The mission of St. Andrew’s is to proclaim the good news of the risen Christ by striving to continue his ministry of openly welcoming, nurturing and serving all people.

The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach, STM Rector

Wayne Bailey Organist and Choir Director

DidiMillien Director of Formation

Shana Singletary Office Administrator

Elizabeth DeRosa Office Assistant

July 28th, 2016

Dear Friends & Members of St. Andrew’s,

Many of us often think that summer will be a time to rest and relax, to let the busy pace of life drift away a bit. Each year, I think that the summer will be a slower-paced time, to plan and to build. And each year, perhaps like many of you, I find myself nearing the end of the summer and I’m not sure where it has gone. It is inevitably much busier than I think. This year has been no exception. It’s been a busy summer for us at St. Andrew’s, and it will continue to be so. Please take a careful look through these pages so that you can participate with us in all the fun planned for the rest of the summer.

You’ll find information in the following pages about our Parish Picnic which will take place on August 28th. Worship will be a bit different that day as well, so please make note in your calendar of this date. There’s also information in the following pages about a clean-up day at the church on August 13th. Please plan to be with us to help. We’ll provide some donuts and coffee to help you recover after all the outdoor work!

In a few days, on July 30th, your Vestry and I will be on a day-long retreat at the Mercy Center in Madison. Our retreat last year was very productive, and I’m looking forward to another full day. This year, we’ll focus on the topic of stewardship, hoping to bring some new energy to this area of our parish life. The leader is the Rev. Suzanne Culhane, Curate for Stewardship at Christ Church, Greenwich. Suzanne will help us to examine our relationship with money as a parish, to ask some hard questions, and to discern a path forward. As you know, we’re operating on a significant deficit this year, and as a parish we must face together the financial challenges of the present moment. Please pray for us on Saturday as we do this good and holy work, and please ask the Vestry about their time away when we’ve returned on Sunday.

As we plan the coming year, please feel free to be in touch if there is anything that you’d like to talk about. I’d be glad to hear your feedback about anything in the last program year that went well – or not so well – and anything that you’d like to see the parish do differently. As so many folks have been traveling, I’ve suspended my “drop-in hours,” but when the fall comes back around, I’ll begin listing them again on the back of the bulletin. I hope that you’ll take advantage of them. They’ve become a great time for us to sit together and talk about a whole host of things; and when we’re out at Huxley’s or at Nina’s, it’s been fun for us to form a bit of a community together with whoever “drops in”. So, look for those in the fall – but if you’d rather not wait to talk, please don’t hesitate to be in touch.

The first part of August will be a bit of a balancing act in the office. Shana will be out in the first part of the month, and then I’ll be away for a little less than a week in the middle of the month. In those first few weeks, if you are thinking about coming by the office, please call first to make sure that one of us is in.

Lyn and I will be returning to the New Jersey shore, to spend some summer time with friends and family that we love. When I was little, we spent a lot of our summers on the Jersey shore, so it feels like home to me – and it’s something I look forward to every year. Due to the number of pastoral crises, this is the first vacation I’m taking this year, so there will likely be a little more time off later in the year.

I hope that you’ve found some time to rest and relax this summer, and some space to make room for God. If you haven’t, consider joining us on Sunday after the 9:00am service for the rest of the summer as we journey together through the Gospel of Luke. Don’t worry about having missed the start, you’re welcome to join us. Consider coming to help with Food Pantry on August 20th. Or join us for Morning Prayer on Thursday mornings (see the calendar at the end of the newsletter).

Looking forward to seeing you soon.


The Rev. Marissa Rohrbach


Saturday August 13th, 8am-10am

We will be doing alot of weeding and light trimming of bushes and low hanging tree branches.

Please come prepared with garden gloves and any yard tools that would help with weeding and plastic buckets for collecting the pulled weeds.

If you have a gas weed wacker and/or garden sprayer, please bring it. We will use the sprayer for weed killer. I will be bringing my sprayer and weedwacker.

We will be concentrating on the front of the church, Catlin St. planting beds, the area in between the parish hall and parking lot and all the area around the parking lot. We may touch on Pop's garden and the playground area depending on how many people we have in attendance.

Donuts and coffee to follow the hard work. Please plan to join us!

Any questions, please feel free to contact Scott at: or cell: 203-631-4379.

Thank you in advance for helping me keep OUR church looking great!

