/ DGD 16-029

Home Based Work Procedure








Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, Frameworks, Standards and Legislation...... 4

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The purpose of this Procedure is to ensure that employees, managers and delegates are aware of their roles and responsibilities in relation to applications for home based work, and that applications are managed in accordance with relevant ACT Public Sector Enterprise Agreements.


This Procedure applies to the request for, and approval and implementation of, regular and formal home based work arrangements.

It does not apply to ad hoc instances of working from home, which should be negotiated on a case-by-case basis between the employee and their manager.


Employees wishing to undertake home based work should first discuss the matter with their manager. Subject to the outcomes of this discussion, they should complete the application form Proposal for an Agreement for Working from Home(Attachment 1) and provide it to their manager.

The manager should consider the application and record their support, or reasons for not supporting it, and any conditions that should be met before approval is given. Having first informed the employee of their recommendation, they should provide the completed application to the delegate (as identified in theACT Health P&C Delegations Manual).

The delegate should review the application, taking into account both the employee’s and manager’s comments. In making their decision the delegate should take account of the factors set out in the relevant Enterprise Agreements, and in the Delegate Considerationsguide (Attachment 2).

The delegate’s approval should be given in principle, dependent on the results of the Work Site Inspection and Assessment(Attachment 3).

The manager should advise the employee of the delegate’s in principle decision. Reasons for a refusal should be given in writing. If the employee is not satisfied with the decision they may seek a review under the ACT Health Internal Review Procedure.

Following the delegate’s approval, the manager shouldconsult with the employee on the provision of home workplace equipment, and arrange a home workplace assessment through the Senior Safety Adviser.

The Workplace Site Inspection and Assessment Report is submitted to the manager, who notifies the delegate, who forwards a copy of the documents to People & Culture (P&C). P&C maintains a record of all applications for home based work, whether or not they are successful, and provides reports to Deputy Directors Generalas requested. All applications are held on the employee’s personal file.

Once a home based work arrangement is established, the manager and employee should maintain regular contact to ensure any concerns are addressed in a timely manner.

In addition, the manager should review the arrangement on at least an annual basis in regard to operational requirements, efficiency, and compliance by the employee with the arrangements. The manager should forward a copy of these reviews to the delegate and P&C.

The arrangement may be terminated on the basis of operational requirements, inefficiency, or failure of the employee to comply with its terms.


This Procedure will be placed on the ACT Health intranet Policy Register.


Outcome Measures

  • All approved home based work plans are managed as per the terms in the agreed application and the relevant Enterprise Agreement.
  • Home based work is performed as agreed.


  • All applications for home basedwork are assessed for compliance with the provisions detailed within the relevant Enterprise Agreements.
  • Managers review home based work plans at least annually.
  • P&Cmay monitor home based work plans, consider reported issues arising and annual reviews and, where appropriate, consult with the manager and the employee to resolve any issues.

Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, Frameworks, Standards and Legislation


Work Health and Safety


Information and Communications Technology Resources: Acceptable Use Procedure


All ACT Public Sector Enterprise Agreements, 2013–2017

Workers Compensation Act 1951

Work Health and Safety Act 2011

Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)

Search Terms

Home based work; working from home


Attachment 1 – Proposal for an Agreement for Working From Home

Attachment 2 – Delegate Considerations

Attachment 3 – Work Site Inspection and Assessment Guide

Disclaimer: This document has been developed by ACT Health, <Name of Division/ Branch/Unit> specifically for its own use. Use of this document and any reliance on the information contained therein by any third party is at his or her own risk and ACT Health assumes no responsibility whatsoever.

Date Amended / Section Amended / Approved By


TO: (Delegate’s name)





Prior to giving approval for an agreement to be made, the delegate must consider whether the matters set out below have been adequately addressed, and that the arrangement is not inconsistent with provisions of the relevant Enterprise Agreement.


Proposals should not be approved as an alternative to dependent care arrangements, nor are arrangements for working from home generally considered appropriate for employees on a graduated return to work program following an illness or an injury.


The duration of the proposed agreement should be specified and appropriate. Allowance should be made for arrangements to be reviewed on an annual basis.

Hours of work

The hours of work specified should normally fall between 7.00am and 7.00pm Monday to Friday. However consideration may be given to working hours outside the normal bandwidth and days where the Manager is satisfied that these hours are not detrimental to the health and safety of the employee. Overtime rates would not be payable under such arrangements.

