Baraboo Community Development Authority

Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Baraboo Community Development Authority

Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, December 6,2016

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Wastlund at 7:00p.m. in the Community Roomof Donahue Terrace Apartment 227 First Ave., Baraboo, WI 53913

I/II.Roll Call

Present:Wastlund, Fordham, Bobholz, Petty, Skare, Zolper


Staff:Patrick Cannon, Executive Director

III.Note of Compliance with Open Meeting Laws

The Chair noted that the agenda was posted in compliance with the Wisconsin State Statutes.

IV.Approval of Agenda

A motion was made to approve the agenda as presented.

Fordham(1); Petty(2)

Aye:All via voice vote


V.Approval of Minutes

A motion was made to approve the meeting minutes for the following with minor corrections:

November 1, 2016 (CDA Meeting)

November 1, 2016 (Joint Meeting with City Council)

Fordham (1); Bobholz (2)

Aye:All via voice vote


VI.Announcement of Public Events

The Board discussed several local events that are scheduled in the near future.

VII.Public Comment

A Donahue Terrace resident spoke about the washer and dryers being broken.

VIII.Receipt of Financial Statements and Approval of Vouchers.

  1. October 30, 2016 to November 30, 2016 Vouchers
  2. Financial StatementsNovember, 2016
  3. Vacancy Report
  4. Outstanding Loan Report


To approve the vouchers for October30, 2016 to November 30, 2016

Petty(1); Bobholz (2)

Aye:All via voice vote


IX.Executive Report

  • The report was distributed and is attached.

X.Committee Reports

  1. Ad Hoc Nominating Committee

The committee met earlier in the evening and drafted a slate of candidate for the officer positions. Action will be taken on this matter under New Business.

  1. BEDC

It was noted that the November BEDC meeting was cancelled. The next meeting is December 8, 2016 at St. Clare Hospital.

  1. Executive Committee

The committee did not meet.

  1. Finance

The committee did not meet.

  1. Loan Review Committee

The Chair reported that the Loan Review Committee met earlier this evening and authorized a subordination request to allow the borrower to receive a lower interest rate on their home loan. No additional funds were received by the borrower.

XI.Old Business

  1. Update on CDA Projects
  2. Laundry Room at Donahue Terrace Apartments
  3. Corson Playground equipment
  4. Roof replacement at Donahue Terrace

Staff noted that there are no new updates on these projects.

  1. New Business
  2. Consideration and discussion of purchasing new laundry machines for Donahue Terrace

Staff noted that the machines have been breaking down on a regular basis over the past few months. The cost of the repairs is currently outweighing the value of the machines. Therefore, staff was requesting authorization to purchase new machines for the facility. The new machines are a higher level of durability due to the number of times they are used by the residents.

After careful review, the Board authorized staff to purchase two new washers and two new dryers at a price not to exceed $6,520.00

Fordham (1); Bobholz (2)

Aye:All via voice vote


  1. Election of CDA Officers for 2017
  2. Chairperson
  3. Vice-Chairperson
  4. Treasurer

It was noted that the Ad Hoc Nominating Committee had met earlier that evening and recommended that the current officers be re-elected to their positions. Each of the incumbents agreed to continue to serve in their respective roles.

A motion was made to elect the following as the CDA officers for 2017

ChairpersonCarolyn Wastlund

Vice-ChairpersonJoan Fordham

TreasurerCliff Bobholz

Petty (1); no second is required from a committee report



XIII.Board Member Comments

  1. None
  1. Public Comment:

No one from the public wished to speak



To adjourn the meeting at 7:40pm

Petty(1); Zolper (2)

Aye:All via voice vote


Minutes were approved by the Community Development Authority on:

Carolyn Wastlund, ChairpersonPatrick Cannon, Recorder

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