Housing Authority of St. Louis County (HASLC) is soliciting quotes from qualified contractors for Rehab of a single family unitlocated in Maryland Heights, MO 63043. The successful bidder(s) shall perform in accordance with the Work Requirements.
HASLC will receive sealed quotes for the referenced work untilMay 14, 2018 at10:00 A.M. Local Time in the Purchasing Office at 8865 Natural Bridge Rd., St. Louis, MO 63121.
A representative of your organization should visit listed sites before you submit your quote.
Certificates of Insurance, in the amounts specified in section 5 must be provided within ten (10) days after “notice to proceed” is issued.
No quote shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days subsequent to the opening of the sealed bids without the consent of HASLC.
HASLC reserved the right to reject any or all bids, to waive minor informalities or irregularities in any quotes, to advertise for new quotes, or to proceed to do the work by other means, as may be determined to be in the best interest of HASLC. Multiple contract awards may result from this solicitation if deemed beneficial to HASLC.
HASLC is seeking to ensure that traditionally disadvantaged businesses have the maximum opportunity to be awarded a contract for these projects. Minority Business Enterprises, Women-owned Business Enterprises, and HUD Section 3 business are encouraged to bid. No applicant will be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, national origin, handicap status, or veteran status in consideration for an award of a contract.
The time line for this quote will be: April 30, 2018 – Request for Quotes Issued – After 8:30 AM
May 08, 2018 – Apartment available for viewing 9:00 AM to Noon
May 09, 2018 – Last day for questions by 2:00 PM
(Please direct questions to: )
May 14, 2018 – Quotes Due by 10:00AM
Janie L. Ashwill
Purchasing Coordinator
1.Solicitation No.HASLC- RFQ-18-Q-15
Issued By:Address:
Housing Authority of St. Louis County8865 Natural Bridge
St. Louis, MO 63121
2.Date Issued:Department:
April 30, 2018Purchasing/Contract Management
Liaison Phone No.
William Barry, Technical Liaison(314) 227-3130
Dennis Presley, Maintenance Supervisor(314) 486-5205
Charlie Gaebler, Contract Manager(314) 227-3128
3.Sealed quotes in singular, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS INVITATION, ITS SCHEDULE AND THE ATTACHED specifications, will be received at the above office until 10:00A.MMay 14, 2018 and at that time publicly opened, for furnishing the following services/supplies, as specified in the Schedule REHAB AT 178 Plum
- Quotes must be submitted on this form; all attached forms (pages 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) must be filled out and signed in space below for a valid quote. The Authority has provided additional attached forms to facilitate quoting process.
Wage Rate General Decision: MO180070, Mod.3(04/06/2018)applies to the bid,
The successful bidder agrees to carry insurance coverage during the period of this contract and shall provide The Housing Authority of St. Louis County, Purchasing Office, with certificates of insurance on all required coverage prior to commencement of the work under this contact.
- WORKER’S COMPENSATION – As required by the law of the State of Missouri Statutory Limits, including Employer’s Liability.
- COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY (CGL) – Limits of not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence with a aggregate limit of $1,000,000.00, to protect the contractor against claims for property damage, injury or death of one or more than one person due to occurrence which may occur or result from operation under the contract. Coverage shall extend to products completed operations.
NOTE: The Housing Authority of St. Louis County shall be named as Additional Insured under thesuccessful bidders Comprehensive General Liability Policy.
Certificate of Insurance shall indicate a waiver of subrogation in favor of The Housing Authority of St. Louis County, as it applies to Comprehensive General Liability.
Contractor shall be required to raise the limits of liability on a per occurrence basis, to match the revised statutory limit of the liability for public entities, during the term of this contract.
- AUTOMOBILE, BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY – Limits of not less than $1,000,000.00 CSL per occurrence bodily injury and property damage is required. Non-ownership hired cars are to be included in the coverage.
Request for Quotes for the Rehab of 178 Plum
- Work Requirements
a.Interior / Entire Unit
- Remove all Trash and Debris From Unit.
- Clean Floors, Cabinets, Shelves, Sills, etc., (include buffing & waxing of floors).
- Patch / Paint all Walls/ Ceilings. 6,656 sq. ft. – Paint Supplied by Housing Authority.
- Replace Heat Registers (3 – Floor) – Supplied by Housing Authority.
- Replace Smoke Alarms (4) – Supplied by Housing Authority.
- Replace CO2 Detector- Supplied by Housing Authority.
- Clean All Cover Plates.
- Paint all DoorJambs.– Anderson White – Supplied by the Housing Authority.
- Replace Mini Blinds – Supplied by the Housing Authority.
b.Living Room
1. Paint Doors & Jambs. – Paint Supplied by Housing Authority.
1. CleanCabinets.
2. Paint Doors & Jambs. – Paint Supplied by Housing Authority.
3. CleanRefrigerator.
4. ReplaceStove-Supplied by Housing Authority.
- ReplaceCold Air Return – Supplied by Housing Authority.
- Replace (2) Hardwire Smoke Alarms (one downstairs one upstairs) - Supplied by Housing Authority.
- Replace and Paint Closet Door 2’4” Slab – Supplied by Housing Authority.
- Clean and Lubricate Exhaust Fan.
- Paint Doors & Jambs. – Paint Supplied by Housing Authority.
- ReplaceToilet Seat. – Supplied by Housing Authority.
- Clean Wall Tile.
- Replace Medicine Cabinet. – Supplied by Housing Authority.
