The Educator as Decision Maker







COURSE DESCRIPTION: General approaches to learning and teaching methods including classroom management, collaborative consultation, collaboration, and working with parents and other professionals and integrating technology into the curriculum.

EDUCATOR AS DECISION MAKER: Candidates learn and practice the decision making process (planning, implementing, and evaluating) required to make rationale decisions in regards to students with disabilities in inclusive settings. Additional emphasis is placed on Post decision making process of reflection.


CREDIT HOURS 3 Semester Hours

INSTRUCTOR Dr. Joyce Coleman-Johnson

OFFICE: Councill Hall 208





Any student requiring alternative formats for testing and/or handouts for this course, or other types of accommodation , due to a documented disabling condition, should advise the instructor within the first week of class. This university does not permit students to bring into the classroom anyone who has not registered for the course

Prepared by ______Joyce Coleman-Johnson Date

Approved by ______

Department Chair Date


Dean Date


This course is designed for teachers who are continuing their professional development and teacher candidates seeking to improve their knowledge and skills in accommodating the learning and behavior needs of all learners to the maximum extent possible. The topics of study focus on methods and procedures of effectively teaching skills and, strategies, in various content areas to students with learning and or behavior problems. Additionally, information on the practical application of the skills required for effective collaboration, study skills, instructional strategies, material adaptation and transition activities is also provided.

Instructional strategies include the use of technology in the classroom and the advantages of using computers in instruction with carefully selected software. Teachers and teacher candidates learn how to manage the one computer classroom, how to harvest information from the internet, create an on-line quiz and other information that is vital in the high tech world.

Student diversity and multicultural issues are reviewed in the context of gender, socioeconomic status, cultural and linguistic differences, and the disproportional representation of some ethnic groups among students with disabilities, and how these factors affect instruction. Consistent with the conceptual model of the College of Education, The Educator as Decision Maker, the teacher candidate is required to make decisions about the selection of skills, concepts topics and instructional adjustments to meet the individual learning requirements of students with special needs. Teachers are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times, participate in class activity through thorough preparation and pre-study of assigned readings and research material, on-time arrival for all classes, positive, active, thoughtful inputs to class discussions and interactions, and on time submission of correctly completed assignments. Teachers and teacher candidates are encouraged to be reflective rather than merely giving an opinion.


As a result of reading, discussion, class activities and completion of assignments, the students should be able to:

1. Describe the learning stages of acquisition, proficiency maintenance, and

generalization. (INTASC 3.04 & 3.05 NCATE 1.4.1)

2. Describe the cultural perspective influencing the relationship among families, schools and communities as related to effective instruction for individuals with exceptional learning needs. INTASC 2.03 & 2.07 NCATE 4.03)

3. Utilize methods for monitoring progress of individuals with exceptional learning needs. (INTASC 8.07 NCATE 1.3.2

4. Use strategies for facilitating maintenance and generalization of skill across learning environments. (INTASC 2.01 NCATE 1.4.2

5. Select, adapt, and use instructional strategies and materials according to characteristics of learner. (INTASC 1.03 NCATE 1.4.2 & 1.4.3)

6. Utilize research based best practices for effective management of teaching and learning. (INTASC 1.02 NCATE 1.3.1)

7. Describe ways in which technology can assist with planning and managing the teaching and learning environment. (SDETECH NCATE 1.3.3)

8. Design, organize, and manage the one computer classroom (SDETECH

9. Demonstrate ability to use instructional Software in teaching and learning activities(SDETECH)

10. Plan lesson activities that integrate technology resources using a directed learning strategy. (SDETECH NCATE 1.3.3)

11. Use correct terminology to identify features and capabilities of word processing, spread sheet, database, and several other software tool programs. (SDETECH INTASC 1.02 NCATE 1.3.3)

12. Identify applications for software the educators would find valuable in making their work

more efficient and productive. (SDETECH)

13. Identify an Internet resource that would meet a specific written or visual communication need. (SDETECH)

14. Describe some popular uses for technology in language arts and foreign language curricula. (SDETECH)

15. Create instructional activities for science and math instruction that model successful integration strategies.(INTASC 1.02 SDETECH NCATE 1.3.3)

16. Create instructional activities for social studies instruction that successfully model integration strategies. (INTASC 1.02 SDETECH NCATE 1.3.3)

17. List factors that promote effective communication and collaboration with individuals, parents and school and community personnel in a culturally responsive program. (NCATE 1.4.4 INTASC 10.04)


Bos, C.S. & Vaughn, S. (1999). Strategies for teaching students with learning and

behavior problems. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.