Management considerations

The delegate should consider:

  • Can the duties be performed off site;
  • Does the arrangement impact on the other team members;
  • Does the employee have the skills and personal attributes needed to undertake home based work;
  • Does the employee have reasonable dependent care arrangements in place;
  • Have appropriate work performance measures been agreed;
  • Is the home based work area a safe work environment; and
  • Is there sufficient security in the home based work environment to ensure that confidentiality is maintained in accordance with the Privacy Act?

Assigned duties

The delegate should be satisfied that:

  • The assigned duties can be performed satisfactorily in a home based work environment;
  • There is no increase in workload on other team members;
  • There are suitable performance indicators, which are both achievable and measurable; and
  • There are appropriate supervision and support arrangements.


Evidence should be sighted that appropriate public liability insurance has been arranged.


Reasonable access is required (with reasonable notice) for visits to monitor the employee’s performance, for health and safety inspections, and for the maintenance of equipment, urgent security and audit requirements.

The work site

The home workplace is an extension of the employee’s office workplace and, as such, the employee is covered by the provisions of the Workers Compensation Act 1951.

To satisfy ACT Health’s duty of care as an employer under the Work Health and Safety Act, the delegate must ensure, prior to giving approval to a proposal for working from home, that the proposed home based work site conforms to health and safety standards.

For administrative work this will include equipment, the work environment, ergonomic issues, safe access and egress, training and ongoing monitoring of the work site.

All approved and relevant codes of practice and standards will be maintained, as in the office environment.

After considering the inspection report, the delegate must be satisfied that the employee is able to maintain a safe work site as required by the Work Health and Safety Act.

Segregation of the work site within the home

A specific part of the home, rather than the entire home, will be designated as the work area. This work area should be able to accommodate any equipment required, and it should be possible to separate it from the rest of the family and from visitors during the working hours proposed.


The security of Government-owned equipment, documents (electronic and paper) and material should be reasonably assured both at the work site and whilst being transported to and from the work site. It may be necessary for ACTHealthto provide lockable cabinets and suitable waste disposal facilities.

The employee may be required to install suitable locks on windows and doors.

The delegate should also be satisfied that personal security can be satisfactorily maintained while the employee is performing the duties proposed.


Evidence should be available that any required modifications can be made within the scope of the employees lease/mortgage, and any municipal by-laws.If modifications are required the employee must meet these costs.


ACTHealth is responsible for providing and maintaining supplies and any additional equipment needed at the work site.

However an agreement may also specify equipment that the employee already has in the home that may be used in performing the work proposed (for example, ergonomic chairs and computer desks).

Thedelegate should be satisfied that access to systems and equipment will be adequate for the duties proposed, as well as operating within the prescribed standards under the Work Health and Safety Act.

Establishment and maintenance costs

Costs associated with the establishment of a viable and safe area from which to work, and the provision and maintenance of additional equipment and supplies, are the responsibility of ACTHealth. The delegate may take these costs into account when considering a request if they outweigh the benefits derived.


Work Site Inspection and Assessment Guide

Inspection Checklist

General Working Environment
Location of the proposed work site
- Does the location of the home pose any difficulties?
Details of the designated work area:
Smoke detectors
Ventilation/air quality/temperature control.
Noise – internal and external.
Power supply – location of outlets, circuit breakers, suitability of circuit board for extra equipment, earth leakage.
Ergonomics of proposed work station – for example is the chair suitable for the floor coverings of the work site.
First aid – is the employee able to maintain suitable first aid arrangements?
Proximity of car parking facilities
Obstacles – railings on stairs, slippery hard surfaces, cracked pavement etc.
Access for employee
Access for work-related visitors
Emergency exit
System of work
Manual handling – due to transporting material and equipment between the office and home work sites, setting up home work site each day.
Task variation – suitable rest breaks
Space allocation/layout of workstation
Personal security – suitable locks on windows and doors.
ACT Healthdocuments and equipment – transport, storage and disposal
Furniture and Equipment
Desk – adjustable and suitable for requirements
Chair – adjustable and suitable for requirements
Storage (see also security) – cabinets are correctly balanced and stable and can be locked
Computer terminal and access to the network.
Other equipment required – please list


The proposed work site is suitable/not suitable.


Security of ACT Healthequipment and documents can/ cannot be maintained between the office and home work sites, and while in the home work site.


The duties to be assigned to the employee while working from the home work site can/ cannot be performed safely.


The safety of visitors, both work and non work-related, to the home work site can/cannot be assured.


The following modifications are required:

ACT Healthto arrange:Employee to arrange:

The following equipment is required:

ACT Health to provide:Employee to provide:



Doc Number / Version / Issued / Review Date / Area Responsible / Page
DGD16/029 / 1.0 / 14/10/2016 / 01/10/2019 / QGR / 1 of 14
Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register