First class outline
1.Hello, welcome
2.Outline of today
One, possible guest
Me: convening, marking
4.Contents - see classes
Go through each
Timing: 12-1:10, 1:30-2:50; 3-4:10, 4:30-5:50;
Web site
See general notes
Galexia extranet
ID: cyberlawstudentgrokster05
See general notes
Case study: week 3 and 9
Essay: week3 and 12
7.Exercise 1: protocols and tools
Web searching
File transfer/MP3
8.Exercise 2: services/experiences
Domain registration
Email forwarding
Identity fraud
Online banking
Purchase books etc
Download music
Offended by material
Worked at ISP
Worked at web developer
Had content stolen from you
Been hacked
Been defamed
Been locked by accessibility issues
Had international issues
Been spied upon
9.Web 2.0 - discuss?
- Developing issues – your help?
- Materials will be supplemented with web 2.0 issues
10.About the law
- Concrete
- Constitutional government, 3 wings
- Legislation
- Case law
- Jurisdiction
- Discretion
- Crim/admin/contract – private or public law?
- Enforcement
- Non state regulatory models: Internet governance
- Lessig Code
11.Intro to jurisdiction: Independence
13.After break: the iiNet sample docs, and the online service
14.Online Service(s): class to work on options and plans for an online Web 2.0 service, either just for class or for wider use.
- Collaborative case study development?
- Task: investigate online options for collaborative case study development, inc say Dropbox, Moodle, Facebook, Blackboard, Confluence, other wiki?
- Focus on critical features of service, and in particular terms of use, hosting, privacy, security, legal liability.
- Report back next week
Brainstorm to start thinking about how you would design it
- Process: iterative prototyping, risk focus, user centred design
- Project planning: time, resources, scope, quality
- Who is the audience? Is it this class?
- What do they want and need from us/this
- What can we offer?
- What sort of information will be involved?
- What sort of functionality?
- What tools are available (facebook, twitter, wiki, instapaper/Diig, UNSW tools etc)
- How much effort would they need to look after?
- What legal or other risks of using the chosen one? How compare with our risk tolerance?
How would you choose between the alternative possible functions, or tools?
Several stages:
1. now: look at the whole process, plan stages
2. clarify the audience needs/expectations, priorities
2A, as it is web 2, clarify our contributors needs, expectations, priorities - are they the same?
3. What can we offer? How? effort? Lifespan? Information? Tools needed: functionality
4. discuss the alternative tools, compare, choose a few, map out first steps
5. Start trial, plan the information architecture, set up the framework
6. invite users,
Semester 1, 2012 - Room: Materials Science G11 (E8) 12-3pm/ Law 303 (F8) 3-6pm
Wk / Date / Topic / Teacher / Notes and readings1 / Tuesday
28 Feb
12-3 pm / 1. Course Intro and administration / David Vaile / Essential
- Course outline
2 / 6 March / 2. Introduction to cyberspace regulation
- Brief introduction to the Internet
- Theoretical approaches to cyberspace law and regulation
- Materials: Theories topic
3 / 13 March / 3. Domain Names: - Governance
- Governance of cyberspace
- ICANN, ICANN reform
- Disputes: Domain names and trademarks
- Domain name disputes, UDRP
- Materials: Domain Names
4 / 20 March / 4. Content Regulation
- US attempts to legislate, other countries
- Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (Cth) Sch 5, 7
- State enforcement, Role of ACMA
- IIA Codes of Conduct
- Other content laws
- Materials: Content Regulation
- 'Studies on violence' (games)
- Censorship and filter references
5 / 27 March / 5. Cyber crime
- Computer crimes
- Online crimes
- Hacking and denial of service attacks
- state-sponsored attacks?
- Materials: Cybercrime
6 / 3 April / 6. Defamation
- Flaming
- ISP Liability
- Materials: Defamation
- / 10 April / Mid-semester break - no class / - / -
7 / 17 April / Law Reading week - no class / - / -
8 / 24 April / 7. Privacy
- Identification
- Privacy laws, Privacy policies
- PITs and PETs
- Workplace surveillance
- Access issues
- Discrimination
- Accessibility standards
- Materials: Privacy
- Materials: Accessibility
9 / 1 May / 9. Copyright in Cyberspace
- Napster, Grokster
- Digital Agenda and US FTA Legislation
- Anti-circumvention
- ISP liability, iiNet
3 pm Friday
- Materials: Copyright
10 / 8 May / 10. eCommerce
- EFT Code, Digital cash
- Scams and swindles
- Account Aggregation
- Materials: Ecommerce [PPT],[RTF]
11 / 15 May / 11. Consumer Protection
- Policy framework
- Codes of Conduct
- Dispute resolution
- Materials: Consumer [PPT] [RTF]
12 / 22 May / 12. Internet Jursidiction
- Case law
- International treaties
- International arbitration
- Materials: Jurisdiction
(3 pm Friday)
13 / 29 May / 13. Overview, and review of Web 2.0
- Current developments
- Future trends
- 'Storm in a teacup' or 'everything changed'?
- Materials: Web 2.0 issues
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