Definitions and characteristics of Individuals with mild disabilities

legislative Foundations

Curricular emphasis of Regular education

Educational Program Models

Basic Skills

Life Skills/ Functional Skills

Compensatory Education

Learning Strategies


2. Foundations for instruction





3. Instructional Materials

Factors influencing the selection of instructional materials

Material Selection and the Stags of Learning

Adapting Materials

Selecting Analyzing and adapting materials for students from culturally and linguistically diverse populations

4. The Instructional Cycle



Independent Practice


Using Reflection as a way to plan effective lessons

5. Content Instruction

Direct instruction

Reading Comprehension

Written Expression

Handwriting and Spelling

Arithmetic Computation

Social Studies

6. Computers and Technology for teaching and learning

Planning and Implementation for effective Technology Integration

Using software and media tools

Selecting Software

Adaptive devices for individuals with special needs

Technology for Educators

Grade Book


lesson plans

Rubric Creator


Managing the one computer Classroom

Learning centers

creating on-line quizzes

Technology in the content areas



Teacher Candidates are required to obtain an Alabama Virtual Library Card. This card will give you access to various web cites for additional required reading.

1. Compile artifacts for a portfolio. This portfolio will be part of the final assessment for this course. The contents should present all of your assignments as evidence that you have fulfilled the objectives of this course. All of the artifacts that will be in the portfolio should be related to technology. A list of items that must be provided in the portfolio is provided in the syllabus. / 500 / 7-12
2. IEPs can be developed and tracked by multidisciplinary teams. Computer software is available that can make this tedious process easier. If your school does not have the software available for your use, you may utilize the following website, http://www.classplus.com/classplus. Use this site to complete a sample IEP to submit for class. Be sure that your Benchmarks correspond to the State Course of Study. / 50 / 7
3. Bulletin Boards should be attractive and functional. After reading the chapter in the textbook on bulletin boards you are to design two bulletin boards. One board should be for incidental learning and the other for interactive learning. / 50 / 4
4. Cooperative learning is an activity that has be found to be beneficial for students with disabilities. Students must be taught how to work in learning groups and activities must be carefully designed for maximum benefit. Using the content area of your choice, you are to design a Cooperative learning activity for students. Be sure to include the materials that you will provide students to complete the task. / 50 / 5 &2
5. Finding and evaluating software. Utilize the handout with the seven criteria to consider when selecting software for students with special needs and use the criteria to evaluate a piece of instructional software for use in your classroom. Fill out the form provided in the handout to complete the assignment. / 100 / 7 & 8
6. Study skills instruction. (1).Develop a mnemonic strategy to memorize the following parts of speech noun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction. The student you are working with is a sixth grader. (2). Select a chapter from a textbook you use in your classroom, or go to the curriculum center in the library and select a textbook, and develop a study guide for it. This guide must help the student prepare for the test on the chapter. / 50 / 4 & 5
7. Reciprocal teaching. Prepare a reciprocal teaching lesson identifying possible predictions, questions, a summary, and difficult words or concepts from a short story . Use the planning steps and examples provided in class as a guide. / 50 / 1 & 6
8. Design a weekly and daily planning sheet that has space for stating goals, listing activities in categories, prioritizing the list, and estimating times for accomplishing the activities. Use the planning sheets in your class then share them with your classmates with information about how useful or they are, or are not. / 25 / 3
9. Put together a booklet that can be used to improve home-school communication and collaboration. Report on what will be included, how it can be used and how it will be useful. / 50 / 2 & 17
Final Exam / 50
Documents that must be included in Portfolio
From the website http://www.prenhall.com/roblyer
Create you personal LOGO
Lesson plans for instructional software
Printout of E Gradebook (Spread Sheet)
Unit Plan
A Videodisc of a persuasive presentation
WebQuest for selected grade level Cooperative Learning Experience
Review of software
Print out of PowerPoint presentation Slides
Simulation Website for Math and Science with lesson Plan for both
Lesson Plan for Language Arts


Grade Scale

975---780 A

877—780 B

779—683 C



Choate, J. C. (2000) Successful inclusive teaching: Proven ways to detect and

correct special needs. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Hollister, B. C. (2000) Reflective thinking, John Dewey and PBL. On-line


Kauchak, D.P. & Eggen P.D. (2003). Learning and teaching: Research based

methods. (4th ed.) Boston : Allyn and Bacon.

Olson, J. & Platt, J. M. (1997). Teaching children and adolescents with special needs.

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.

Roblyer, M. D., Edwards, J. (2000). Integrating educational technology into teaching

(2nd ed.) Columbus OH: Merrill.

Vaughn, S., Bos, C. S. & Schumm, J. J. (2002). Teaching exceptional , diverse, and at- risk students in the general education classroom (3rd ed.). Boston: Allyn And Bacon

Wood, J.W. (1998) Adapting instruction to accommodate students in inclusive settings. (3rd ed) Upper Saddle River NJ: Merrill.


Revised Summer 2002