Date:May 16th, 2016
School:Moshannon Valley Junior-Senior High School
District:Moshannon Valley School District
Principal:Mr. David G. Campbell
Address:5026 Green Acre Road
City:Houtzdale / ZIP: 16651
Phone:814-378-7616 extension 2102 / Fax:814-378-5205
Federal Programs Coordinator:Mrs. Sherri Campbell
Coordinator Email:
***Annual Update to original school-wide plan approved July 11, 2011

Title I School-wide Plan


School/Charter Designation:


X Undesignated


Schools, including Charter Schools, identified as “priority” and “focus” complete school level plans and those plans serve as their schoolwide plan.

School Demographics (updated for 2014)

Low Income Percentage *** / 49% / School Grade Span: / 7 / to / 12
Ethnic/Racial Breakdown
White / 98% / School Enrollment / 429
Multi-racial / .47% / IEP Students / 10.02%
All others less than 1% / ELL Students / 0%
Highly Qualified Instructional Paraprofessionals / 100%

Note: All teachers and instructional paraprofessionals ARE highly qualified.


Planning Team:
Name of Team Member / Position/Representation
Mr. David G. Campbell / Principal
Mrs. Sherri Campbell / Elementary Principal, Director of Special Education, Federal Programs Coordinator
Mr. Kris Albright / Assistant Principal
Mr. Robert Lewis / Language Arts Teacher
Mr. Thomas Webb / Language Arts Department Chair
Ms. Kim Mills / Language Arts Special Education
Mrs. Jean Nevling / Math Department Chair
Mrs. Alicia Cervenak / Math Teacher
Ms. Lisa Magill / Math Special Education

Review of Current 14-15 Title 1 School-Wide Program

  • Providing language arts instruction for students who are most at-risk. Instruction includes grade level standards (not remedial) with focus on providing small group, high quality instruction using research-based strategies.
  • New 8th Grade Reading Course to supplement additional reading and writing skills
  • More emphasis on Writing to Learn in all content areas: Text Dependent Analysis Professional Development and Trainings
  • Continued focus on the use of effective, evidence based instructional strategies in all classrooms (with regular grade level and other small group meetings): Grade Level Meetings, Data Meetings, Special Education Meetings, School Improvement/Literacy Needs Assessment Meetings
  • Providing resources for use in the curriculum to work towards using a wider range of materials to teach and reinforce literacy to meet the demands of the new PA Core standards: New Curriculum Maps, improved lesson plans, addition of AR 360

Professional Development Focuses During the Current Year (14-15)

  • Text Dependent Analysis Training
  • Professional Development opportunities through monthly Literacy Trainings
  • Understanding PVAAS growth, SPP and State-Mandated Testing Results: Teams have studied this data.
  • Curriculum and the new PA Core Standards – Getting to know the eligible content and item samplers: Data Team provides this to all instructors

Needs Assessment/Data Analysis

  1. What types of assessments/tools were utilized during the needs assessment to gather data about the school?



CDT Data

Literacy Assessment Tool

Local/Teacher made Assessments

Curriculum Based Assessments

** Parent survey and staff Title 2 Needs Assessments currently being conducted

Curriculum review is being conducted for alignment to PA Core

  1. Is our current program working based on data?
  • SPP score of 70.2

See data statements below…

Strengths / Areas of Concern
  • Reading/Literature 65.97% proficient or advanced
  • Closing the achievement gap for all students including historically underperforming students in all tested subject areas and grade levels
  • Math 76.8% proficient or advanced
  • PSSA scores with new assessment were at or near the state average
  • Graduation Rate 94%
  • Attendance Rate 94%
  • CCCTC students met and/or exceeded their Industry Standards-Based competency assessments (NOCTI)
  • Moderate evidence that the school did not make a year’s worth of growth in reading/literature with SPP growth score of 50 (PVAAS)
  • Biology/Science scores showing a downward trend with SPP achievement score of 68%
  • Percent proficient/advanced on all subject areas - below the 70 percentile
  • No advanced students on ELA & Lit. standardized tests

  • We are concerned that we are not as focused on improving the performance of all students in all classrooms since overall performance in reading is not where we want it to be.
  • We are continuing to work on the transition to the PA Core. Our teachers, our students, and our curriculum are updating curriculum to align with the PA Common Core
  • We have an increased focus on providing differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all students

Area of Need to Be Addressed / Data Source #1 / Data Source #2 / Data Source #3
Transition to PA Core / curriculum review in all subject areas / Teacher curriculum maps
Improving performance in reading / CDT, Teacher Created Classroom Assessments / PVAAS / PSSA/Keystone
Improving performance in math / CDT, Teacher Created Classroom Assessments / PVAAS / PSSA/Keystone
Improving performance in science / CDT, Teacher Created Classroom Assessments / PVAAS / PSSA/Keystone
  1. Describe the goals for the school-wide planning team agreed upon for each of the areas of need listed above.

Goal for Transition to the PA Core: Provide classroom teachers with curriculum support, instructional support, and resources necessary to continue alignment to the PA Core.