Parish Picnic Sunday, August 28th

****Mark Your Calendars ****

New venue this year!

Hubbard Park Band Shell

What better way to end the summer than to celebrate with your parish family, this will also be a kick off to our stewardship drive. Please plan on attending!!

Picnic will be immediately following 10 am service that will be held at the band shell. To help defray the cost, please plan on bringing a dish or beverage to share. There will be hot dogs and hamburgers provided by the church as well as water. To avoid having similar dishes being brought, please try to adhere to the list below according to first letter of your last name.

  • A-H please plan to bring a salad to share
  • I- P please plan to bring a dessert to share
  • Q-Z please plan to bring a beverage to share (ie. bottled soda, ice tea, lemonade) cups & ice will be provided

Please bring any yard games as well!

Any questions please feel free to contact me: Tracey Oberg (203) 634-8251


Looking forward to sharing a meal and fellowship with all!!!!

Worship Schedule Change

Sunday, August 28th

On the day of the Parish Picnic, we’ll have Morning Prayer at the church at 8:30am and Eucharist outside at 10:00am at Hubbard Park. Please note this change in schedule on the last Sunday of August.


Do you know someone who might benefit from a visit by our Eucharistic Visitors?

If you or someone you know would like to receive communion at home because of an inability to attend worship, please call the office and let us know.

Summer Worship Schedule

 Sundays in August 

8:30am Morning Prayer in the sanctuary

9am Holy Eucharist in the Parish Hall


The office will be open 9a.m. – 1 p.m. through September 6th


Our next food distribution is scheduled for Saturday, August 20, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Our pantry shelves are very bare and we are in great need of all the following items: soup broth, pasta, sauce, small bags of rice, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, juice boxes, crackers, instant potatoes, cereals, pancake mix & syrup, canned vegetables, dry beans, soups, canned fruit, tomato products, mayonnaise, etc.

Any questions please call:

Diane Amantea 203-238-0018

St. Andrew’s women’s group meets every second Saturday of the month at 9am. Please join us for bible study of women in the bible, card making and fun conversation. The next meeting will beAugust 13th.

The Bread & Wine are currently open on August 7. If you are interested in donating the Bread & Wine, please contact the church office. - Thank you.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The next Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting will be held at St. Andrew’s, Monday,August8th@ 6:30 p.m. We invite everyone interested in joining us at our next meeting. Can’t knit or crochet? PLEASE join us; we can help you get started. Please call Pat @ 203-238-4227 or Ginny @ 203-639-5992 for directions.

Thank you,

Pat Dorio


We will be having a TAG SALE in the Spring of 2017. Please start saving your “CLEAN USABLE STUFF”. More information to follow. Please call Diane Amantea at (203) 238-0018 if you would like to help. Thank you.


Many of you will be traveling this summer. We wish you a safe and wonderful trip.

If you can, please remember to send in your pledge payment before you go on vacation!

On Saturday November 5th, 2016 once again St. Andrew’s will participate in an Interfaith Fellowship Progressive Dinner. At 5 p.m. all those attending will meet at St. Andrew’s for the blessing and the first course. About 6 p.m. we will travel a short distance across the street to the First United Methodist Church for the main course. Then about 7 p.m. we will travel down the hill to the First Congregational Church for dessert, coffee, tea and entertainment. We will be charging $8/ person for the evening but where else can you get a three course meal, entertainment and a chance for fellowship for only $8.00?

Any profit will be donated to the Meriden Soup Kitchen. Save the date. Tickets will go on sale in September with only 35 per church.

If you have any questions please contact Diane Amantea 203-238-0018.



9 a.m. - Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Sunday, August7, 2016

TwelfthSunday after Pentecost

Lessons: Isaiah 1:1, 10-20

Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16

Luke 12:32-40

The flowers are giving in loving memory of Jan & Jack Poole, Robert Wortley, Barbara & Neils Hansen and Betty Lee Wortley by Kathie Harris.

The Columbarium flowers are given in loving memory of Roberta Zeiser by Larry Zeiser.

The Bread & Wine are currently open for this date if you would like to donate it, please contact the church office.

