TTH 560 -- DOCTRINE OF GRACE Instructor: Jack Cottrell
Course Plan -- Fall 2007 (concentrated MAR Tuesday format, Indian Creek Campus) Three credit hours
This course is designed to sharpen the student's understanding of the nature of salvation. Specifically it asks the question, "What does it mean to be saved by grace?"
This is not a study of theologians' views of grace or of the history of the doctrine. The goal of the course rather is to explore the Biblical teaching about grace and how it relates to subjects such as law, works, the cross, faith, baptism, justification, and assurance.
The course as a whole will emphasize the theme that the heart of grace is justification by the blood of Christ through faith, a proper understanding of which is the key to assurance of salvation. Since this is in effect the fundamental element of the Christian gospel, a proper grasp of these concepts is necessary for a satisfying personal faith and for an adequate presentation of the gospel in evangelistic or witnessing situations. Thus this course is foundational in terms of our mission to train Christian workers for all aspects of service in the church.
B. OBJECTIVES. Students who satisfactorily complete the requirements for this course will --
1.Understand and be able to communicate the Bible's teaching about law and grace.
2.Understanding, appreciate, and be able to communicate what it means to be personally saved by grace.
3.Have a genuine personal assurance of salvation.
4.Be able to show how the Biblical doctrine of grace integrates with other Biblical doctrines, e.g., the nature of God, the nature of man, and the person and work of Christ.
5.Be able to teach the doctrines of grace to others, and to do this especially in relation to Romans 1-8.
1.Class Sessions. This course meets on Tuesday evenings, Aug. 21 through Oct. 16, from 6 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. For EACH class session, you should bring with you the following: (1) a Bible, NASB or ESV preferred; (2) the course outline, TTH 511 Doctrine of Grace (1999 ed. only), which is available from the CCU bookstore. Do not eat meals in the classroom. Stay-awake snacks are OK.
2.Absence Policy. Missing more than five hours of actual class time makes the student liable for penalty; substantially more than this may lead to exclusion from the course. Please consult the teacher if you have questions about this.
3.Grade Determination.Reading assignments -- 20%
Review -- 20%
Mid-term Exam -- 30% Essay -- 30%
4.Deadlines. Each assignment is required to be submitted on or before the date due. Except for the final assignment and the mid-term exam, a one-week extension may be granted at the instructor’s discretion.
5.The professor reserves the right to change or amend any part of this course plan as deemed necessary.
D. READING LIST. You may read from these assignments as your time allows BEFORE the first week of class; everything must be completed by Oct. 16, 2007. On this date you must submit, E-mail, or have in the mail the completed reading report form (or a facsimile) on p. 3 below. Failure to submit this report will indicate that you have done NO reading; thus 20% will be deducted from your grade. Read at least 1,000 pages from the following books, including at least 500 pages from Jack Cottrell’s material (including pp. 17-298 from his Commentary on Romans, 2005 one-volume condensed edition).
Appleby, John. Not Guilty. (Presbyterian and Reformed, 1990).
Carson, D. A., ed. Right with God: Justification in the Bible and the World. (Baker, 1991).
Cooke, Joseph. Free for the Taking: The Life-Changing Power of Grace. (Revell, 1975).
Cottrell, Jack. The Faith Once for All: Bible Doctrine for Today, chs. 9, 10, 14, 16-21. (College Press, 2002).
______. What the Bible Says About God the Redeemer, chs. 2, 5-7. (College Press, 1987). (Now published simply as God the Redeemer; available from the CBC&S bookstore.)
______. The College Press NIV Commentary: Romans. (College Press, 1-vol. ed., 2005). Read on chs.
1-8 only.
______. Baptism: A Biblical Study, chs. 1, 2, 7, 9-12. (College Press, 1989).
Duty, Guy. If You Continue. (Bethany House, 1966).
Horn, Robert M. Go Free! The Meaning of Justification. (InterVarsity Press, 1976).
Lucado, Max. In the Grip of Grace. (Word, 1996).
MacArthur, John F., Jr. The Gospel According to Jesus. (Zondervan, 1994).
Mikolaski, Samuel J. The Grace of God. (Eerdmans, 1966).
Moser, K. C. The Gist of Romans. (Delight, AR: Gospel Light, 1958).
Moser, K. C. The Way of Salvation. (Delight, AR: Gospel Light, 1932).
Pile, William. What the Bible Says about Grace. (College Press, 1990).
Swindoll, Charles. The Grace Awakening. (Word, 1990).
Vanhuysse, T. The Gift of Grace: Roman Catholic Teaching in the Light of the Bible. (P&R, 1993).
