ACDS Nagar (On Chennapur-CRPF Road)
Jai Jawaharnagar Post
A.Rules for Conduct by Students of ACDS are to be read in conjunction with rules issued by NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada on the subject of Maintenance of Discipline and Good Conduct by Students.
B..ACDS is a unique institution started by AWES as a part of professional education. Though a dental college has ethos of its own and since it is associated with the Army, it becomes incumbent on the part of all students to ensure that the image of the institution is kept not only untarnished but also shining at all times.
C..These rules have been framed with the aim of guiding students and their parents/guardians or visitors on what they can expect from ACDS, and what ACDS expects from them in return, by way of ensuring a healthy, good and clean environment for studies as well as personality development of the students.
A.“Ragging” in any form is a crime and punishable with imprisonment. In general, the process may start with being introduction and may turn into unpleasant act of “Ragging”. Intention of talking may be only introduction, but end result turns to different act. Therefore the students are warned strictly to avoid the unpleasant act of Ragging.
B.The students found to be involved in ragging will immediately be suspended and may also be handed to police.
C.If the charges are proved, the student shall be discharged from the College.
(a)ACDS Uniform : Wearing of ACDS Uniform is compulsory on all Mondays and all College functions. It will also be worn whenever the management issues instructions in this regard.
(b)Dress for Attending Classes : ACDS uniform may not be worn on days when uniform has not been prescribed. However students are expected to be
dressed appropriately. Wearing of trousers and shirts for boys will be the norm. Wearing of jeans will be avoided while wearing of pajamas and chappals in classes is prohibited. Girls students are expected to be modestly dressed.
(c)Dress Inside Hostel : Students will be appropriately attired in the hostels when outside their rooms. They must not be found to be in semi-clad state so as to avoid any embarrassment to themselves as well as visitors in the hostels.
(d)Dress Code in Campus Outside Hostels : Students must not wear night dresses like pajamas and night suits outside their hostel rooms. This applies to the telephone booths, shopping complex as also to the common rooms/cafeterias and dining halls in messes.
(e)Dress for Sports fields/Gym : Students are expected to be attired in sports dress/track suits while playing outdoor games and while having workouts in the gym.
A.Relationship with Senior Students : Junior students are expected to be respectful towards senior students and look up to them for guidance and advice.
B.Relationship with Junior Students : Under no circumstances will the junior students be utilised for running errands for senior students or for doing any personal work for them. It is the duty of senior students to motivate, help and guide their juniors. Senior students must not however assume the task of policemen or law makers in trying to reform or punish their juniors. They are more like conscious keepers of ACDS.
A.Students are expected to extend respect and courtesy to staff members at all times. They must however refrain from socialising with staff members - whether inside or outside the campus.
B.Visiting Staff Quarters : Students are not expected to visit residential quarters of staff members unless it is for unavoidable and urgent work or when they have been invited by the staff member concerned. Staff members are not expected to visit students in their hostel rooms even if invited by the students.
C.Staff-Student Get Togethers : All institutional get togethers of the staff members and students will require the approval of the Principal. Such get togethers will be organised at central places like the auditorium, cafeterias or common rooms. They will not be held inside hostel or in the residences of staff members.
A.ACDS is fully residential college. It is mandatory for all the students to stay in hostels. The students shall not go out of the Campus.
B.Movement of the student to the out side the campus shall be restricted. They shall obtain Written permission or out pass to go out on specific purpose.
The following acts are prohibited inside the campus of ACDS: as well as hostels: -
(a)Jumping over the compound wall of Campus & hostels.
(b)Thefts of any kind.
(c)Playing in corridors.
(d)Partying inside rooms.
(e)Playing music so loud as to be heard outside rooms.
(f)Parking of vehicles inside hostel building.
(g)Screening of films.
(h)Having meals inside rooms unless medically sick.
(i)Smoking, drinking of liquor including beer and taking of drugs.
(j)Gambling in any form.
(k)Borrowing or lending money.
(l)Visits by members of opposite sex.
(m)Keeping of firearms/weapons of any type.
(n)Canvassing for funds for any cause.
(o)Fixing of nails on walls to hang wall pieces/posters.
(p)Pasting of posters on walls.
(q)Use of hot plates, gas stoves and heating rods, in the rooms.
(r)Preparing of meals.
(s)Keeping personal TV, VCR & VCD player and iron boxes.
(t)Allowing anyone other than a bonafide ACDS hostel student to stay in the rooms allotted.
(u)Burning of any material inside the hostel or any ACDS building.
(v)Burning of dry grass on the campus.
(w)Any anti social/political/criminal/undesirable activity.
(x)Using criminal force on anyone.
(y)Tasking of juniors on errands/own work of any type.
(z)Wearing of improper dress on campus/library room.
