Monday Night Bible Study Lesson 7-Revelation 10-13


Day 1:Read Commentary Notes

1.What did you gain from reading the Commentary Notes?

2.How was the lecture helpful to you?

Day 2:Read Revelation 10[Open NIV][Open NKJV]

(John MacArthur writes; “The sounding of the seventh trumpet, which heralds the imminent return and reign of the Lord Jesus Christ, will usher in that long anticipated day. In Revelation 11:15, the seventh trumpet will release the seven rapid-fire bowl judgements that immediately precede Christ’s return to earth. But before the seventh trumpet sounds there will be an interlude, which stretches from Revelation 10:1 to 11:14, allowing John (and present day readers) to pause and assimilate the startling truths that have just been revealed to him. Chapter 10 describes the opening events of this interlude preparing for the final trumpet blast.”

3.Using verse 1, who did John see; describe his appearance?

4.In verses 2 and 3, what was the angel holding, where was he standing and what did John hear from him?

5.What was John told to do in verse 4? (Note: John Walvoord writes: “Though the principal purpose of the vision given to John was to enable him to write the book of Revelation and thus pass on divine revelation to the Church, in this instance the revelation is for John’s ears only and he is not permitted to reveal what he heard. This illustrates a divine principle that while God has revealed much, there are secrets which God has not seen fit to reveal to man at this time.”)

6.Summarize what John was told by the angel in verses 5-11? Why is prophecy both “sweet and sour?”

Day 3:Read Revelation 11:1-14, Luke 21:24 [Open NIV][Open NKJV]

(John is recording events seen in the interlude between the sixth angel’s trumpet blast in Revelation 9:13-21, and the seventh angel’s trumpet blast in Revelation 11:15.)

7.What was John given and told to do in verse 1?

8.According to verse 2 and Luke 21:24, what will happen for 42 months or 3½ years?

9.Whom does John say will be given power for 1260 days and what shall they accomplish, recorded in verse 3? (Note: 1260 days, using a 30 day per month standard, is 3½ years.)

10.How will the two witnesses be protected and how will they demonstrate their power, according to verses 4-6?

11.What will happen for 3½ days after the 2 witnesses accomplish their mission, according to verses 7-10?

12.What will happen after the next 3½ days, according to verses 11-14?

Day 4:Read Revelation 11:15-19, Hebrews 9:2-5, Exodus 25:21-22[Open NIV][Open NKJV]

13.What did John see/hear in verse 15?

14.What did John see/hear in verse 16?

15.For what do the 24 elders tell John the time has come in verse 18?

16.What did John see in the temple in verse 19?

17.Describe the ark of the covenant, according to Hebrews 9:2-5. Why was the ark important and what does the ark teach us about God, using Exodus 25:21-22?

Day 5:Read Revelation 12[Open NIV][Open NKJV]

18.From verses 1-6, describe the woman and the dragon and the reason for their enmity.

19.Describe the battle John observed in verses 7-9. What was the outcome and what do you learn?

20.Thought Question: Who is being called the “accuser of our brothers” in verse 10 and why is this an appropriate name for him?

21.How does verse 11 say one overcomes the devil?

22.What did John see the dragon do in verses 13-17 and how was the woman saved?

Day 6:Read Revelation 13, 1 Corinthians 2:14-16[Open NIV][Open NKJV]

23.The Beast of the Sea is described in verses 1-10.

A. Describe this beast in verses 1 and 2.

B. From whom did this beast get his power in verse 2b?

C. How did the world respond to this beast in verses 3 and 4?

D. What did this beast do for 42 months according to verses 5-7?

E. Who, on earth, would worship this beast in verse 8?

24.The Beast out of the Earth is described in verses 11-18.

A. Describe the beast from verses 11.

B. Who did this 2nd beast serve according verses 12-14a?

C. What did the 2nd beast do to the inhabitants of the earth in verse 14?

D. What did the 2nd beast do in verse 15?

E. What did the 2nd beast do in verses 16-17?

F. What is required to combat this 2nd beast in verse 18?

25.According to 1 Corinthians 2:14-16, how does one acquire wisdom?

26.Personal Question: How will you respond to this week’s lesson?