1.Virginia Department of Corrections, Reentry ProgramThe Department of Corrections is providing re-entry transition services to offenders through partnerships with local jails. Selected offenders are relocated from prison to a local jail in their community to receive transitioning services such as life skills workshops and assistance with housing and employment. These services will strengthen public safety by better preparing the offenders for their return to the community.
(804) 674-3296,
Virginia Department of Corrections, P.O. Box 26963, Richmond, VA 23261
2.Richmond Department of Justice Services Adult Offender Reentry Services Adult Services has implemented a system of services that include measurable improvements in coordination, interagency communication, and enhanced capacity of existing services to better address the needs of offenders while incarcerated and reentering the community. This comprehensive level of services is designed to improve their employability, family life, health, lawfulness, and help them to become productive and contributing citizens.
(804) 646-8955,
The Richmond Department of Justice Services, 3600 West Broad St., Ste. 400, Richmond, VA 23230
3.Norfolk Reentry CouncilThe Norfolk Reentry Council's focus is on the key barriers to successful offender reentry including; Employment and Education, Housing, Financial Obligations and Resources, Social Reintegration and Physical and Mental Health/Substance Abuse.
(757) 664-7799,
City of Norfolk- Criminal Justice Services, 711 Granby St., Norfolk, VA 23510
4.Arlington County Reentry Committee (ARC)ARC (Arlington County Re-Entry Committee) is a Re-Entry initiative that began in late 2008. It is a partnership of county and community organizations aimed to provide inmates leaving the jail with discharge plans and linkage to community resources. We have an interdisciplinary team that meets bi-monthly to discuss the release of inmates sent to the committee.
(703) 228-4514,
Arlington County Sheriff's Office, 1425 North Courthouse Rd., Arlington, VA 22201
5.Culpeper Reentry CommitteeThis is a community based reentry approach that works with local law enforcement, community service providers, the judicial system, the faith community, ex-offenders and ex-offenders' families to identify and minimize reentry barriers. Local reentry councils composed of representatives from public agencies, businesses, non-profits and faith-based organizations develop community reentry plans.
(540) 229-1195,
Culpeper Human Services, 219 East Davis St., Ste. 100, Culpeper, VA 22701
Virginia (CONT.)
6.Loudoun Reentry Advisory Committee (L-RAC)Our mission is to develop, establish, and maintain community based corrections programs that provide sanctions and alternatives to incarceration, and to provide leadership and coordination throughout the criminal justice community.
(703) 737-8234,
Loudoun County Department of Community Corrections, 107 Loudoun St., S.E., Leesburg , VA 20178
7.Virginia Beach Reentry Council The Mission of the Virginia Beach Re-Entry Council is to assist adult and juvenile returning citizens through a collaborative-supported partnership of private, public, non-profit, and faith-based agencies with resources to educate and/or provide assistance to overcoming reentry obstacles.
(757) 385-3111,
City of Virginia Beach-Human Services Department, 3432 Virginia Beach Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA 23452
8.Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) The Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) accomplishes its Vision and Mission through the provision of an "integrated approach" to juvenile justice.
(804) 371-0700,
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice, P.O. Box 1110, Richmond, VA 23218
9.PAPIS: Virginia Prisoner Reentry ProgramThis program, which is financed by a state appropriation and administered by the DCJS, supports prerelease- and post-incarceration professional services and guidance that increase the opportunity for, and the likelihood of, successful reintegration of adults upon release from prisons and jails into local communities.
(804) 786-1165,
Department of Criminal Justice Services, 1100 Bank St., Richmond, VA 23219
10.Virginia Prisoner Reentry and Community CollaborationThe Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) and the local departments of social services (LDSS) provide programs, benefits, services, activities and resources for children and adults such as self-sufficiency, food assistance, medical assistance and family and domestic violence services.
(804) 726-7000,
Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS), 801 E. Main St., Richmond, VA 23219
11.Offender Aid and Restoration (O.A.R) of Fairfax County Reentry & Family ServicesOAR provides pre and post-release services to help offenders re-integrate into their communities and successfully find employment, housing, health care, and related services such as mental health and substance abuse treatment if needed.
(703) 246-3033,
OAR of Fairfax County, Inc., 10640 Page Ave., Ste. 250, Fairfax, VA 22030
Virginia (CONT.)
12.Supreme Teens | The Exclusive Teen Life ProgramSupreme Teen is an independent living development program designed to generate alternative measures via workshops as a solution to reformation and recidivism.
(252) 467-3407,
Professional Management Legal Research Group, P.O. Box 7356, Hampton, Virginia 23666
13.Offender Aid and Restoration of Richmond, Inc.Provides community managed services aimed at restoring the individual offender as a responsible member of the community.
(804) 643-2746,
Offender Aid and Restoration of Richmond, Inc., 1 North 3rd St., Ste. 200, Richmond, VA 23219
14.Desperate Highway MinistriesDesperate Highway Ministries is growing out of a demand for truth and examples of lives that are changed forever out of a personal revelation of the person Jesus Christ.
