Greetings Professor Grebennikov!
I am not sure how much of this letter will be readable to you because of the translation program.
I have been wanting to write you since Juri gave me your home address but since I don’t speak, read or write Russian (yet), I have hesitated. I bought a computer program so I could translate and am currently studying Russian to learn to read, write and speak the language. That is how much impact your discovery has made on my life. I currently only speak, read and write English and have never had the need to learn any other language, but you have shaken my world view.
Juri managed to get me a copy of your wonderful book and I am in process of having it translated to English. I operate the KeelyNet website which deals primarily with free energy, gravity control and electronic health. A Russian friend named Youlain gave me the website for chapter 5 of your book and I’ve been fascinated since then.
The idea that there could be a natural organic material that could somehow redirect zero point energy to produce a thrust and possibly an electrical current has many in our group very interested.
I am sorry to hear of your medical condition as Juri reports. We discussed using electro-stimulation which he said he had tried with little success. So I am keeping my eyes and ears open for anything that might be of help to reduce or cure your paralysis.
Some of the people in my group are actively seeking correlations for anything that will support your discovery of the beetle elyton (cover) and its ability to repel. It would of course be immensely helpful if you could reveal which beetle of the 350,000 known beetles on the planet.
You see, about 10 years ago, a scientist friend told me of an American engineer in the 1920s who had done microscopic examination of the wings of bumblebees and who found a specific shape and size which repelled or more properly diverted gravity. This engineer is supposed to have been able to make a synthetic material that when stretched over a long wooden plank and stimulated with high voltage, is shown floating in the air in a photo published in an electronics magazine around that period. We do not have the name of the magazine, the exact year or the engineer but have looked.
At the time the story was told to me, I thought it was interesting but did not pursue. Now comes your report of the repulsion effect of the beetle elyton which has awakened considerable excitement in our group.
Here is what I would like to do and which is why I am writing you. Those of us at KeelyNet realize that free energy and gravity control must certainly have been discovered many times in the past, however, greed, ego and power as well as suppression have been the reasons why we don’t have these marvels in practical use in our daily lives.
Because of this, we have sworn that we would freely release any discoveries or details we might come across regarding free energy or gravity control.
The idea of using a synthetic resonating cavity possibly requiring a specific material, such as chitin, made into a material where many of these cavities produced an effect has kept me awake and on edge since Youlain first gave me your website and I translated it to get an idea of what you were saying.
I note in your book, you say that others will classify your claims as ‘science fantasy’, but that some will see. I am hoping we are seeing your meaning as we certainly have some interesting correlations that seem to back it up.
The multi-structural cavity resonator discovery and how it can be used to produce lift and thrust is arguably the single greatest discovery ever made.
If we could duplicate it at the very least as a proof of principle, similar to your original observation of the one elyton cover repelling the other, so that anyone could see it for themselves and if they chose to develop it or scale it up to useful devices, then all the better as competition will yield ever superior versions with more power and uses.
It is winter here and I am planning to collect some bumblebees and examine and measure their wing structure in hopes of finding a pattern or size that could produce a useful effect.
I would love to ensure that you get full credit for this amazing discovery and receive the accolades and honors from your peers and the world at large. Along with that I think will come financial awards and prizes, possibly even the Nobel as this discovery eclipses anything I’ve ever seen or imagined in the world of using zero point energy practically.
Four of us have been thinking it would be an interesting trip to fly to Moscow, then to Novosibirsk to visit you and Juri, hopefully to see your flying platform and hear your discovery directly from you. Nothing convinces like a demonstration. One of us is a scientist from Arizona, his wife and my electronics engineer friend Pierre from Canada and my electronic/technical skills.
I know you have probably had thousands of people asking you for the secret of which beetle it is with this special elyton cover and no doubt question their motives so why should you reveal it to us? Because we have the reputation since 1988 of being totally honest and straight forward, and working solely to discover and share free energy and gravity control with all the world, not just one company or country.
Initially, we thought bumblebees were the key, though on receiving your book, it seems to focus on the Egyptian dung beetles and the green shelled june beetles though you have many others in your beautiful drawings.
