Columbus Section American Chemical Society

Job Manual

2013 Revision -DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT

previously updated, February 2004

I. Foreword

II. Chair and Past Chair

III. Chair-Elect

IV. Secretary

V. Treasurer and Treasurer-Elect

VI. Councilors

VII. Alternate Councilors

VIII. Reports.

IX. Structure and Coordination

1. Bylaws

2. Schedule

3. Executive Committee

4. Organization of Committees

X. Internal Affairs

1. Nominating Committee

2. Tellers Committee

3. Bylaws Committee

4. Archives Committee

5. LongRange Planning

6. 50 Year Member Recognition Coordinator

XI. Program and Awards

1. Monthly Meetings

2. Mini-meetings

3. Special Programs

1.Columbus Section Award

2.Patterson-Crane Award, Joint with Dayton Section

3.Outstanding College Student Awards

4.High School Chemistry Teacher of the Year Award

5.State Science Fair Awards

6.Chemistry Olympiad Awards

7.Outstanding High School Student, CTC

8.Undergraduate Research Symposium Awards

XII. Professional Activities

1.Government Affairs Committee

2.Membership Committee

3.Women Chemists***

4.Minority Affairs***

5.Younger Chemists Committee

6.Career Resources***

7.Laboratory Safety Subcommittee***

8.Industrial Relations Subcommittee***

XIII. Education

1.High School Chemistry Teacher Affiliates

2.High School Chemistry Teacher of the Year

3.Student Affiliates and Graduate Students

4.Kids & Chemistry

5.Continuing Education***

XIV. Publicity and Public Relations

1.Public Relations and Communications

2.Chemical Record


4.E-mail communications

5. Electronic Communications Coordinator

6. Webmaster

XV. Central Regional Steering Committee Representative

XVI. Finance Committee

XVII. National Chemistry Week

I. Foreword

The original Job Manual of the Columbus Section of the American Chemical Society was assembled in 1973, to assist newly elected officers and committee and subcommittee chairs in planning and coordinating their jobs. In 1980-1981 the manual was updated. The manual was updated again in 2004. The present 2013 version is a comprehensive update that reflects the current structure and operations of the Section.

It comprises prior experience and is expected to undergo changes as required by functions and innovations in the life of the Section.

The Executive Committee is responsible for revising the manual bi-annually. Each function listed in this manual and corresponding chair/committee should provide the Executive Committee with an updated version of their job description when requested, so that the next manual will be as current and as useful as possible.

II. Chair

The Chair is a voting member and President of the Executive Committee of the Section. S/he calls, establishes the agenda for, and presides at, meetings of the Executive Committee. Persons to be notified of meetings include: Officers, Councilors, Alternate Councilors, Committee Chairs, Editor of the Chemical Record, and any committee member or other member of the Section who requests such notice. The Chair presents the High School, Patterson-Crane, and Columbus Section Awards. The Chair must be familiar with the duties and responsibilities of all committees and subcommittees.

The Chair is encouraged to attend the ACS National meetings in theSpring and Fall, and the Central Regional Meeting.

The Chair's duties and responsibilities include the following:

FALL before taking office (As Chair-Elect):

Appoint all Chairs for Committees and Subcommittees. Get started early because this requires a lot of time. Recommendations should be obtained from past Chairs and ExecutiveCommittee members.

Coordinate with Outgoing Chair on the preparation of the AnnualReport to ACS. Prepare Goals and Objectives for this report. These should also be published in the February issue ofthe Chemical Record and on the Webpage.

NOVEMBER(As Chair-Elect)

See that the Chair appoints the audit/budget committee.

See that budget information is requested from Committees.

Contact ACS President-Elect as soon as feasible to set up the October Meeting.

Meet with Award Chairs to select and reserve dates and venues.

DECEMBER(As Chair-Elect)

Order plaques as required for planned recognitions and pin for past Chair.

Establish calendar (in conjunction with Program Committee) for Board meetings, general meetings, and programs to the extentpossible. Meet with incoming Program Committee Chair, other committee Chairs, and Communications Group including the CHEMICAL RECORD Editor.

The Executive Committee meets once per month in Jan -May and Sept -Dec.


Complete ACS Annual Report with the Immediate Past Chair and other members, as required.

See that the annual Treasurer's Report and the Audit Committee Report are prepared. Be certain that your name is on all banking and investment accounts.

Complete preparation of budget for the calendar year. The budget must be approved by the Executive Committee at the January meeting.

Confirm that the Secretary has sent a list of officers and the committee roster to the Society.

Make sure that the incoming Chair-Elect will attend the Local Section Officers' Leadership Conference sponsored by ACS. The Section pays expenses.

Ensure that all plans for Education Awards are in place.


Appoint Nominating Committee for Officers of the Columbus Section before the February Board meeting. See bylaws for details.

See that Chair for the High School Teacher of the Year Award invites the Awardee and a guest to the Awards Dinner as guests of the Section.


Attend ACS National Meeting if possible, ensure that Councilors orAlternate Councilors attend the meeting.


