District Academic Senate Newsletter
September 30, 2009
President's Report
I’ll see many of you on Friday, and we met just a few weeks ago, so I’ll keep this brief. As you’ll recall, I don’t do a newsletter during the summer, so you haven’t had one of these since late May, though you’ve probably heard enough from me, with the Board Reports and everything else. Still, I would have written earlier in the term, but there hasn’t been a great deal of news. Not too many developments in terms of the budget, for example, in the past month. We did learn that the federal stimulus money to backfill the categorical cuts will be less than expected. This will cost the district an additional $3 million, more or less. On the other hand, we got a report a few days ago suggesting that we may be able to avoid mid-year cuts, due in part to federal maintenance of effort requirements (for the stimulus money). That would be great news, but the picture is mixed. We’ve also just learned that some or all of our deferred payments may in fact be cuts. I want to get that confirmed and clarified, however. In any case, even if we avoid mid-year cuts, a deficit of $8 billion is still being projected for next year’s state budget. So, we still have a rough few years ahead of us.
The bond story remains puzzling. The LA Times reporters continue their investigation; it has now gone on for over two months! Meanwhile, we’re looking at ways to revive and reconfigure the Bond Steering Committee, as it hasn’t been effective in recent years. The Energy Oversight Committee meets again in mid-October, with a report due to the Board by Oct. 20. Don Gauthier has also raised concerns about a plan (already implemented in some cases) to coat college buildings with titanium dioxide. The coating is a nanotechnology product, and it has been labeled dangerous in Canada and the European Union, though it’s approved by the FDA and EPA. At this point, we’re not drawing conclusions, but just asking that certain questions be answered.
Several productive meetings have taken place since we met. The Distance Education Stakeholders came up with a number of action items that I’m now working on with Paul McKenna, the chair of the DE Coordinators. We’re trying to improve support services for DE students. The Transfer Committee is planning a meeting with CSU officials in late October to review the rapidly changing transfer situation. The Sustainability Group is beginning to make detailed plans for the Sustainability Institute, as we expect to receive a federal earmark by early November or so. It will likely total somewhere between $500,000 and $800,000 for the year. We would then be able to apply for a renewal. Obviously, this would jumpstart our Sustainability efforts a great deal, but let’s see. We don’t have the money yet!
Trade seems to be on track in terms of getting off probation. Kindra reports that they’ve made real progress in terms of program review and SLO’s, for example. VP Kathleen Burke-Kelly has been reassigned from East to work on accreditation at Trade, much to East’s consternation.
We had a good Consultation with Tyree Wieder and the Vice-Chancellors last week. I’m in regular contact with her. Lots of phone conversations.
I look forward to seeing many of you in a few days.