Goal for Reading/Literature: Improve reading/literature achievement for all students in all classrooms. Decrease the number of underperforming students and an increase in advanced students.

Goal for Math: Improve math achievement for all students in all classrooms.Decrease the number of underperforming students and an increase in advanced students.

Goal for Science: Improve science achievement for all students in all classrooms. Decrease the number of underperforming students and an increase in advanced students.

School Reform Strategies -Scientifically-Based Solutions


  • Revise curriculum to better align to the PA Core.
  • Provide push-in and co-teaching support in mathematics and reading. This will take the form of both instructional coaching for teachers and providing additional supports for struggling learners.
  • Providing differentiated instructional opportunities for all students across all subject areas
  • Provide more explicit instruction in the writing process/adoption of district-wide K-12 writing curriculum
  • Continue professional development opportunities focused on improving classroom instruction, co-teaching, and meeting demands of the PA Core.
  • After-school tutoring provided twice a week, open to all students, Academic Saturday Study Sessions
  • Intensive individual and/or small group interventions provided pending scheduling availability during school day.

Teacher Participation in Student Assessment of Progress

Grade Level / Content
Area / Assessment Name and Description / Frequency of
Assessment / How will Staff be Trained / How/when
will Staff use the Information to Guide Instruction
7th -8th Grade / Reading and Math / CDTs / 3 times per year / Currently in Use / Item analysis to guide instruction – overall scores to measure progress
7th -8th Grade / Reading, Math, and Science / Classroom formative and summative assessments / Ongoing Throughout the Year / Currently in Use / Use to guide re-teaching and to measure progress
9th – 10th
Grade / Science / CDTs / 2-3 Times Per Year / Currently in Use / Individual and Group Maps Provide Areas of Strength/Weakness and Sample Questions
9th – 10th / Literature / CDTs / 2-3 Times Per Year / Currently in Use / Use a Guide for Literature Growth in Multiple Areas in preparation for Keystones
9th – 10th / Algebra / CDTs / 2-3 Times Per Year / Currently in Use / Use a Guide for Growth in Multiple Areas in preparation for Keystones

Additional Assistance for Struggling Students

Please indicate (yes/no) the options for increased instructional time that students will have access to if identified as at-risk of failing or failing to meet achievement standards:

YesExtended School Day/Tutoring Programs

X Reading

X Math

X Science

Before School

X After School

Lunch/Study Periods

X In-Class Instructional Support

X Pull Out Instructional Support

Highly Qualified Staff & Strategies to Attract HQ Staff

All teachers and paraprofessionals are highly qualified. Only highly qualified faculty and paraprofessionals are hired or plans are developed immediately so that they may become highly qualified.

An equity plan is updated each year and is used as a guide when transferring faculty between assignments or buildings. This equity plan annually details any difficulties in finding highly qualified staff. However, at the present time, a plethora of properly certificated candidates apply when vacancies arise.

Parents are notified annually of their right to request teacher qualifications. In addition, the PDE Form 425 principal verification of highly qualified status is completed annually and kept on record for review at the building.

Student Assistance

  1. Describe how the school will identify students experiencing difficulty mastering skills and standards so that they can be provided with timely assistance and support.

Data from classroom assessments, CDT testing, PSSAand Keystone Exams are used to identify students who may be struggling. Parents, teachers, counselors, the school psychologist, and/or administrators work together when students experience difficulty.

  1. Describe how timely assistance and services will be provided for your struggling learners.

Seventh and Eighth Grade Teams identify needs early and a plan for assistance and services is developed along with regular monitoring of progress in response to interventions. Title 1 teachers provide additional classroom supports. Struggling students are encouraged to attend Study Tables (Tutoring sessions) and Saturday Academic Sessions. Teachers notify administrators of struggling students.

  1. Describe services for the following special populations:
  • How services will be provided for your special education students;

Services are provided through push-in, inclusion support and pullout instruction depending on the individualized plan for the student. Pullout instruction focuses on explicit instructional strategies at the learner’s instructional level. IEP teams meet annually or at a higher frequency if there is a need.

  • How services will be provided for your English Language Learners;

There are currently no ELL students the Jr/Sr High, however, there is an updated ESL plan for the district and we have faculty certified and available to provide services should the need arise.

  • How services will be provided for your migrant and/or homeless students;

Mrs. Jayne Kitko, guidance counselor, serves as the district homeless liaison and she contacts Mrs. Campbell, the federal programs coordinator, when services are needed to coordinate.