Vickers, Brian. Jesus’ Blood and Righteousness: Paul’s Theology of Redemption. (Crossway, 2006).
August 21 ---First class session. By this date you may have begun working on the reading assignment. Nothing is due to be submitted.
September 4 --By this date you should have read pp. 17-298 from Cottrell’s Commentary on Romans.
September 18 --By this date you should have read at least 500 more pages from the reading list.
September 25 --Submit a review (1200-1500 words) of David Seamands, Healing Grace: Finding Freedom from the Performance Trap (latest edition: Light and Life Communications, 1999; any edition will do), 204pp. See below for a description of what is expected in a book review. Put word count on title page. ALSO on this date, a take-home mid-term examination will be distributed.
October 2--Bring the completed mid-term examination to class for grading.
October 16 --Last class session. By this date all the reading should be completed, and you should submit the completed-reading report (or a facsimile) on p. 3 below.
October 30 --On or before this date you must submit to the professor’s office or campus mailbox, or place in the mail, an essay (c. 2000 words) on one of these subjects: (1) “Grace, Life, and Ministry: What I Learned in This Course, and How I Plan To Apply It”; OR (2) “Faith, Works, and Salvation: How Are They Related?” Put word count on title page; enclose SASE (WITH ADEQUATE POSTAGE!) for return. You do not have to follow strict formal style for this essay.
F.CONTACTING THE PROFESSOR: Mailing address: Jack Cottrell, Cincinnati Bible Seminary, 2700 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45204. Office phone: 513-244-8166. Home phone: 812-637-9628. Office E-mail address: . Home E-mail address: . FAX: 513-244-8434.
A book review should attempt to answer the following questions. First, what is the writer's overall purpose? What does he hope to accomplish with the book? What main point is he trying to make?
Second, how well does the writer accomplish his purpose? Does he cover the subject adequately? Does he leave any loose ends, any questions unanswered? Does he treat all viewpoints fairly and take account of all the options? Such questions as these must be answered only in terms of the author's intended purpose.
Third, are there logical or theological weaknesses or errors in the author's presentation? Are his conclusions really supported by the evidence presented? Are his presuppositions legitimate? Is his thinking Biblical? To answer such questions as these, the reviewer must read the book critically. He must not simply report what the book says, but must evaluate what is said.
Fourth, what is the value or usefulness of the book? Who would profit most from reading it?
A reviewer need not and probably should not slavishly outline his review according to the four categories mentioned above. All the elements should be included, but the form will vary according to the nature of the book being reviewed.
I am not under law; I'm under grace!
It was grace that rescued me; it was grace that set me free.
I have sought--I have found--a hiding place;
I am not under law; I am under grace!
Reading report, Fall 2007 MAR program NAME ______
1.I have read at least 1,000 pages from the list of recommended works, including 500 pages from Cottrell’s works. YES ______NO ______
- I have not completed everything, but I have read the following number of pages: ______
Fall 2007
[BOLD TYPE = recommended for Christian workers' libraries.]
A. General
Best, W. E. Free Grace Versus Free Will. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1977. Strongly Calvinistic.
Boice, James Montgomery. The Glory of God's Grace, and How It Can Change Your Life. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1999. (Reprint of Amazing Grace, Tyndale, 1993.) Calvinistic.
Bonar, Horatius. The Everlasting Righteousness. Hobbs, NM: Trinity Foundation, 1994 reprint (1874).
Booth, Abraham. The Reign of Grace. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1949 reprint of 1768 work. Calvinistic.
Bridges, Jerry. Transforming Grace: Living Confidently in God's Unfailing Love. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1991. Explores the transition from legalism to grace.
Brown, Stephen. When Being Good Isn't Good Enough. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996 reprint (Nelson, 1990). Shows how grace delivers one from bondage to performance.
Bunyan, John. The Doctrine of Law and Grace Unfolded. Swengel, PA: Reiner, 1968 reprint of 1853 work. Freewill Baptist.
Carter, John Ross, ed. Of Human Bondage and Divine Grace: A Global Testimony. Peru, IL: Open Court, 1992. 20 essays claim grace is at the heart of all world religions.
Chafer, Lewis Sperry. Grace: An Exposition of God's Marvelous Gift. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1995 reprint of 1922 work. Calvinistic; dispensational. Early champion of the antiLordship salvation viewpoint.
Chantry, Walter J. God's Righteous Kingdom: Focusing on the Law's Connection with the Gospel. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1980. Calvinistic.
Cheeseman, John, et al. The Grace of God in the Gospel. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1972. Calvinistic.
Clark, Gordon R. The Word Hesed in the Hebrew Bible. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993.
Cote, Richard G. Universal Grace: Myth or Reality? Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1977. Liberation theology; universalism.