(804) 622-7233,
Desperate Highway Ministries, 7200 Glen Forest Dr., Ste. 100, Richmond, VA 23226
15.Virginia Secretary of Public SafetyThe Secretariat of Public Safety and Homeland Security is comprised of eleven public safety agencies that help enhance the quality of Virginia’s citizens, visitors and businesses of the Commonwealth through public awareness, education, training, emergency response, disaster preparedness, prevention, policy development, enforcement, response, recovery and reentry.
(804) 786-5351,
Office of the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security,P.O. Box 1475, Richmond, VA 23218
16.Tidewater Youth Services FoundationThe TYS Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, established in 1991 to raise funds and find community resources to support a public agency, Tidewater Youth Services Commission, in its efforts to help at-risk and court involved youth grow into productive members of the community.
(757) 488-9161,
Tidewater Youth Services Foundation, 2404 Airline Blvd., Portsmouth, VA 23701
17.Boaz & Ruth - Reentry JobsMission: Rebuilding lives and communities through relationships, training, transitional jobs, and economic revitalization. We rebuild, we empower, we connect!
(804) 329-4900,
Boaz and Ruth, Inc., 3030 Meadowbridge Rd., P. O. Box 6129, Richmond, VA 23222
18.Offender Aid and RestorationOAR is the leading provider of offender services in Arlington, Alexandria and Falls Church, Virginia, dedicated to strengthening community through second chances.
Offender Aid and Restoration, 1400 North Uhle St., Ste. 704, Arlington, VA 22201
Virginia (CONT.)
19.Virginia CUREVirginia CURE is a membership organization whose focus is on the Virginia criminal justice and prison systems and the people whose lives are impacted by those systems.
(703) 272-3624,
Virginia CURE,P.O. Box 2310, Vienna, VA 22183
20.Virginia CARESVirginia CARES operates a statewide network of ex-offender reentry programs to provide transitional assistance, financial aid, job readiness training, temporary employment, job search and career development, human relations & self-awareness training, and ongoing support services to prisoners, ex-offenders, and their families in Virginia.
(540) 342-9344,
Virginia CARES, Inc., 108 Henry St., N.W., 3rd Fl., Roanoke VA 24016
21.OAR-Jefferson Area Community Corrections The OAR/Jefferson Area Community Corrections Program works to break the cycle of crime by helping defendants/offenders to be more accountable, lead more productive lives and develop more constructive lifestyles through low cost alternatives to incarceration.
(434) 296-2441,
Jefferson Area Community Corrections, 750 Harris St., Ste. 207, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
22.Great DadsGreat Dads provides in-prison training to fathers on effective parenting. Great Dads provides to fathers The 6 Basics of Being a Great Dad seminar which gives them practical training and motivates them to turn their heart to their children and to Jesus Christ.
(703) 830-7500,
Great Dads, P. O. Box 7537, Fairfax Station, VA 22039
23.Loudoun Aftercare Program (LAP)Loudoun Aftercare Program is a faith-based mentoring and transitional housing program dedicated to working with those coming out of prison or jail.
(703) 554-8469,
Loudoun Aftercare Program, 44180 Riverside Pkwy., Lansdowne, VA 20176
24.Total Action for Progress (TAP)Our Mission: TAP helps individuals and families achieve economic and personal independence through education, employment, affordable housing, and safe and healthy environments.
(540) 283-4903,
TAP, 302 2ndSt., S.W., Roanoke, VA 24011
Virginia (CONT.)
25.Northern Virginia Family Service (NVFS)Northern Virginia Family Service (NVFS) is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals and families find new paths to self-reliance and brighter futures. NVFS is an innovator of efficient and comprehensive service methods, and has been recognized nationally for its effectiveness in creating sustained financial and social independence for its clients.
(571) 748-2500,
NVFS, 10455 White Granite Dr., Ste. 100, Oakton, VA 22124
26.Gemeinschaft HomeAs a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, we are a residential facility that offers community-oriented programs as well as counseling services for individuals in transition from prison to free society.
(540) 434-1690,
Gemeinschaft Home, 1423 Mt. Clinton Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802
27.Step-Up, Inc.The purpose of STEP UP, Inc. is to help re-integrate offenders into society by providing them the knowledge, skills and training they will need in order to make a successful transition from a correctional facility to the rest of their lives.
(757) 588-3151,
Step Up, Inc., 5900 East Va. Beach Blvd., Ste. 102, Norfolk, VA 23502
28.Assisting Families of Inmates, Inc.The mission of Assisting Families of Inmates (AFOI) is to provide opportunities for regular, meaningful visitation, referrals to community resources, and other services that help families cope with incarceration and prepare for release and reunification.
(804) 643-2401,
AFOI, 1 North 5thSt., Ste. 416, Richmond, VA23219
29.Arlington Street People's Assistance Network (A-SPAN)A-SPAN strives to end homelessness in Arlington through housing and ongoing case management. Learn more about our housing programs.
(703) 820-4357,
A-SPAN, 2708B S. Nelson St., Arlington, VA 22206
30.Virginia Interfaith CenterThe Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy is Virginia’s oldest faith-based advocacy group. We are a nonpartisan coalition of faith communities working to advance public policies that better serve low-income, vulnerable, and underrepresented communities in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
(804) 643-2474,
Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, 1716 East Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23223