As I read your comment about how you accidentally discovered this property in just one of thousands of beetles, it would be a tremendous effort and expenditure of time to re-discover what you already know, so, if you were so inclined, you could greatly facilitate our replication of your original experiment where the covers repelled.
After receiving the book, I note the painting of the underside of your flying platform where you use a fan type arrangement. It appears you have about 10 blades on each fan, with each blade having about 10 of the elyton covers from the beetles, all facing downward. With one fan in each corner, it appears a clutch cable as used on a motorcycle could be turned with a hand grip handle to open and close these fans to varying degrees.
If this is correct, then one fan in each corner of the box would allow you to provide lift as well as thrust by adjusting the opening of the fans.
I have always been a fan of gravity as a pushing effect, preferrring to believe that space is dense with ether which pushes mass together and provides the effect of gravity and weight. So if we could divert or deflect this wind around us, which normally holds us to the planet, then we could provide lift.
Now you have awakened a new view since I have never been able to figure out how a pushing ‘wind’ of gravity from space could provide a sideways thrust. On thinking about it and discussing with friends, it is probable that the zero point energy that is all around us, that pops in and out of existence, is the key.
A check valve is a plumbing fitting that allows fluid or another media to flow in only one direction. This is a mechanical version of a rectifier or diode as used to allow only one polarity to flow of electrical current.
Using this analogy, your discovery indicates a natural organic shape of a specific sized cavity that would serve to rectify the local zero point energy, allowing only one polarity to pass and thus providing a thrust.
On a single unit level, the effect is almost undetectable, however, by combining many of these units into your multi-structural cavities, we would have a condensed effect and a focusing of thrust from the device to which the cavities were attached.
It all has to do with the inverse square law, where a flashlight beam spread out over a wide surface is very weak, however as you bring the flashlight closer to the wall, the beam diameter is reduced for an increase in the light intensity.
Now, taking that into consideration and realizing it is a natural effect, I think it perfectly explains the legend of the flying carpet of ancient Persia. That these beetle covers could be woven into the fabric of the carpet in such a way that one side was polarized and provides a repelling effect. When the carpet was rolled up, the combined repelling energies are dispersed and the carpet lays on the floor. When it is unrolled with the polarized repulsive side facing downward, the carpet rises off the floor.
As you can see, we are working to figure out how your platform flies from the limited controls and technology you are using but which apparently produces the most profound and marvelous effects. It is simply the most elegant discovery I have ever read about.
KeelyNet is named after an American inventor named John Keely who lived from 1825 to 1898. He is generally considered to be a fraud by those who read a damning article from Scientific American, yet those who look more deeply find much to study. Keely said ‘time is gravity’. It is the flow of gravity into the earth and masses on it that clocks the mass and produces time. Therefore, slow down the gravity in a local area and time slows down in that area.
If I am reading it right, your device, when in flight, does exactly that, it slows, lags or dilates time. One comment says you were on the platform for one hour according to your watch, however, when you landed and checked the time, two hours had passed.
In the Celtic and Irish legends about fairies and elves, they refer to fairy rings where people would accidentally venture and end up drinking and having a party with the little people for what they believe to be one day. When they leave the ring, they find that from 100 to 300 years have passed, yet they have not aged but for that one day.
In many religions, they refer to something I call god time, saying one day for a god is equal to one thousand years for man. There are many legends, particularly in India which describe this.
Professor Yuri Ivanov has a theory called rhythm and dynamics, rhythmodynamics which deals with interference fields of vibrating masses. He believes the reason for weight is because the waves that radiate from each mass interferes with waves from surrounding masses, so that the higher you go above the earth, the less waves you will interfere with and the lighter you become, until you have no weight when in space because there are no other vibrating masses. He is an amazing man also and we have been in direct contact.
So, with regard to your time dilation or lagging time field, it would appear your basic discovery, when scaled up for measurable effects, produces as you claim, lift, thrust, partial invisibility (by spreading light around the area affected) and time lagging.
Please consider what a release of details of your discovery would provide for the world.