DeHaan, Martin R. Law or Grace. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1965. Calvinistic.
Ditmanson, Harold. Grace in Experience and Theology. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1977; reprint, Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2001. Survey of modern theologians' views of grace.
Eastman, Brad, The Significance of Grace in the Letters of Paul. New York: Peter Lang, 1999.
Elert, Werner. Law and Gospel, tr. Edward H. Schroeder. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1967. Lutheran.
Flavel, John. The Method of Grace. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1977 reprint. Calvinistic.
Forde, Gerhard. The Law Gospel Debate. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1968. By a Lutheran author.
Garlington, D. B. "The Obedience of Faith": A Pauline Phrase in Historical Context. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1990.
Glueck, Nelson. Hesed in the Bible, tr. Alfred Gottschalk. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College, 1967. Influential Old Testament study.
Gray, H. D. The Christian Doctrine of Grace. London: Independent Press, 1949.
Hanko, Herman. God=s Everlasting Covenant of Grace. Grandville, MI: Reformed Free Publishing Association, 1988. Calvinistic sovereign grace.
Hals, Ronald. Grace and Faith in the Old Testament. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1980.
Hardman, Oscar. The Christian Doctrine of Grace. New York: Macmillan, 1947.
Hoekema, Anthony. Saved by Grace. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989. Calvinistic study of the scope of salvation.
Horton, Michael Scott. Putting Amazing Back into Grace: Who Does What in Salvation? 2 ed. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994. Calvinistic.
Hughes, Philip E. But for the Grace of God. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1964. Calvinistic.
Jauncey, Ernest. The Doctrine of Grace: Up to the End of the Pelagian Controversy. London: SPCK, 1925.
Julian, Ron. Righteous Sinners: The Believer's Struggle with Faith, Grace, and Works. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1998.
Kevan, Ernest F. The Grace of Law: A Study of Puritan Theology. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1976 reprint of 1964 work.
Kuyper, Abraham. Particular Grace: A Defense of the Sovereignty of God in Salvation, trans. Marvin Kamps. Grandville, MI: Reformed Free Publishing Association, 2002. Calvinistic sovereign grace.
Lindsey, Hal. Amazing Grace. Palos Verdes, CA: Western Front, 1995.
McClain, Alva J. Law and Grace. Chicago: Moody, 1954.
Mikolaski, Samuel J. The Grace of God. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1966. A very good study.
Moffatt, James. Grace in the New Testament. New York: Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, 1932.
Phan, Peter C. Grace and the Human Condition. Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, 1988. "Message of the Fathers of the Church" series.
Pinnock, Clark H., ed. The Grace of God, the Will of Man: A Case for Arminianism. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1995 (reprint of Zondervan, 1989). Sees salvation as conditional, as opposed to Calvinism.
Pinnock, Clark H., ed. Grace Unlimited. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1975; reprint, Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 1999. Again, salvation is conditional, contra Calvinism.
Piper, John. Future Grace. Portland, OR: Multnomah, 1995.
Plumer, William S. The Grace of Christ, or Sinners Saved by Unmerited Kindness. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1853. Strong Calvinism.
Ramsay, Richard B. Am I Good Enough? Learning To Live by God's Grace. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1992. A brief Calvinistic treatment of some grace and salvation themes.
Ridenour, Fritz. How To Be a Christian Without Being Religious. Glendale, CA: Regal, 1967. Light, perceptive, and useful study of the book of Romans from the standpoint of grace.
Schulz, Thomas N. The Meaning of Charis in the New Testament. Genova, Italy: Editrice Lanterna, 1971.
Shepherd, Norman. The Call of Grace: How the Covenant Illuminates Salvation and Evangelism. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2001. Unusually strong emphasis on the necessity of works.
Smith, Charles Ryder. The Bible Doctrine of Grace and Related Doctrines. London: Epworth, 1956.
Smith, Chuck. Why Grace Changes Everything. Waco: Word, 1995.
Stanley, Andy. How Good is Good Enough? Portland, OR: Multnomah Publishers, 2003.
Strombeck, J. F. Grace and Truth: The True Relationship Between Law and Grace. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1991. Focuses on the gospel of John.
Stuhlmacher, P. Reconciliation, Law and Righteousness. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986.
Swindoll, Charles R. The Grace Awakening. Dallas: Word, 1990.
Torrance, Thomas F. The Doctrine of Grace in the Apostolic Fathers. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1960.
Unno, Taitetsu. River of Fire, River of Water: An Introduction to the Pure Land Tradition of Shin Buddhism. New York: Doubleday, 1998.
