Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council
Held on 8th June 2016
Cllrs Atherton, Bell, Bullen, Crawford, Hardisty, Kennedy, Leyland, Mackrell, Taylor and Warrilow,
185. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllrs Makin, Reade and Sutherland
186Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non Pecuniary Interests: Cllrs Bell and Hardisty declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 10, Victoria Park.
187Minutes of Previous Meetings: It was resolved that the minutes of the Annual and Ordinary Meetings held on 11th May 2016 and the extraordinary Meetings held on 23rd and 25th May be approved as a true record.
188Residents’ Points of Interest:
a.A member of the public from Crabtree Lane advised the meeting that 5 homes had flooded in the New Yearfloods and flooding had also occurred in 2012. Several points were made including: aspects of flooding are under-reported, as his own home and his neighbours are not included in the risk register despite documentary evidence having been sent to LCC. Concern was expressed regarding the “intransigence of Network Rail in having no plans to upgrade culverts under the railway line
b.A resident spoke about Runnell Brow and the need for traffic controls.
189It was resolved that items 9 (a) & (b) be brought forward.
190It was unanimously resolved that a working group be set up to work with residents present to collate the evidence and bring forward a report to a future Parish Council Meeting.
191It was resolved that Burscough Parish Council request a meeting with LCC Highways engineers to discuss what can be done to improve traffic management and safety at Runnell Brow.
192It was resolved that responses to correspondence below be delegated to the Clerk.
- Phil Le Pinet: road/ traffic conditions
- Angela Felton: library consultation
- Dr Norma Mudd: library consultation
- Fields in Trust: Centenary Fields Programme
- Re: A boards causing obstructions on the pavement, Platt’s Lane.
193To receive a report from the Police: not present. It was resolved to write to the Police expressing disappointment that no officer was present and that there had been no report received.
194To receive a report from County Councillor Dereli: Cllr Dereli advised that she will investigate shared taxi schemes, and b, feedback from ward work on speeding tractors on Red Cat Lane. Clerk to send out letters to farmers via NFU.
195To receive report from Borough Councillor(s). Cllr Evans was welcomed to the meeting. He advised that he hopes that either he or Cllr Pritchard will attend each month.
196Planning Applications: It was resolved that further comment be made in relation to Planning applications 2015/0904/ful and 2015/0457/cou, as follows:
that the Parish Council challenge conclusions in the drainage report, in that much of the information contained therein was written in or prior to 2012, and predates the 2012 flooding on site and 2015 flooding, and includes images from 2007 of a camera inspection of a foul sewer across the site show significant deterioration which may have worsened since the date of the inspection and is too old to be relevant.
- It was resolved that theBank Reconciliation to 31st May 2016be received and duly noted.
- RELD Invoice:
- It was resolved that full payment of invoice was approved at Meeting 11th May 2016 but VAT was omitted in error and should be paid.
- It was resolved that, since the expenditure on RELD invoice above was scheduled to be completed in March and paid from 2015/16 budget, an allocation should be made from reserves to cover the cost, rather than from the 2016/17 street scene budget.
- It was resolved that work authorized for CASS to produce display materials for Big Burscough Survey at a cost of £250 beratified.
- It was resolved that Parish Council insurance is renewed with Zurich at a cost of £1017.90 plus an additional £44.65 for recent additions to asset register.
- It was resolved that the following items be approved for payment
Employee 2 / Salary / £289.77
Employee 5 / Salary / £1,519.39
HMRC / Tax & NI / £527.02
Peoples Pension / Pension / £418.85
NRE / Office lease / £460.00
CASS (see folio 242 yr 15/16) / to correct inv/chq / £2.10
The Grove / Room Hire / £172.50
iData Destruction Ltd / Security Destruction / £4.74
Waring Collins / Newsletter / £777.60
Reld / ground works / £664.00
AA Transcription Services Ltd / Data Input / £45.00
Yates Playgrounds / Spid / £307.20
Yates Playgrounds / Spid / £313.00
Cass Associates / Neighbourhood Plan / £600.00
W Whittle / Internal Audit / £220.80
B Bailey / Expenses / £22.31
Desk Top / Admin / £18.79
N Smith / Expenses / £112.58
198Locally managed bus services: to agree vision. deferred
199The time being 9pm, Cllr Bell left the meeting.
200It was resolved that the meeting continue for a further ¾ hour to allow business to be concluded.
201It was resolved that item 25, future of interchange be brought forward.
202To consider taking ownership of Burscough Interchange: It was agreed that Cllr Atherton should lead on behalf of the Parish Council at a meeting to be held with officers of LCC, Network Rail and Arriva Northern on Friday morning. It was further resolved that discussion items as suggested in report be advised to LCC for inclusion in the agenda.
203Brick Pits (Mill Dam Lane) to consider supporting the use of S106 funds/CIL or parish council funds for the improvement of the Brick Pits: It was resolved that in principle the Parish Council would like to bring forward this project and to that end would like to work with Leisure Services to raise funding from other sources as well as using some S106 monies, in order that the Parish Council’s priorities for capital projects can be met. .
204SPIDS: It was resolved that, subject to ownership remaining with LCC, that LCC be instructed to install a post for mounting solar spid on Moss Lane, at a cost of £750 plus VAT.
205Gorst Lane: It was resolved that request be made to LCC to introduce speed restrictions on Gorst Lane (at New Lane end) and to create a 20mph restriction on the full length of New Lane.
206LCC public consultation regarding closure of library: It was resolved that a strong letter of protest be sent expressing Burscough Parish Council’s disappointment at proposed reduction in services, particularly in regard to long term damage to young people’s opportunities. The Clerk was further asked to liaise with Parbold Parish council and to enquire at the LALC meeting whether or not anything else could be done. Clerk to reference letters from residents considered above.
207To Receive Reports on outside committees and events attended by members: None reported.
208Membership of Planning Meeting: It was resolved that Cllr John Taylor be elected to serve on the Parish Council Planning Committee.
209Armed Forces Day: It was resolved that Cllr Bullen attend on behalf of the Parish Council.
210Lathom and Burscough War Memorial: It was resolved that Burscough Parish Council is very pleased to support the work of LBMHS and their request to WLBC to add the name of Sidney Turner to the War Memorial.
211WLBC Civic Service: It was resolved that Cllr Bailey should be given the opportunity to attend if he wishes to.
212St John’s Church: to consider attendance at induction ceremony to welcome new Vicar, Rev Simon Glynn. It was resolved that Cllr Atherton attends on behalf of the Parish Council.
213Bloomin’ Burscough: It was resolved that prizes will be awarded of £100 each for best hanging baskets or planter group and £100 for best front garden, and £50 for each runner-up. Cups should be purchased for each category, to be engraved with winners’ names and returned at the end of each year. It was resolved that any remaining funds from the £1000 budget allocated will be used for minor prizes for entrants, such as seed packets, and refreshments and expenses for judges.
214To consider purchase photocopier and maintenance agreement. It was resolved that Burscough Parish Council purchase photocopier at a cost of £500 maximum and that a maintenance programme be put in place to cover running and printing costs.
215CILCA courseIt was resolved that a payment of £250 be made to CILCA to cover costs of Clerk’s course.
216Next Meeting: The date and time of the next meeting is Weds 13th July at 7.00 pm.
Tess Reddington
Clerk to Burscough Parish Council
1st July 2016
Signed as a true record…………………………………print name……………………..date…………………………