- Clean Fixtures.
g.Bedroom 1
- Paint Doors & Jambs. – Paint Supplied by Housing Authority.
- Replace Battery Smoke Alarm. Supplied by Housing Authority.
- Replace Mini Blinds – Supplied by the Housing Authority.
- Replace Missing/Broken Floor Tile. – Supplied by Housing Authority.
h. Bedroom 2
- Paint Doors & Jambs. – Paint Supplied by Housing Authority.
- Replace Mini Blinds – Supplied by Housing Authority.
- Replace Battery Smoke Alarm.-Supplied by Housing Authority.
b.2 –Battery Smoke Alarms
c.2 – Hardwire Smoke Alarm
d.1 – CO2 Detector
e.3 – Floor Register Vent Covers
f.Paint – Bone White and Medium Gray
g.Tile – Cool White
h.1 – 2’4” Slab Closet Door
i.Mini Blinds
j.Medicine Cabinet
k.Toilet Seat
TOTAL BID $______
All Quotes should be returned to:
*** Bidder can return all nine (9) pages when submitting bid, but must return at a minimum pages 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 for a valid quote.***
Name and Address of BidderSignature and Title of person
(Type or Print)authorized to sign this bid. (Type or Print) Must be completed for a valid
Company NameName (Type or Print)
______Bid Date: ______
Telephone Number with Area Code
- Signature of bidder indicates that he understands and will comply with all terms and conditions on HUD form5370-EZ and all other specifications and conditions made a part of this invitation for bid and any subsequent award or contract.
- In compliance with the above, the undersigned offers and agrees, if this Quote be accepted within ______calendar days (60 calendar days unless a different period be inserted by the bidder from the date of the opening, to furnish services/supplies and all of the items upon which prices are quoted.
BIDDER’S INFORMATION:(complete all that apply)
S.S. # OR BUSINESS ID # ______PHONE: (____) ______
BUSINESS EXPERIENCE:(list company name, address, and phone number as well as contact person. If you did work as a sub-contractor under a prime contractor please list the complete information on the prime contractor.) Please complete this section in detail, it is our best method of checking your past performance.
- Have you ever entered into a contract with this agency? If so, please list contract number, when, and the project number.
Other references:
Housing Authority of St. Louis County
Notice To Bidders
Certificate of Section 3 Business/Subcontractor
And Employee Utilization Form
WHEREAS, this activity is being funded in whole or in part with funds which have been provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and;
WHEREAS, Section 3 of the Housing & Urban Development Act requires that, to the greatest extent feasible, training and employment opportunities be given to lower income residents of a local unit of government in which funds are being expended. Section 3 stipulates that a contractor will consider applicants from the local unit of government before seeking applicants elsewhere if the need arises to hire labor in addition to the employer’s normal work force. Additionally, Section 3 requires that, to the greatest extent feasible, opportunities be given to businesses within the local unit of government which are 51% or more owned by lower income residents, or businesses whose permanent, full-time work force includes no less than 30% lower income residents of the local unit of government, and;
WHEREAS, HASLC and its Subgrantee are required by Department of Housing and Urban Development Regulations 24 CFR Part 135 to provide economic opportunities for Section 3 Residents and Business Concerns; preference for contract award shall be given to the bidder utilizing the most qualified Section 3 businesses and/or employees if the bid is reasonable and no more than 10% higher than the quotation of the lowest responsive quotation from any qualified source, and;
WHEREAS, the maximum utilization of Section 3 enterprises is a condition precedent to the awarding of a contract for the attached bid;
NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned contractor agrees and certifies that:
- The contractor shall document efforts to utilize Section 3 enterprises and/or employees
- The contractor shall complete and sign the attached Section 3 Business, Subcontractor and Employee Utilization certificate.
- The Housing Authority of St. Louis County will certify that any business or residents identified in this certification are eligible Section 3 participants.
______I will be hiring additional workers to complete this activity
______I will not be hiring additional workers to complete this activity
If new positions will be filled please complete.
Listed below are the Section 3 employment opportunities which are herein incorporated and made part of the contractor’s bid documentation:
/ Apprentices / TraineesCarpenter
ElectriciansPower Equip Operators
*Attach copies of program and apprentice certifications by the Missouri of U. S. Bureaus of Apprenticeship and Training
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Contractor has executed this certificate of Section 3
Business/Employee Utilization Form this ______day of ______199_____
Contractor: ______
By: ______Date: ______
*Failure to complete this form and submit it with bid will render contractors bid non-responsive.
11. Housing Authority of St. Louis County
Section 3 Certification Form
The undersigned makes this affidavit with full knowledge that its contents will be used in the expenditure of funds provided by the United States Government. Under penalty of perjury he/she hereby states:
- I am the ______of ______
(owner, partner, officer, representative, or agent)
the Bidder that has submitted the attached Bid; and whose business concern is
51 percent or more owned by Section 3 residents; or
Has permanent, full-time employees, at least 30 percent of whom are currently Section 3 residents, or within three (3) years of the date of first employment with the business concern were Section 3 residents; or
None of the above; no Section 3 preference claimed.
______I will be utilizing subcontractors. ______I will not be utilizing subcontractors.
If subcontractors will be utilized, please list all Section 3 firms that will be utilized regarding this activity.
Use addition sheets if necessary.
Name and address of Firm: ______
Trade: ______
Subcontract Contract Amount: ______
Name and address of Firm: ______
Trade: ______
Subcontract Contract Amount: ______
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