Slough Council For Voluntary Service

(On behalf of Slough Prevention Alliance Community Engagement - SPACE)


<Organisation Name>

(Start date to End Date)

Dear <Name>

The document sets out the service delivery arrangements and the price which has been agreed between the ‘SPACE’ and the Service Provider. SPACE as an

‘Associate’ from <Start Date – End Date>


The agreed price for the year breaks down as follows:

Description of Service/
Agreed Targets
Agreed Targets
To attend all four quarterly SPACE Associate meetings and any other relevant forums as invited by SPACE
To provide quarterly monitoring information
To collaborate with other SPACE associates, to empower people to overcome social isolation and loneliness
To engage in contract monitoring meetings
To act as a front door for SPACE, referring clients as needed
To attend training arranged by SPACE / SPACE associates
To attend SPACE / SPACE associates’ promotion events at least once per year to promote the work of the organisation / <Agreed Budget>

Appendix 1

As an associate you agree: -

To adhere to all SPACE’ policies and procedures including accurate completion of Monitoring.

To ensure EVERY service users outcomes are recorded as agreed in the above outcomes and with the SPACE Operations Manager.

To ensure copies of all paperwork (by the named person identified in Appendix 1) are submitted BY the requested deadlines as agreed by SPACE Operations Manager.

To let the SPACE Operations Manager know if you do not intend to deliver on any given date well in advance and in writing.

To assess all risks, to work with Community Navigators and plans, work towards the common goals and values and report any incidents to the SPACE Operations Manager.

To attend all Associate Meetings and mandatory training (eg Safeguarding, DBS checks) as required.

Conditions of payment:-

  • Receipt of the signed agreement at the start of the delivery period.
  • In advance of a quarter as per dates provided and during the course of the year following satisfactory submission from the previous quarter.
  • Submission of all Monitoring and data, materials, equipment or paperwork requested
  • Submission of an invoice to be made on time and within the specified quarter in SPACE administration arrangements
  • We will endeavour to pay all invoices within 30 days of receipt (normally by BACS)


This contract shall last for 12 months from date of issue and each party must give 3 months’ notice to terminate.

No fees shall be payable by SPACE if you fail to comply with the above brief or the conditions of release. During the period of work, you will report to SPACE Operations Manager, or any other person that SPACE may notify to you. Nothing contained in this agreement shall be construed to create the relationship of employer and employee between SPACE and you.

The Associate undertakes to settle and pay all taxes, which arise on the consideration paid by SPACE. These taxes will include payment of Income Tax and National Insurance contributions on the emoluments of The Associate. In the event that the Inland Revenue secures an assessment to Schedule E Income Tax, or the Contributions Agency secures the levying of Class 1 contributions to SPACE. The Associate will do all in their power to offset payments due by SPACE, by claiming that the payments made by The Associate should be deemed payments on account of Slough CVS.

All equipment, confidential records, documents and other papers, together with any extracts thereof, made or acquired by you in the course of your work for SPACE shall be the property of SPACE. These must be returned to SPACE on the termination of your work. Any queries from the press must be referred immediately to the SPACE Operations Manager.

Please note that the terms of this contract and all induction/training processes, delivery paperwork, processes, procedures, methods of working and handouts are the Intellectual and Copyrighted property of SPACE and MUST NOT be shared or used outside of your work for the organisation.

You confirm that you have or are working towards Bronze standard SQP Quality Assurance and have adequate Public and Employers Liability insurance in place to cover all your sub-contracted activities.

You confirm that all your staff and volunteers are DBS checked, have relevant qualifications to deliver these activities, have appropriate safeguarding and First Aid training and that you have inducted all staff and volunteers into the implementation of your policies including Safeguarding and Health and Safety.

Please let us have your acceptance of this offer by signing and returning one copy of this agreement

I accept SPACE offer and agree to abide by the conditions as stated in this letter.

Date: ______Signed: ______Print Name: ______

For: Reg. Number: ______VAT: ______

Yours sincerely

Jesal Dhokia

On behalf of SPACE