January 2018

Chairman's Corner ~ by Ken Lee
We begin a New Year on January 1, 2018 and everyone is setting New Year’s resolutions, to lose weight, exercise more and to refrain from procrastination.
Here are a couple of Scout related resolutions we could try:
  • Get my Pack or Troop onto the “scout book” program and keep it up to date
  • Enter all my Units service hours into Good Turn America on a monthly basic
  • Delegate more by recruiting some new leaders or just asking Scout Parents to take on one task so I am not doing everything and getting burned out
  • Keep Track of my units JTE (Journey to Excellence) on a monthly basis so I know I am offering the best scouting program for my scouts (this a good job to delegate to one of the Parents I am asking to take on one task)
We all have the best intentions when it comes to keeping our New Year’s resolutions. The most important thing to remember is to do the best we can for our scouts, and to provide them an awesome Scouting experience.
With the New Year we also turn our attention to recognizing our dedicated adult leaders. We are looking for every unit to nominate a person for a Good Turn award. We are also looking for people to be nominated for District Oscar and District Award of Merit. You can also remind your adult leaders that they are eligible for a Veterans Award for every multiple of 5 years of service (years registered as youth counts for male adults). We have many great Scouters in Mohegan District and the only way they will be recognized is if you take the time to fill out an application for them. If you need help with the person’s history of scouting experience please contact Jenny or I and we can have council look up this information for you. A Link to the Application will be in the News Letter.
Thank you AnnMarieJakubielski, JoAnn Beguhl and Merrill Gerber for heading up the Nomination Committee. The Award Applications have to be turned in by the March Round Table Meeting, March 7, 2018. The Award Banquet will be held in April with a date and place TBA. (Remember your New Year’s resolution not to procrastinate and complete your nomination applications!)
Ken Lee
Mohegan District Chairman
Commissioner's Corner
Important Dates
Trader Jack's Scout Shop
Scout Sunday Patches
Mohegan Programs Update
Camping Updates
Summer Camp
Advancement Updates
The Commissioner’s Corner ~ Mike Buechel
Happy New Year to all! I hope this finds you all well rested and ready for the challenges of 2018! This month I would like to focus on the role of the Unit Commissioner.
Unit Commissioners
Unit commissioners help units succeed with a good program that attracts and retains youth members. Perhaps no other members of the unit service team have a more important or demanding responsibility. As friends, coaches, and counselors of unit leaders, unit commissioners operate quietly, generally in the background. They are effective communicators, providing the resources of the district and council to the units they serve. They assist the chartered organizations that operate the units through charters from the Boy Scouts of America.Read more...
As a reminder our Mohegan District Commissioner Meeting is scheduled for 6:30 PM on January 18, 2018 at thePoquetanuck Fire House. I hope to see you there!
Yours in Scouting,
Mohegan District Commissioner
H: 860.536.9592
C: 860.859.7042
Award Nominations aredue and can be turned in at March Roundtable!
Our volunteers work hard and deserve to be recognized. Take a minute and think of someone in your unit that regularly goes out of their way to make your unit better for the scouts, think of someone that you regularly see going above and beyond, think of that person that tends to fly under the radar, always helping out.
There are several different awards that you can nominate people for:
  • Veteran's Award- any person that has been in scouting for a minimum of 5 years as a registered scouter (youth time in BSA counts!)can receive this award. It is awarded in 5 year increments.
  • "Good Turn" Award- Every unit should be nominating someone for this award! This award gives every unit a chance to recognize that person - registered scouter or not - that works hard to help make the pack, troop, crew, post a better unit.
  • Mohegan District Oscar- this award recognizes someone that has been a registered scouter for at least 3 years and has served his/her unit, district and community. That well rounded individual that gives of them self beyond just their unit.
  • District Award of Merit- this award is typicallygiven to 3 individuals within Mohegan district that previously received District Oscars andremain committed totirelessly give ofthem selves to better their units, districts and communities.
  • Silver Beaver Award- the Silver Beaver award is a council distinguished service award given to individuals that live the ideals of scouting and give at the council, district, unit levels and to their communities.

Applications and more information can be found atctrivers.org
Questions regarding any of these awards can be directed toKen Lee.
Scout Sunday Patches
Scout Sunday is February 4, 2018
12th Point of the Boy Scout Law: A Scout Is Reverent.A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.
All Scouts and Scouters who attend a religious service in uniform in February can receive this year’s Scout Sunday Patch. The official date is February 4th 2018. To Order your 2018 Scout Sunday patchesfill out the order formand contactKen . Patches can mailed to your unit or picked up at Roundtable.
Scout Sunday Patches Order Form
Training Opportunities
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)

NYLT registration is open for this year’s course. There are two opportunities to attend NYLT this summer, week 1 (6/25-6/30) or week 2 (8/6-8/11). NYLT centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what he must KNOW, and what he must DO. The key elements are then taught with a clear focus on HOW TO. The skills come alive during the week as the patrol goes on a Quest for the Meaning of Leadership. More information and to register:ctrivers.org
Wood Badge