Van Til, Cornelius. Common Grace and the Gospel. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1972. A Calvinist's explanation of how "nonsaving grace" is given to the entire human race.
Walther, C. F. The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel, tr. W. H. T. Dau. St. Louis: Concordia, 1929. Classical Lutheranism.
Watson, Philip S. The Concept of Grace. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1959.
Whitley, William T., ed. The Doctrine of Grace. London: SCM, 1932.
Williams, Norman P. The Grace of God. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1966.
Yancey, Philip. What's So Amazing About Grace? Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997.
B. Restoration Movement Writings
Cottrell, Jack. Baptism: A Biblical Study. Joplin, MO: College Press, 1989. Several chapters emphasize the connection of baptism with grace.
Cottrell, Jack. His Truth. Joplin, MO: College Press, 1989 reprint of 1980 work. Brief doctrinal studies of sinandsalvation themes.
Cottrell, Jack. Thirteen Lessons on Grace. Joplin, MO: College Press, 1988 reprint of Being Good Enough Isn't Good Enough (Standard, 1976).
Cottrell, Jack. What the Bible Says About God the Redeemer. Joplin, MO: College Press, 1987. Aspects of the divine nature that are relevant for understanding grace.
Croom, Adlai S. Man's Salvation by God's Grace. Searcy, AR: author, 1973. Churches of Christ (noninstrument).
Fudge, Edward. The Grace of God. Athens, AL: C.E.I., 1971. An excellent booklet by a churches of Christ (noninstrument) writer.
Fudge, Edward. Questions and Answers. DeFuniak Springs, FL: Diversity Press, 1998. Includes material on grace.
Jones, Milton. Grace, the Heart of the Fire. Joplin, MO: College Press, 1992. Popularlevel work.
Ketcherside, W. Carl. The Death of the Custodian: The Case of the Missing Tutor. Cincinnati: Standard, 1976. This writer has a good understanding of grace as such but a poor understanding of its implications for daily obedience.
Lucado, Max. In the Grip of Grace. Waco: Word, 1996.
Moser, K. C. The Gist of Romans. Delight, AR: Gospel Light, 1958. This study of Romans by a churches of Christ (noninstrument) writer has good insights into grace. See the introduction especially.
Moser, K. C. The Way of Salvation. Delight, AR: Gospel Light, 1932. One of the best Restoration Movement treatments of grace.
Mouton, Boyce. The Schoolmaster: A Study of Law and Grace. Joplin, MO: College Press, 1985.
Pile, William. What the Bible Says About Grace. Joplin, MO: College Press, 1990. A good study.
Roberts, Tom, et al. NeoCalvinism in the Church of Christ. Fairmount, IN: Cogdill Foundation, 1980. Attacks the graceunity movement in the churches of Christ (noninstrument).
Stroop, J. Ridley. The Gospel Context. Nashville: David Lipscomb College, 1967. Churches of Christ (noninstrument).
Thomas, J. D. The Biblical Doctrine of Grace. Abilene: Biblical Research Press, 1977. Churches of Christ (noninstrument).
- Roman Catholic View
Aune, David E., ed. Rereading Paul Together: Protestant an Catholic Perspectives on Justification. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2006.
Ernst, Cornelius. The Theology of Grace. Butler, WI: Clergy Book Service, 1974.
Fransen, Peter. Divine Grace and Man, rev. ed., tr. Georges DuPont. New York: Desclee, 1962.
Fransen, Peter. The New Life of Grace. New York: Desclee, 1969.
Gleason, Robert W. Grace. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1962.
Journet, Charles. The Meaning of Grace, tr. A. V. Littledale. New York: P. J. Kenedy & Sons, 1960.
Joyce, G. H. The Catholic Doctrine of Grace. Westminster, MD; Newman, 1950.
Liderbach, Daniel. The Theology of Grace and the American Mind: A Representation of Catholic Doctrine. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1983.
McDermott, Brian O. What Are They Saying About the Grace of Christ? Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1984. Survey of Catholic views.
Osborne, Kenan B. Reconciliation and Justification: The Sacrament and Its Theology. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 1990. PostVatican II revisionist view of the Roman Catholic sacrament of penance.
Pohle, Joseph. Grace, Actual and Habitual: A Dogmatic Treatise, ed. Arthur Preuss. St. Louis: Herder, 1924.
Rondet, Henri. The Grace of Christ. Paramus, NJ: Newman, 1967.
Sproul, R. C. Faith Alone: The Evangelical Doctrine of Justification. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1995. Contrasts the Biblical and Catholic views.
Sullivan, Francis A. Salvation Outside the Church? Tracing the History of the Catholic Response. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 1992. Catholic perspectives on the question of the salvation of the unevangelized.