worse than the problems they faced in the East? Explain your answer. [8]
Exam Questions on Law and Order
Briefly describe the problems of law and order in mining towns and cow towns. [5]
Explain why cattlemen and homesteaders came into conflict with each other. [7]
‘Vigilantes were meant to be the answer to lawlessness but they only made the situation worse.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. [8]
Explain why law and order became a serious problem in the West. [7]
Briefly describe the activities of vigilantes [5]
‘The homesteaders, not the ranchers, were to blame for the Johnson County War.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer [8]
How far do you agree that law and order in the West was ineffective in the period 1840-1895? Explain your answer [8]