

This form shall be used for application for certification licence for
NS-marking, extension of existing licence/change of design, certificate of conformity, extension of certificate of conformity
To be sent to:
Nemko AS
P. O. Box73 Blindern
N-0314 OSLO
NORWAY / Mark off what the application refers to.
New licence
Extension / revision of licence no.:
EC Certificate of Conformity
Certificate of Conformity -marking
Information regarding applicant/manufacturer (fill in all relevant parts):
Applicant’s name / Normal business address of the applicant
Applicant’s technical officer 1) / Signature / E-mail
Telephone / Telefax
1) In case another person will be the contact, this shall be stated
Manufacturer’s name *) / Manufacturer's address
Manufacturer’s contact / Signature / E-mail
Telephone / Telefax
Place of manufacture (if different from the above) / Address of place of manufacture (if different from manufacturer's address)
The contact at the place of manufacture / Signature / E-mail
Telephone / Telefax
*) Has to be completed only if the applicant is the dealer, in which case the application column on page 2 must be signed by the
manufacturer. If not otherwise stated in the application, licence will be given in the applicant's name.
Information regarding products to be certified:
Type of product / Standard / Normative document / Directive
Specification of the product, productname, classification etc.
We have acquainted ourselves with the ”General rules for
certification of products” (NCS P-100), and with the normative documents for the product. If our application for certification licence
is accepted, we agree to comply with all relevant regulations for certification and the use of the certification mark, which Nemko AS may issue.
We thusbind us
- to comply with the above-mentioned documents in force
- to use the certification mark only on products which in all respects fulfil the requirements in the standard/normative document in force
for the product
- not to use the certification mark on other products than those which are included in our certification licence
- to deal with certified products in advertisements and marketing
in a responsible way. lf the advertising mentions the certification,
it must be stated what this implies
- to cover the expenses in connection with our application for
certification licence, inspection and testing of our
products, as prescribed for the product
- to remove all certification marks on not approved products / - to indemnify the certification body for any claims for damages
or any other expenses for which the certification body might
become liable due to damages caused by a product manufactured
or sold by the licencee, including deficiencies or defects in the
product. The licencee is under an obligation to let himself be
prosecuted by the same court of law which deals with such an
action brought against the certification body.
If relevant:
We confirm that the same application for certificate of
conformity (for CE-marking and wheelmark) has not been
lodged simultaneously with any other Notified Body.
The application will be invoiced.
Applicant’s signature
Has to be completed by the manufacturer if the applicant is not the manufacturer:

Undertaking by the manufacturer

We have acquainted ourselves with the requirements of the Standard / Normative document, to which this application is refering. As the manufacturer of the products, for which the applicant requests a licence to use the conformity mark, we undertake that our products conform to these. We also agree to the fact that there will be performed external inspection each year at our place of manufacture. The inspection is founded on NCS P-101 E.
If relevant:
We confirm that the same application for CE Certificate of Conformity (for CE-marking or wheelmark) has not been lodged
simultaneously with any other Notified Body.
Place / Date / Signature

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