Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Brannel Room, Fore Street, St Stephen on Wednesday 17 February 2016 commencing at 7.30pm.

Present: Chair: Cllr Hatton

Vice Chair: Cllr Hallett

Messrs: Cllrs Phillips, Simpson and Wonnacott MBE (Substitute)

Madams: Cllrs Mrs Allsopp and Mrs Wonnacott

In Attendance: Linda Ranger – Deputy Clerk and 6 members of the public.

Cllr Hatton advised everyone present that, if they intended to participate in the meeting, they could be recorded, photographed, filmed or otherwise reported about.

P12/16 Apologies:

It was

RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Davey.

P13/16 Declarations of Interest:

Cllrs Mrs Allsopp, Hallett, Hatton, Simpson, Wonnacott MBE and Mrs Wonnacott declared an interest in application 15/11585 as the applicant is known to them.

Cllr Hallett declared an interest in applications 16/00019 and 16/00143 as he receives a pension from Imerys who were the applicants.

Cllr Phillips declared an interest in application 15/11585 as he was the applicant.

P14/16 Dispensation Requests:

The Deputy Clerk gave a dispensation to Cllrs Mrs Allsopp, Hallett, Hatton, Simpson, Wonnacott MBE and Mrs Wonnacott for the life of application 15/11585 as without the dispensation the number of persons unable to participate in the transaction of business would be so great as to impede the transaction of the business.

P15/16 Public Participation:

Cllr Phillips left the meeting.

Simon Jones spoke in support of application 15/11585 and took questions from Members.

Cllr Phillips returned to the meeting.

Mr Hawken spoke in support of application 16/00150.

Three members of the public spoke in objection to application 16/00579.

P16/16 Previous Meeting Minutes:

It was

RESOLVED that the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Wednesday 20 January 2016 be signed as a true and accurate record with the following amendments –

P09/15 P10/15 and P11/15 be changed to P09/16 P10/16 and P11/16

P17/16 Matters Arising:



P18/16 Planning Applications:

The following Pre Planning Advice Application was noted –

16/00201 Land adj to Homeleigh, Carpalla Rd, Foxhole

Pre application advice for proposed amended design to approved scheme

The following Planning Applications were considered -

14/12186 Land at West Carclaze and Ball, Carluddon, St Austell

Outline application for 'West Carclaze Eco-community' comprising the demolition, site clearance and associated earthworks and the phased development of up to 1500 dwellings, a local centre, incorporating local retail, health and community facilities, a primary school, employment floorspace and associated areas of open space, renewable energy provision and energy centre(s), drainage and associated infrastructure. All matters reserved with points of access from the A391 only to be agreed.

RESOLVED: No comment – Members felt that the Parish would not be effected by this development and as other local councils had differing opinions, it would be wrong to support one view.

Cllr Phillips left the meeting.

15/11585 Grenville Arms, Fore Street, Nanpean

Demolition of existing storage building and erection of 4 new dwellings

RESOLVED: Support on the understanding that any s106 agreement monies be allocated solely for use in the parish of St Stephen in Brannel.

Cllr Phillips returned to the meeting.

Cllr Hallett left the meeting.

16/00019 Higher Goverseth Farm, Access road to Higher Goverseth Hill, Foxhole

Proposed agricultural field entrance and associated works to form visibility.

RESOLVED: Object – Members felt that without any explanation to justify the creation of the entrance on a busy road, they had no alternative other than object to the proposals.

Cllr Hallett returned to the meeting.

16/00068 Goonvean House, Beacon Rd, Foxhole

Outline application with some matters reserved for residential development.

RESOLVED: Support as no objections to the proposals.

Cllr Hallett left the meeting.

16/00143 Dubbers Tip Complex, Karslake China Clay Works, Currian Vale, Nanpean

Variation of condition numbers 2, 3 and 4 in respect of decision notice 09/00494 to extend the duration of the operational and restoration period

RESOLVED: Object – Members felt that the Odour Management Plan was insufficient to deal with the numerous complaints received.

Cllr Hallett returned to the meeting.