Altar Guild: Bea & Evan Greenwood, Tracey Oberg and Cheryl Mitchell

Chalice Administrators:

8:30 a.m. – Frank Ridley

9 a.m. – Jim Pomian


9 a.m. –Margaret Sorenson, Bette DeRosa


9 a.m. –Allen Muscillo


Sunday, August14, 2016

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Lessons: Isaiah 5:1-7

Hebrews 11:29-12:2

Luke 12:49-56

The flowers are given in loving memory of Polly Blakeslee, Matt Campione, George Church, Jack Cosker, MacRae Curtis, Henry Drescher, Midge Fay, Edgar Gradwell, Dale Greenbafcker, Bob MacDuff, John McKennan, George Murdock, Art Rohde and a host of other saints unnamed in this moment by Anne & Howard Hanchey.

The Columbarium flowers are given in loving memory of Roberta Zeiser by Larry Zeiser.

The Bread & Wine are given in loving memory of Edith Beauregard, by her daughter Marilyn Noyes.

Altar Guild:Diane Amantea, Tracey Struble and Larry Zeiser.

Chalice Administrators:

8:30 a.m. – Evan Greenwood

9 a.m. – Mark Flinchbaugh


9 a.m. –Kris Landry, Mark Flinchbaugh


9 a.m. –Mark Nowak, Jr.


Sunday, August 21, 2016

FourteenthSundayafter Pentecost

Lessons: Jeremiah 1:4-10

Hebrews 12:18-269

Luke 13:10-17

The flowers are giving in loving memory ofThomas & Connie Grantland by Linda & Joe Mele.

The Columbarium flowers are given in loving memory of Roberta Zeiser by Larry Zeiser.

The Bread & Wine are given in loving memory of Raymond N. Lyons by Mary Lyons.

Altar Guild: Elizabeth DeRosa, Carolyn MacDuff, Marilyn Noyes, & Mary Lou Stewart.

Chalice Administrators:

8:30 a.m. – Mary Lyons

9 a.m. –Susan Varanka


9 a.m. –Bette DeRosa, Winsome Donaldson


9 a.m. –Rebecca Nowak


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Lessons: Jeremiah 2:4-13

Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16

Luke 14:1, 7-14

The flowers are given in loving memory of Edith & Walter Drescher by Karen & Dianne Drescher.

The Bread & Wine are currently open for this date if you would like to donate it, please contact the church office.

Altar Guild: Mary Lyons, Marybeth Murdzek

Chalice Administrators:

8:30 a.m. –Joe Franco

9 a.m. – Marty Zeiser


9 a.m. –Lois Lake Church

Acolyte:9a.m. –Ryan Proto

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2 / 3
7 p.m. A&O / 4
9:15am Morning Prayer / 5
7 p.m. A& O / 6
8:30 Morning Prayer
9am Worship
3 p.m. A& O / 8
6:30 p.m. Prayer Shawl / 9 / 10
7 p.m. A&O
7 p.m. NA / 11
9:15am Morning Prayer / 12
7 p.m. A& O / 13
9 a.m. Women’s Group
Clean Up Day!
8:30 Morning Prayer
9am Worship
3 p.m. A& O / 15 / 16
7 p.m. Vestry / 17
7 p.m. Alpha & Omega / 18
No Morning Prayer today / 19
7 p.m. Alpha & Omega / 20
10 a.m. – 11 am
Food Pantry
8:30 Morning Prayer
9am Worship
3 p.m. A& O / 22 / 23 / 24
7 p.m. Alpha & Omega / 25
9:15am Morning Prayer / 26
7 p.m. Alpha & Omega / 27
8:30 Morning Prayer at Church
10am Worship at Hubbard Park
3 p.m. A& O / 29 / 30
7 p.m. NA



9 Stephanie O’Neal

11 Wayne Bailey

12 Paul Murphy

13 Edward Muscillo, Sr.

15 Rob Amantea

18 Peter Murphy

20 Lucy Mickiewicz

Allan H. Church

Steven O’Neal

22 Allan S. Church

Joe Franco

23 Ruth Blythe

24 Amy Stewart Henrickson

Eric Sayah, Jr.

25 Stanley Banack

26 Cameron Baker

29 Bryan Amantea

30 Mary Lou Stewart


6 Shannon & Patrick Doherty

7 Tracey & Scott Oberg

11 Mary & LyssetteFlinchbaugh

13 Joan & Tom Marshall

24 Judy & Stanley Banack

Corner of E. Main & Liberty Sts.

Mailing Address:

20 Catlin Street

Meriden, CT 06450

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