For energy, a sheet of this repelling material could be placed above one half of a 10 ton wheel so that this half was heavier than the other half. That means the wheel would be always unbalanced and be forced to turn, driving a shaft connected to a generator that produces electrical current.
For transportation and commerce, flying machines that would allow the transport of goods and people safely from one point to another, at high speeds and without pollution anywhere in the world.
Sheets of this material synthesized and based on the beetle structure, so that we would have flying suits for personal flight, automobiles, trucks and more.
A scientist friend was living with his wife on an island that was near a military base on another island. His wife and a lady friend would ride their bicycles around the island each day for exercise. One day, they stopped half way through their trip and happened to notice something shining in the air about 250 feet above and 50 feet or so away from them. On closer inspection, they saw a man, wearing a silver suit, floating in the air. There was no sound and no obvious means of lift. They were shocked and afraid but said nothing, simply watching this flying man look over the island, not paying them any attention. After a few minutes, he did a 180 degree turn towards the ocean, leaned over and moved out at increasing speed away from the island and toward the island with the military base. I know one of these ladies and she swears it is a true story. They did not drink or do drugs and I know this woman to be completely rational and honest. As you can see, the idea that there could be a fabric to make a flying suit is not too hard to believe based on your discovery.
Currently, there is a field of cryogenics where people with diseases or medical conditions are expected to be frozen immediately after death, in hopes when a cure for their condition is discovered, they will the thawed and the cure applied many years after their death.
If your time lagging field can be produced in a local environment, like a man made fairy ring, then people who are sick or dying could step into one of these special chambers, sleep or live for what to them appeared to be a day or two. Outside this chamber, where earth time is in control, many years would pass until eventually a cure for their condition would be found. At that time, the time lagging field is slowly removed and the person steps out 100 years later to take the cure. This person would only have a conscious memory and physical age of the one or two days they spent in the time lag chamber, yet the earth would have aged and their friends and family are either very old or have died.
Imagine what this would do to physics, society, governments, finance…
Here you are, at 74 years of age and partially paralyzed, an unrecognized genius, a brilliant man, someone who needs to live and be fully rewarded for this amazing discovery.
The more people who know about this and are working on all the possible uses and effects, the sooner all of the above effects will be available.
That means you could go into one of these time lagging rooms, spend a couple of days and come back out when a cure for your paralysis and rejuvenation had been discovered.
By that time, the world would be a completely different place and you would be honored above all scientists because the effects of your discovery would have seeped into every aspect of society, industry and commerce.
I’m not trying to steal your discovery, I just want to serve as a catalyst for the release of the basic principle so that anyone could prove it to themselves and produce all sorts of uses for it, and let people know who the true discoverer was.
There is more and this, as a first letter, is far more than I intended to write, but I wanted you to know I am sincere, we do have many people interested and I’m certain you have had all kinds of offers.
In our case, I wanted to show you that we have been correlating your claims and find them quite credible. It is my hope you will read this letter and think about the changes you could make in the world simply by revealing the beetle type or maybe sending a couple if you have them so we could see the effect, correlate them with an English description and analyze the structure to better understand the geometry and material if material is critical.
One other point, when we first heard about the bumblebee levitation from the 1920s, we were told the pattern was hexagonal, six sided. When I read your paper and shared it with my network, it indicated that a six sided pattern was involved, one of my associates remembered an old paper back book he got from Australia describing three UFO crashes that left pieces of the ship. Some of the pieces from each of these crashes had a lattice or matrix of honey comb six sided cells that were made of an unknown resin that would not burn and could not be chemically analyzed. The interesting thing was it was 25 six sided cells per square inch for each of the crash site remnants.
So you see, we have been trying to figure out how you did it and what the secret is. The results of a release of the name of this beetle would change the world and you would be credited as sole discoverer.
As I wrote above, I’m not sure you will be able to read any of this, but it is worth a try to contact you as none of us are getting any younger and it would be a wonderful thing if you could tell us the name of that beetle so that we could duplicate the basic effect, then once we have proven it, share it across the internet and in various media as a proof of principle type of experiment that anyone could do to verify the claim, with you fully credited as the discoverer. From that would come opportunities and invitations and letters of congratulations from all over the world.