16/00150 Land to rear of 1 Trethosa Rd, St Stephen

Erection of single dwelling

RESOLVED: Support as no objections to the proposals.


Two members of the public left the meeting at 8.35pm.

Cllr Hallet declared an interest in the following application as a close family member would be receiving financial benefit if the development went ahead.

Cllr Hallett left the meeting.

16/00434 Land to the West of Trethosa Rd, North of primary school, Trethosa Rd, St Stephen

Reserved matters in respect of 15/01403 (residential development of 36 units) and discharge of conditions 4 7 8 10 11

RESOLVED: Support as no objections to the proposals.

Cllr Hallett returned to the meeting.

16/00604 3 Gwindra Rd, St Stephen

Create a parking and turning area to the front of the property

RESOLVED: Support as no objections to the proposals.

16/00579 Land adj to Jenna Cottage, Little Treviscoe, Treviscoe

Erection of dwelling (revised scheme)

RESOLVED: Object – Members felt the revised scheme led to an overdevelopment of the site so therefore contrary to Policy 6 of the Restormel Local Plan; that there would be flooding problems due to the ground level being reduced; and that the proposals were contrary to the Cornwall Minerals Local Plan by location.

Three members of the public left the meeting at 8.55pm.

16/00699 Hay Nurseries, Road through Hay, Hay

Application for removal of condition 5 (Agricultural Occupancy) from decision notice 69/35639

RESOLVED: Support as no objections to the proposals.

16/00767 Gwendra Farm, Gwendra Lane, Whitemoor

Certificate of proposed lawful development in respect of the erection of a two storey rear and a single storey side extension.

RESOLVED: Local knowledge indicated that the extension had been in place for more than 20 years therefore a certificate should be issued.

16/00838 65/67 Central Treviscoe, Treviscoe

Proposed single storey office extension

RESOLVED: Support as no objections to the proposals.

P19/16 Planning Decisions:

The following Planning Decisions were received:

Application / Address / SSPC / CC
15/01948 / Trethosa Methodist Church, Trethosa Hill, Trethosa, St Stephen / Support / Granted
15/10940 / Sustainable Furniture Ltd, Goonamarris Workshops & Offices, Goonamarris, St Stephen / Support as no objections / Granted
15/10973 / Downderry House. Coombe / Support as no objections / Granted
15/11300 / Tellam Barn, Hillhead/Stepaside, St Stephen / Support as no objections / Granted
15/11859 / Edleyton, Crown Rd, Whitemoor / Support as no objections / Granted

P20/16 To Receive Correspondence:

a)  Enforcements –

Ref No / Address / Alleged Breach
16/00069 / Land North West of The Villa, Currian Rd, Nanpean / High hedges

b)  Road Closures –

Location: Crown Rd, Nanpean

Timing: 15th to 17th February 2016 (24 hours)

Contact: South West Water

c)  Communities and Devolution Planning Bulletin – January 2016 edition

P21/16 Committee Terms of Reference:

It was

RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council that the Terms of Reference be adopted as presented.

P22/16 Consultation:

a)  It was

RESOLVED to approve the draft response to the Consultation on the Proposed Changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (from the Planning and Housing Bill).

b)  It was

RESOLVED to respond to the Roche Neighbourhood Plan stating Members felt it was a comprehensive, good document.

P23/16 Information and Answers:

1.  Cllr Mrs Wonnacott asked if the number of properties built over the last few years could be obtained.

2.  Mrs Ranger confirmed that an enforcement had been logged about the caravans at Higher Pennance Farm, Pennance.

3.  Cllr Mrs Wonnacott reported that, since the erection of a hard standing area, water was running onto Long Lane, St Stephen from the former Greyhound Buses site.

4.  Cllr Wonnacott MBE reported the fence by Trethosa Tank site had come down and was effecting the highway.

5.  Pot holes at Beacon Rd, Foxhole; North Rd, Whitemoor; and Dabryn Way, St Stephen were reported.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm




Committee Terms of Reference

That the Terms of Reference be adopted as presented.