Plan Implementation


  • Schedule meetings and provide support for curriculum revisions
  • Lead data analysis sessions
  • Provide support and guidance for co-teaching, instructional coaching (including scheduling assistance)


  • Sharing of plan with teachers via building meetings and/or email
  • Collaborate with administrators to revise curriculum and find/develop necessary resources
  • Participate in continued professional development focused on co-teaching, use of effective instructional strategies, assessments, and the PA Core.
  • Co-teaching, participation in team meetings and intervention planning


  • Parents will be informed via the annual Title 1 parent meeting
  • Changes to curriculum will be shared with parents as well as changing demands of the PA Core (website, parent meeting, newsletters)
  • Back to school nights, parent conference nights, and regular communications sent via departments and administration

Professional Development

  1. List the professional development activities the school will engage in to implement the schoolwide plan.
  • PA Core and eligible content (assessments, types of questions, Webb’s Depth of Knowledge)
  • Co-teaching (modeling, guided practice in use of instructional strategies)
  • PD focused on specific, research-based instructional strategies ie. AR 360 (when available)
  • Continued school improvement types of activities based on current, published best practices research
  • TDAs, Constructed Response – Professional Development Sessions
  • Literacy Trainings based on school-wide plan and areas of need
  1. Describe how each professional development activity listed above relates to the priority areas needing improvement and how these activities will assist in improving student achievement.

The focus of all PD is on improving the curriculum, assessments, and instructional strategies to be sure we are providing effective instruction and measuring said instruction in all classrooms. Co-teaching and inclusion are relatively new to this building so PD is necessary to ensure it is properly implemented. In addition, new lesson planning will include a “writing across the curriculum” component so that all content areas have a writing focus aligned to PA Common Core Standards

  1. Describe the on-going and embedded support and follow-up to professional development to ensure staff implementation and effective use of the learned instructional skills and strategies.

The building administrator will provide ongoing monitoring through formal classroom observations walk-through observations, completion of Act 48 surveys to provide feedback on PD opportunities, and feedback to be sure strategies from PD is implemented. Teachers are continuously surveyed to determine areas of professional growth.

Parent Involvement Activities

Describe the parent involvement activities to be conducted during the year regarding the Title I Schoolwide Program.

A parent meeting will be held in November during parent conferences. During this meeting, the following will be reviewed: Title 1 program and school-wide goals, how Title 1 funding is used, parent complaint procedures, and academic achievement (SPP). Other information will be included as required or appropriate.

A parent survey will be distributed in the spring to gather feedback from parents regarding the Title 1 school-wide program and parent involvement policies.

Parent Advisory meetings are scheduled at various points throughout the school year to discuss strengths, needs, and goals.

Describe the methods to be used to keep individual parents informed of their child’s academic achievement and the expectations of both students and parents.

Skyward Family Access and Skyward Student Access provide real-time information and notifications to all parents and students regarding all aspects of instruction and school business including academics, discipline, attendance, and health related information. Phone calls, emails and notes are used on a regular basis to facilitate communication. In addition to a “New Student Orientation” night in August, three additional parent conference opportunities are held throughout the school year (in evenings).

Parent communications must be done in a way that is easily understood by parents. Does the school provide parent notifications in more than one language? If no, please explain.

Yes, when appropriate, Phone Messenger is used for school parent notifications.

Transition Strategies for Students

Schoolwide plans include assisting students in successful transitions from early childhood through any other grade or school level.

  1. Describe how the schoolwide program will coordinate transitions for preschool children into primary school, where appropriate.


  1. Describe other transitions that may be applicable to your school, such as elementary to middle school, middle school to high school and high school to postsecondary.

Transition activities from grade 6 to grade 7 include: a New Student Orientation, back to school nights, and visits to the high school in the spring are used to facilitate the smooth transition of services, and building visits. When students leave elementary school to transition to the junior/senior high school, they participate in a school visit.

Coordination and Integration of Services and Programs

The purpose of a Title I Schoolwide Program is to improve the educational program of the entire school and to improve the educational opportunities for ALL students. In carrying out the schoolwide plan, schools are encouraged to consolidate/integrate funds from state, local and federal programs. This consolidation of funds provides flexibility in the use of the funds and maximizes the opportunities for students, teachers and parents. Funds eligible for consolidation are:

  • Is your school consolidating funds? If yes, please complete chart below.

Yes No X

On-going Plan to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Schoolwide Plan

Title I-A schools must annually evaluate the implementation of and results achieved by the schoolwide Plan.

  1. Describe the process and timeline to be used by the school and district to annually evaluate the effectiveness of the plan.

A meeting of the school-wide planning team will be held twice each year to review data to determine the effectiveness of the plan, and to identify changes or adjustments that may be needed.

  1. Describe who will be involved in the evaluation/review and how they were selected.

Staff members representing various grade levels, Title 1 staff, special education, building administrator, parent and district representative. When possible and appropriate the team members serve for more than one year as this provides them an opportunity to analyze data and track progress of the plan from year to year.

  1. Describe what process will be in place to ensure that revisions are completed and that staff and district have been informed of any changes.

The federal programs coordinator and the principal will work together to be sure plans are implemented and faculty, staff, students and parents are informed as appropriate.

  1. Describe how the district will be informed of the school’s progress and changes in the plan.

A district administrator not only serves on the school-wide planning team, but is also the federal programs coordinator so coordination and communication between the school and district are relatively seamless.

Revised April 2, 20151