Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative (NARTI)
A Workshop on:
Voice and Presentation Skills
With Roberta Kerr
24 November 2015 – Room B108, Lancaster University Management School
25 November 2015 – Cloberry Room, University House, University of Leeds

Roberta Kerr studied Drama and Education at Middlesex University. In addition to teaching in Colleges and Universities, including Lancaster, Cumbria, and Salford universities, Roberta has been facilitating presentation skills courses in universities and for businesses in the corporate sector for over 20 years. Recipients have ranged from trainee teachers to senior academics and from shop floor to Managing Directors. Within the third sector, Roberta recently worked with asylum seekers and refugees. Other CPD courses at Manchester, Liverpool, UCLAN and Southampton universities have involved aspects such as recruitment, leadership and difficult conversations. Roberta also holds one-to-one coaching sessions.

Using both practical and strategic techniques, the course aims to:

  • Explore ways of using voice effectively both vocally and verbally, with consideration given to the well-being of the voice.
  • Explore physicality both personal and performed.
  • Practise methods of gaining and maintaining audience interest.
  • Provide the opportunity to experiment in a safe environment
  • Offer an opportunity for Individual feedback.

The course is practical with the emphasis on participation. In addition to the various techniques being explored, each participant will have the opportunity to practise and receive feedback on their prepared presentation.

After the booking form has been submitted, applicants will be asked to provide details of why they wish to take a place on this workshop.

When places are confirmed, participants will be asked to complete a Personal Action Plan and prepare the following:

1)A Personal Anecdote: This should be work-related; the sort of anecdote that you might use to illustrate a point during a lecture/presentation. It should last no more than one minute and should include the use of a visual aid which must not be a piece of “presentational equipment” egnot PowerPoint, OHP, whiteboard.

2)A Two Minute Presentation: The subject need notbe work related. It could be

an issue/interest that you feelpassionately about or a holiday you have had.

It should include the use of one visual aid which, as above, must not be a piece of “presentational equipment”.


09.45Coffee and registration






How to register for the workshop:

When you have decided which date and location is most suitable for you, please complete the online booking forms at:

Places are limited. Applications will be considered and places will be confirmed as soon as possible. Please indicate why you wish to take up a place in the additional notes section of the online booking form as selections will be made with the help of this.

As NARTI will cover the cost of this event, it is expected that participants cover the cost of their travel and any accommodation required. Please ensure that you are able to participate for the full duration of the workshop and arrive in plenty of time.

How to get to Lancaster University Management School (LUMS)

The workshop on the 24th November will take place in B108 in Lancaster University Management School. Details of how to get to the University can be found below:

How to get to Leeds University Business School (LUMS)

The workshop on the 25th November will take place in the Cloberry Room in University House (building number 28 on the campus map). There is a campus visitors car park which is payable or there are limited places available at the Business School (building number 19 on the campus map). Please contact if you wish to reserve a parking space at the Business School.

For any further questions, please contact Jo Garrick at