HB/CTB Circular A26/2003

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit Circular

Department for Work and Pensions

The Adelphi, 1 - 11 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6HT



WHO SHOULD READ / Fraud Managers, Fraud Staff, HB/CTB Managers
ACTION / For Information
To note SAFE/VF workshop dates
SUBJECT / Update (2) on the replacement regime for the abolition of benefit periods

Guidance Manual

The information in this circular does not affect the content of the HB/CTB Guidance Manual.

About this circular

This circular was recently issued to local authority Fraud Managers and fraud staff as HB/CTB Circular F22/2003.


If you

·  require further information about the content of this circular, contact details are given at the end of each section

·  have any queries about the distribution of this circular, contact Corporate Document Services Ltd Orderline

Tel: 0113 399 4040

Fax: 0113 399 4205


Crown Copyright 2003

Recipients may freely reproduce this circular.

Adjudication and Operations circular

September 2003

HB/CTB Circular A26/2003



Update (2) on the replacement regime for the
abolition of benefit periods

Introduction 1

SAFE/VF Review 2

Further information 4

SAFE/VF workshops in October and November 2003 5

Dates of proposed workshops 8

Further information 9

Future circulars 10

Housing Benefit Matching Service 12

Data Cleansing 12

Further information 13

High Risk Case Interventions 14

Further information 16

Enhanced Data Matching 17

Further information 18

Management Information File 19

Further information 20

Predictive Changes 21

Further information 23

Adjudication and Operations circular

September 2003

HB/CTB Circular A26/2003

Update (2) on the replacement regime for the abolition of benefit periods


1 You will be aware that Housing Benefit Security Division (HBSD) has been planning for the introduction of a new security regime to replace benefit periods and renewal claims from April 2004. We have already issued circular HB/CTB Circular F15/2003, which was also sent out as HB/CTB Circular A21/2003, that was the first in a series of circulars to keep you updated on developments. This is the second circular in that series. It

·  updates you on the progress since HB/CTB Circulars F15/2003 and A21/2003 were issued

·  alerts you to a series of circulars that will be issued over the coming months, giving the detailed changes

·  announces a series of workshops offering you the opportunity to discuss the changes and how best to plan for them

SAFE/VF Review update

2 The Review Steering Group met in July, August and September for consultation on the Security Against Fraud and Error (SAFE)/Verification Framework (VF) review. The options were discussed at the Programme Protection Working Party meeting that took place on 21 August and were outlined to the Local Authority Association (LAA) Steering Group on 10 September.

3 As a result of these consultations, a submission to the Minister has been prepared. We also held a further meeting with the software companies on 12 September.

Further information

4 For further information please contact Andy Bell, 020 7712 2542 or email .

SAFE/VF workshops in October and November 2003

5 We will be holding workshops to explain how the revised schemes will operate and to answer any questions you may have. The dates and locations of the workshops are shown overleaf and we will be sending individual local authority invitations shortly. We expect that the workshop will be useful for both Benefit Managers and Fraud Managers, and would be grateful if you could send in your two nominations as soon as possible after you receive your invite.

Adjudication and Operations circular

September 2003

HB/CTB Circular A26/2003

6 The morning sessions of the workshops will outline all the changes and what the requirements will be of the revised SAFE and VF schemes, these changes are to be introduced in April 2004. The afternoon session will offer an opportunity for non-compliant and partially compliant authorities to meet with PIAT and/or HELP team members to discuss how best to overcome some of the barriers to taking on the VF.

7 Fully compliant authorities will have the chance to discuss some of the difficulties around meeting the ongoing requirements of VF compliance, with the opportunity to suggest how those barriers might be overcome. As such, the workshop is aimed at all Local Authorities, even if you are not fully VF compliant.

Dates of proposed workshops

8 The details of the proposed workshops are as follows

Date / Location
21 October 2003 / London
28 October 2003 / Manchester
29 October 2003 / Manchester
6 November 2003 / Glasgow
12 November 2003 / Birmingham
13 November 2003 / Birmingham
18 November 2003 / Exeter
19 November 2003 / Cardiff
26 November 2003 / London
27 November 2003 / Manchester

Further information

9 For further information about the workshops please contact

Darren Montgomery
Tel: 020 7712 2577

Susan Blagg
Tel: 020 7962 8934

Adjudication and Operations circular

September 2003

HB/CTB Circular A26/2003

Future circulars

10 We

·  will be issuing a circular very shortly outlining the processes that will come into effect from October 2003 with regard to case interventions and data-matching

·  plan to issue a circular in

-  October announcing the changes to the VF scheme that will take effect from April 2004

-  November announcing the changes to the SAFE scheme that will take effect from April 2004

·  plan to issue more detailed VF and SAFE guidance in December

11 The handling of any difficulties authorities might experience in moving to the new arrangements is still under discussion.

Housing Benefit Matching Service

Data Cleansing

12 The Data Cleansing Programme is on course and will continue with two scans between October 2003 and March 2004, and then monthly from April 2004.

Further information

13 For further information contact Chris Fuller Housing Benefit Matching Service (HBMS) on 01253 334449.

High Risk Case Interventions

14 High Risk Case Interventions for Pensioners will be delivered to LAs in October 2003 and January 2004, and then monthly from April 2004.

15 High Risk Case Interventions for Working Age is being progressed for delivery in April 2004, and monthly thereafter.

Further information

16 For further information contact Carl Bullough (HBMS) 01253 334141.

Enhanced Data Matching

17 Enhanced Data Matching for Pensioners is on target for the issuing of two scans between October 2003 and March 2004, and for monthly scans from April 2004 for Pensioners and Working Age.

Further information

18 For further information contact Mark Lipczynski on 020 7712 2377.

Management Information File

19 Management Information (MI) (2nd extraction file) draft specifications have been supplied to Software Suppliers.

Further information

20 For further information contact Mark Lipczynski on 020 7712 2377.

Predictive Changes

21 To reduce the burden on LAs or HBMS at this early stage in the enhanced service, we have decided not to include predictive changes in the enhanced service being provided by HBMS until we have more evidence of the impact that this would have on both LAs and HBMS.

22 Ultimately, HBMS may provide predictive changes. In the meantime, LAs may wish to implement their own system of predictive changes.

Further information

23 For further information contact Mark Lipczynski on 020 7712 2377.

Adjudication and Operations circular

September 2003