Section A01: A locational description with maps of different scales, of your 2 chosen destinations
Total = 15 marks
MB1: 0 – 5 marks
MB2: 6 – 10 marks
MB3: 11 – 15 marks
Content Description / GENERAL COMMENTSIntroduction to your travel destination
- Local
- National
- International
You must make sure that you have all pictures and maps sourced and referenced at the back of your work.
What features give it an appeal to different types of visitor?
What are the major attractions? / This needs to be more than a list but needs to be less than a comprehensive guide book into the things that someone must do when they visit this place. You don’t need to go into too much detail but you need to go into some.
Don’t forget to talk about WHO this place would appeal to – what groups of traveller would enjoy it?
Climate details / Very weak – show me the climate info – graphs is good and then talk about them and tell me the best times to visit and why.
Details of transport to and from the UK – how would someone from NI get here? / How do I get there from NI? How do I get around the site when I do actually get there? Again – some detail but not too much.
What is this place famous for? / Hello – what are the must see sites for this place!
Maps – are maps annotated and do they ‘fit’ into the text and explanation?
- Local
- National
- International
General Comments:
Make sure that you have no gaps in your work and make sure that you reference everything. If you put anything into your work that is not your own and you do not reference it fully – you will fail this unit.