Have you heard about all these critters like foxes, bobwhites, beavers, owls, buffaloes, antelopes, bears, and eagles? Ever wonder what they had to do with scouting?Curious as to what all the hub-bub about a ticket is about? Most importantly, do you want to do something to make yourself a better leader and impact scouting for years to come? Then you need to attend Woodbadge.
Woodbadge is the ultimate premier leadership training. It is for ALL scouters: cub leaders, venture leaders, boy scout leaders, commissioners, professionals, leaders that are new to the scouting program and those that have been in the program for years!
There are 2 courses being offered in the next year:
Connecticut Rivers Council Woodbadge Course in the Spring at Camp Mattatuck:
April 20-22, May 18-20
Multi-Council, Sunday Friendly WoodbadgeCourse in the Fall at JN Webster:
September 20-22, Oct 11-13
More information and to request an invite can be found atConnecticut Rivers Website.
You must attend both weekends for the course you choose to attend.
Questions? Feel free to contact Ann (if you request an invite, be sure to mention my name!)
Trader Jack's Scout Shop
Getting ready for your Crossovers and Blue and Gold events, call ahead to make sure at Trader Jack's has what your Pack Needs. Also, volunteers are always welcome - Contact Marie o find out how you can serve the district a few hours at a time.
Find Trader Jack's on Facebook!
Important Dates!
District Commissioner meeting:1/18 at 6:30pmPoquetanuck Fire Department 87 Rt. 2a Preston CT 06365
District Committee Meeting:1/31 at 7pmPoquetanuck Fire Department 87 Rt. 2a Preston CT 06365New Committee members are always welcomed
February Roundtable:2/7 at 7pmNorwich Technical High School7 Mahan Drive, Norwich, CT (first Wednesday of each Month)
District Klondike:2/23-2/26J.N. Webster Scout Reservation Ashford CTHosted by Troops 12 & 20
Advancement Updates
Eagle Scout Service Project Workbooks
All Scoutmasters and those involved in assisting scouts to the rank of Eagle are asked to make sure that Life Scouts working on their service projects use the most recent version of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. The current version No. 512-927 can be found online atscouting.org
Any questions, please contact Paul Orstad
Mohegan District Annual Eagle Dinner
The Mohegan District Annual Eagle Dinner
Feb 9, 2018 at Elks Club in Groton, CT
We are looking for Sponsors for the event,
Please Contact Paul or more information.
Martin “Marty” Snyder
Ph: 860-235-9732 Email:
Eagle Advisor & Board Coordinator:
Paul Orstad
Ph: 860-334-6457 Email:
Merit Badge Dean:
Bill Day
Ph: 860-464-6600
Eagle Board Representatives:
Bill Day, Merrill Gerber, Phil Ludlow, Mark Tedeschi, Larry Wolfgang
Mohegan District Advancement Page
Please feel free to contact a Mohegan Advancement Committee member, share your ideas and questions about advancement, advancement training (internet), and advancement programs in the Mohegan District.

Mohegan ProgramUpdate
Register Now for Klondike!
The 2018 Winter Scout Games are here! Registration is now open for the Mohegan Klondike for2/23-2/25@ JNW. The scouts from Troop 20 and Troop 12 have been working diligently on the Winter Scout Games. All units received a flyer in their mailbox’s last roundtable. Registration can be found on the CRC calendar online. Early Bird Feethrough 2/14, after that fees increase…register now!
Spring Camporee
Troop 13 Colchester is in basic training to bring you their spin on a military style spring camporee at Camp Niantic. This camporee will feature use of the field training equipment at the base and will not disappoint. Information will be distributed in the very near future. Mark your units calendars –4/13-4/15
The Webeloree planning committee is looking for help for the date of5/19for this year’s Webeloree. If you are interested in helping, please contact myself () or Bill Gombos ()
Thank you to all Mohegan scouters that have volunteered to better our program for our youth. Happy holidays to all.
Yours in Scouting,
Jeff Tassmer
Venture Crew 710 - Colchester
Mohegan District Program and Activities Chair
Boy Scout Camp

Secure your Camp Reservation
Be sure to reserve your campsite and secure your unit's time in one of CT Rivers premier camps! If you have not done so already, go to the council calendar on the web site:
CRC Calendar
Once there, choose your camp from the column on the left-hand side,choose the week you plan to attend, then click "Sign Me Up!"
2018 Summer Camp Fees– For 2018 the fee has increased by $10.
More information about Boy Scout Summer Camp
Cub Scout Camp
Don't miss out on a week with your cubs! From day camp to family weekends to mini weeks to full week over-night cubscout camp to webelos only weeks, there is something for every one!
Cub Scout Day Camp
More Cub Camping information coming soon!
All scouts should be afforded the opportunity to attend camp. A scoutin need of assistance can apply for a campershiptoward to cost of camp. Campership information will be coming soon.
Summer Camp Kick off at Cabelas
Saturday, January 27, 2018
11:00am - 3:00pm
Warmer days are ahead! It's never too early to think about summer camp!
Camping Update
by Alphonse Letendre
We are coming up on the time in which we will be welcoming our Webelos scouts into Boy Scout Units. We can take some time to prepare them for what Boy Scouts has to offer by getting them started with the right equipment!
New Scout and Webelos Equipment
Order of The Arrow
OA Elections
If you would like to schedule OA elections for your troop, please contact Nathan r860-447-0640

OA Ceremonies
The Order of the Arrow can come out to your pack Blue and Gold, pack crossover, or even a pack campout and help you with the ceremony. If you are interested, please contact Noah Dameron, OA Chapter Vice
DEEP Scout Programs
Webelos badgesInto the WildandInto the Woods
March 24, 2018 (Sat.) Into the Wild,9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
April 7, 2018(Sat.) Into the Woods,9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Each program will cost $5 per scout.Registration is required. To register, please call the Kellogg Environmental Center(203) 734-2513, then complete and return the form that will be provided to you.
Visit us on our Facebook page for daily updates. Invite volunteers and parents to like our page.
Contact District Executive Jenny Roberts for Changes in Email or leadership at / 860-913-2738
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