Rural Community Council of Essex
2013 Essex Village of the Year and
Best Kept Village Competition
Entry Form 2013
Includes: Village Profile and Judges’ Inspection Checklist.
Sponsored by Essex & Suffolk Water and Worldbridge Ltd and
supported by Essex Life.
Enter on line. Visit
RCCE Reg.Charity No. 1097009. A company limited by guarantee and registered in England No. 4609624
Entry Details
Population: / What is your Parish Council precept?
(This question is optional)
Sponsoring Organisation:
Email: Tel:
Please read the guidance notes in the ‘Entry Guidelines’ document before completing this form.
Village Profile
Please answer the following five questions in the spaces provided, keeping to the stipulated word limit for each one. There is no need to supply any additional information, documentation or photos.
1. Community – tell us about the organisations, activities and events that contribute most to community life in your village today (200 words maximum).
2.Businesses and Services – tell us about the local businesses and services that you have in your village and the ways in which they contribute to community life (maximum 200 words).
3.Environment – tell us about any activities to protect the environment and make your village more sustainable (200 words maximum).
4. The Future – tell us how you consult local residents about the future of your village and about any community projects currently in progress (200 words maximum).
5. A Special Place – tell us what makes your village special and why it is such a good place to live (200 words maximum).
Judges’ Inspection
Please tick the categories your village possesses. This will greatly assist the judges in their task.No / Judging Category / P if applicable / No / Judging Category / P if applicable
1 / Notice Boards / 7 / Village Green and Public Open Space
2 / Playing Field / 8 / Shops
3 / Children’s Playground / 9 / Public Houses
4 / Village Hall/Community Centre / 10 / School
5 / Churchyard and Cemetery / 11 / Business Premises
6 / War Memorial / 12 / Bus Shelters
Improvements since last year’s competition.
Features detrimental to the local character that are outside your control.
Please list any detrimental features in the village that are outside your control. Note comments in Entry Guidelines.Maps
Please supply a sketch map/plan of your village – no larger than A4 (297mm x 211 mm) in size. with the judging categories applicable to your village clearly marked using the numbers shown. See example map attached.
The competition is judged by dedicated volunteers from all over Essex. In order to make the judging process easier we ask that clear and legible maps, which show all the items the judges need to look at, are submitted. A good map makes their job much easier and enjoyable.
How is the ‘sketch map’ of the village to be submitted? / P if applicablePaper version attached to this entry form
As an electronic attachment in an email
Follow separately in the post
Other (Please state).
Example map