Leaf Collection Project – Due May 11
Objective – Create a leaf collection that represents 20 different species
Collect 20 different leaves from your area. 10 of which MUST be TREES
(*Note ask permission before taking a leaf from someone’s yard)
1. Compile those leaves together one of two ways (you decide)
- Represent all 20 on a poster and provide required information neatly on poster or provide key
- Represent all 20 on pieces of construction paper in a booklet format (with a table of contents)
3.Mounting- You can choose to mount the leaf a number of different ways (contact paper, clear packing tape) or you can do a crayon rubbing of the leaf. Make sure you represent an entire leaf and not just a piece. Another option is to scan your leaf on a computer scanner.
4.Labeling– For each leaf you must label its
1. Common Name (s)
2. Scientific Name- written in correct format and spelling
3 .2 bullet statement facts about each plant and 3bullet statement facts about each tree, ONE of which has to be about how the trees are used economically ….For example these facts could be about 1) how the tree lumber is used (2) how the tree fruit is used; (3) medical uses; (4) historical fact
5. Sources – There are many apps and websites that help with identification of trees. For example
Leaves – 20pts (1pts each)Labeling –40 (2 points each leaf) Facts- 50 (2 /plant leaf, 3/ tree) Neatness 10pts Accuracy – 20pts
Total= 140 points possible for on-time projects (Beginning of class period on May 11)
LATE projects (Turned in AFTER Beginning of class period on May 11) will be docked 30%