(aa)Damage/destruction to ACDS property.
(ab)Using disrespectful language to any member of ACDS staff or fellow students.
(ac)Eve teasing or causing any type of mental or physical harassment to girl students.
(ad)Non clearance of dues of caterers or any shop keeper in ACDS complex.
(ae)Cheating caterer, cafeteria proprietor or any establishment in ACDS complex.
(af)Indulging in physical fights.
(ag)Keeping of pets in hostels or in ACDS complex.
(ah)Driving a two wheeler or/and riding pillion without helmet.
The students found indulging in the prohibited acts, will be heavily punished.
A.Accommodation in the boys/girls hostels is allotted to students not as a matter of right but as per the policies framed by and at the discretion of the Management. A student can be expelled from the hostel by giving a notice of 48 hrs and without assigning any reason for the expulsion. Students expelled on grounds of indiscipline will forfeit hostel fees paid by them.
B.Policy and Procedure for Allotment of Rooms :The policy for allotment of rooms will be decided by the Management, and may be changed to cater to unforeseen cases/circumstances. Allotment of rooms made by the Principal or any authorised staff member will be strictly adhered to. Changes shall not be made on their own.
C.Payment of Hostel Fee : No student is permitted to stay in a hostel room without having paid the hostel fee in full and obtaining an allotment order from the Principal.
D.Stay by UnauthorisedPersons : No student is allowed to share his room with anyone who is not an authorised occupant of the room, as allotted by ACDS Principal.
E.Stay of Parents/Relatives: Parents/relatives of bonafide hostelers are t permitted to stay in the hostels with prior approval from Principal.
F.Mess charges : The students shall pay an advance of Rs 2000/- towards the messing charges. Subsequently monthly charges shall be paid every month on or before 10th, failing which Rs 10/- per day will be charged as fine.
G.The students going on official Vacation will be exempted from Mess charges of vacation period. The students going on leave for any other reason shall be charged for Mess as usual even for the days of leave period.
H.Girls Hostel : Main gate of girls hostel shall remain closed from 8.30 PM to 6 AM next day morning. The girl inmates are required to return to their rooms before 8.30 PM.
I.Boys Hostel : Main gate shall be locked at 9.00 PM .
A.Students shall have breakfast, lunch and dinner within stipulated hours. Late comers will not be entitled for food.
B.Students shall have the food in the dining hall only. Food will not be permitted to be carried outside the dining hall or to the hostels.
C.Students shall not waste food. They must take care in serving themselves the required quantity only.
- Extra charges will be levied if the food is wasted by the students.
A.Room Inventory : All furniture and fixtures in the rooms allotted to students must be cared for properly. Students will be required to pay double the original cost of any item found missing from the room. Students will also be required to pay twice the charges of repair to items that are found to have been willfully damaged or have been damaged on account of misuse or unfair wear and tear.
B.Interchange of Furniture/Fixtures : Students are prohibited from interchanging any furniture/fixture from one point/location in the hostel to another. Besides a penal recovery, students involved in such activities will be expelled from the hostel.
C.Assets in Common Areas/Corridors : Theft/damage to hostel assets in common areas/corridors will be recovered from all the students of the flank/wing involved. In case of theft/damage to items that pertain to usage by the complete hostel, the recoveries will be made from all the occupants of the hostel.
D.Economy in consumption of water and electricity : All students are expected to exercise care and restraint in the use of water and electricity. Lights/fans not in use must be switched off whenever a student leaves his/her room. Amount of money saved through economy in use of electricity can be utilised for the improvement of facilities in the hostels and the campus.
A.The students to go out for any purpose are required to obtain prior Written permission from Warden/or any other authorised person. “GOING OUT” shall not be routine, regular, everyday affair. Warden/authorised person is empowered to permit the students to go out maximum upto two hours only. Permission of Principal shall be obtained a period exceeding 2 hours.
B.Student shall enter the time of departure and sign in the register at security while going out and enter the arrival time and signature on arrival.
- The “out pass” shall be surrendered at the security on arrival.
D.Permission to go to movies will be accorded once in a week only on written application by the individual students to the Principal.
E.The timings and days of going out are subject to change from time to
time as per the needs by the College authorities.
A.Visit to local guardian or parents shall be restricted to one day (Sunday or holiday) per month only. Prior written permission shall be obtained from the Principal.
B.Night outs or staying overnight at guardians is neither encouraged nor permitted.
13.Excursions and Planned Trips : The students co-ordinating the trips to the various places are to take prior permission and give the details of the Tour Operator and contact Tele No of the Tour Operator, Name of Driver etc at least 48 hrs before the Date/Time of Departure. The facility of utilising Army Vehicle on payment from surrounding units would invariably be given preference.
