Letter Requesting Recommendation
You will need recommendations for colleges or jobs. To obtain a letter of recommendation, students should request one from a teacher, counselor, administrator, manager, priest, or coach, or someone that knows how you work, communicate, your abilities, reliability, etc. You should not ask family members.
This is a sample letter that can be used.
Final copy of Letter Requesting Recommendation must be typed and uploaded to your dropbox folder.
Print a clean copy of your Letter Requesting Recommendation and add to your PTP folder for Senior Year.
Pōmaika‘i H. Kalua
82-888 Wish Road
Kealakekua, HI 96750
(808) 323-4500
September 29, 2012
Mrs. Dawn Gambone
Senior English Teacher
81-1043 Konawaena School Rd.
Kealakekua, HI 96750
RE: Request for Letter of Recommendation
Dear Mrs. Gambone,
My name is Pōmaika‘i H. Kalua, and I was in your Senior Expository Writing and British Literature classes this school year.
One of my goals is to become a Registered Nurse. In order to achieve this goal, I am applying to The University of Hawaii, Hilo. I would greatly appreciate it if you would write a letter of recommendation for me covering the following:
· Attendance/punctuality
· Class and group participation
· Ability to work independently/work ethic
· Communication skills
· Attitude
The deadline for this recommendation is insert date here. Enclosed is an addressed, stamped envelope for your convenience. I would also appreciate a signed copy of the letter for my portfolio.
Thank you for the time, effort, and guidance you have provided me as my teacher.
Pōmaika‘i H. Kalua
Class of 2013