A.Students are allowed to meet visitors within ACDS between 7AM to 8 PM only. However it shall be ensured that such meetings are held in the reception room or cafeterias.
B.Visitors must be requested not to enter the hostels since this will lead to intrusion into the privacy of other hostellers.
C.Under no circumstances visitors of opposite sex will visit either hostel i.e men/boys will NOT enter the girls hostel and women/girls will NOT enter the boys hostel.
A.Ownership and Registration Papers : Students are permitted to keep bicycles/scooters/mopeds/motorcycles/cars for their private use. A valid driving licence is a must for all those who drive the vehicle. However details of all vehicles kept must be submitted to the Management through the Wardens. All private vehicles must have valid registration papers and the students must be able to establish their ownership of the vehicles. In all cases the authority letter from the actual owners must be shown to ACDS Management where the vehicle is not in the name of the student himself. Private vehicles kept without ownership authority and valid registration papers will be confiscated by ACDS and handed over to the civil police. Driving a two wheeler or riding pillion, without helmet is not permitted as per ACDS rules.
- The vehicles shall be parked in the parking stand only in hostels.
Parking infront of main gates or doors is not permissible.
A.Gym, indoor sports and TV with cable connection have been provided in the recreation room.
B.STD booth is provided in the campus. They can use the facility on payment.
A.Arrangements have been made for medical attention in O.P.D. The students requiring the medical help can approach the Medical Officer in charge.
- Treatment for major ailments can be had from M.H. on their own.
C.It is not possible for ACDS to provide transport for medical purpose or other wise. Transport if available will be provided on payment.
A.Centrally Organised Lectures/Seminars
(a)Students will wear ACDS uniform.
(b)All students must be seated 10 min before the start of function.
(c)Students must not talk/disturb the proceedings in any manner.
(d)No student must leave the venue before the dignitaries leave.
(e)Attendance of those nominated to attend must be 100%.
(f)Failure to attend will be dealt with by imposing a fine, the amount of which will be decided by the Management.
19. Conduct Outside ACDS Campus
ACDS even in its initial stages of infancy has acquired a healthy image and an enviable reputation. It is therefore the duty of all ACDS students to so conduct themselves outside the campus that the image of ACDS keeps shining at all times. This is particularly applicable for their conduct in town, any military area/institute and even while travelling on trains. An ACDS student must be discernible from others in a crowd through his/her good conduct, pleasing manners and a dignified demeanor.
20.IntraCollege Functions
Rowdy and uncivil behavior must be avoided during any functions and competitions. Whereas healthy competition must be encouraged and be visible. Remarks and comments made in poor taste must be totally avoided in Public.
ACDS has several good sports facilities and health equipment on the campus. It is the duty of all ACDS students to ensure that these are not misused or used in a manner that renders them unserviceable.
A..Telephones in Hostels : PCO, ACDS telephones are installed for the common use by all students. Students must ensure the following: -
(a)Keep the instruments in safe and sound condition.
(b)Ensure that the PCO tele is not misused in any manner.
(c)Keep the conversation to the minimum essential and under no condition more than five minutes so as to ensure the availability of the tele for calls to/by other fellow students.
(d)No student must ever remove the instrument from the place where it has been fixed by ACDS.
B.Willful Damage to Telephone : The following will be done in case any telephone is found to have been damaged willfully or due to gross mishandling by students :-
(a)Students concerned will be required to pay the cost of repair/replacement.
(b)Student concerned will face expulsion from the hostel in case of deliberate tampering.
(c)The hostel will be denied the telephone facility for upto 3 months in case no one owns up the responsibility for damage even after payment of collective fine.
A.Any student who wishes to submit any complaint against the working of any system/facility in the ACDS hostel/campus or against any ACDS employee/persons working on contract with ACDS must do so in writing to the Principal.
B.The students having individual problems can approach Principal directly.
C.Common problems shall be represented to the Principal through the respective class representatives only.
(Dr KV Ramana Reddy) Principal
ACDS, Secunderabad
ACDS Nagar (On Chennapur-CRPF Road), Jai Jawaharnagar Post,
No :
1.Name in Full :______
(Capitals, Surname First)
2.Permanent Address : ______
______Pin Code______
Tel. No with STD Code______
3.Parents Present Address :______
Tel. No with STD Code______
4.Local Guardian Address :______
______Pin Code______
Tel. No with STD Code______
5.Class______Branch______Roll No______
6.Blood Group______
7.Vehicle No______
8.Licence No______
Date of Issue______
I have read all the hostel rules and regulations carefully and undertake to follow the same sincerely and obediently. Breaking of rules by me shall constitute a misconduct which may result in expulsion from hostel and forfeiting all hostel fees and deposits as per ACDS rule.
Signature of Student
Signature of Rector/Warden
Date :