See that outgoing Treasurer files Income Tax Statement due May 15 or files for a three-month extension.

Ensure that Nominating Committee work is on schedule. Make certain that the CHEMICAL RECORD and webpage publish the call for Nominations in the May issue.


Make certain that CHEMICAL RECORD Editor has the Slate of Candidates and additional Call for Nominations to be published in the September Issue.

Remind Chair-Elect to begin contacting potential Committee Chairs.

Update this section of the Job Manual and coordinate other updates as required. Make sure updates are made to the Web version.


Make sure that the Communications Group has candidate bios and ballot for mailing and posting by October 10.


Finalize arrangements for President-Elect visit to the Section and Dinner.

Provide Committee Chairs and Officers detailed guidance on information required for the Annual Report as soon as available at the ACS Website. Set deadline of December 1 for all reports.


Report Election results to Executive Committee and Members beforeNovember 30. The Secretary must submit results to ACS by December 1.

Remind Chair-Elect to request budget proposals from officers, councilors and committee chairs.

Continue preparation of Annual Report. This is a big job!


Ensure that all Committees have submitted reports as per guidelines and budget requests if necessary. These are necessary for the Annual Report.

Appoint Audit Committee. The incoming Treasurer should be part of the committee.

Send thank-you notes to those people who supported your administration.

By December 5th, prepare message from outgoing Chair to be included in the February CHEMICAL RECORD.

Past Chair

The Past Chair is a voting member of the Executive Committee andis required to attend the Committee meetings for quorum purposes.

JANUARY (as Immediate Past Chair):

Continue preparation of the Annual Report. This is a big job!Coordinate with Councilors for review and final approval of AnnualReport by deadline.

FEBRUARY (as Past Chair):

Submit Annual Report to the Society, in time so that appointed Councilor can approve by Feb. 15.

MARCH (as Past Chair):

Convene Long-Range Planning Committee and interested members.

III. Chair-Elect

The Chair-Elect is a voting member of the Executive Committee, and serves a one-year term as Chair of the Section immediately following the term as Chair-Elect or upon the occurrence of a

vacancy in the office of Chair.

Other general duties include: presiding at the meetings of the Section or Executive Committee in the absence of the Chair, appointing all Committee Chairs who will serve during the coming year. The Chair-Elect is expected to attend ACS National Leadership Training (section pays travel,national pays all other expenses), and encouraged to attend the Fall National meeting and the Midwest Regional meeting.

The Chair-Elect should take advantage of Long-range planning meetings andcommunications facilities to invite members to attend and provide suggestions for new programs or directions for the future of the Section.

Duties and responsibilities of the Chair-Elect include:


Attend Leadership Training Conference.

Participate with Awards and Education Committees in Programs during these months to become familiar with the functions of these committees.

Participate in Planning for National Chemistry Week.

Ascertain if update of Bylaws and/or Job Manual is needed.


Start planning activities and business for the next year.

Start lining up members to run for officers for the following year.


Start recruitment of chair/members for Committees. Re-read the Job Manual section for Chair.


Continue recruitment to Committees, especially Committee Chairs.

Start work on calendar of the Section for Board Meetings and program events in conjunction with the Program Chair. Get approval from Executive Committee for selected dates, and make sure location reservations are made.


Confirm that the Section Chair has appointed an Audit Committee.

Order Past Chair pin ($6) from the on-line store at , or call 800-227-5558 ext. 4600.


Complete appointments of Committee Chairs. Prepare new Roster and Calendar If Job Manual has been revised, make sure all Officers and Committee Chairsare notified to access the web version or receive print copy if requested.

Send letter to the incoming Chair-Elect to describe duties. Encourage attendanceat Annual ACS Local Section Officers' Conference and remind that budget proposals need to be solicited by December 1 from incoming Officers and Chairs.

Provide CHEMICAL RECORD Editor with Message from the new Chair by January 5.


The responsibilities of the Secretary are stated in the bylaws.

The Secretary:

a)Is a voting member of the Executive Committee.

b)Takes the minutes of all Executive Committee meetings and files the approved minutes with the Local Section Webmaster.

c)Assists the Chair in setting the agenda for the Executive Committee meetings, in particular to follow up on old (unfinished) business and Calendar items.

d)Receives notification from Councilors unable to attend a Council meeting (at the national ACS meetings) and informs the Executive Committee of the situation so a substitute can be selected. Provides signed Alternate Councilor certification card (yellow card from National ACS) to the substitute.

e)Sends notice of Local Section meetings to nonmembers who request it.

f)Maintains files and permanent records of Local Section Activities for the year. Ensures that copies of records are placed in the Archives. (The Archives are housed at CAS. A Local Section member who works at CAS can access the Archives as necessary.)

Other duties include:

  1. Be familiar with the handling of the Local Section email list and Communications.
  2. The Local Section member list is provided by the National ACS in electronic form (eRosters) to the Membership Chair of the Local Section. Access to the list is controlled.
  3. The Membership Chair provides updates of the email list to the member in charge of sending Local Section Announcements.
  4. The Membership Chair maintains a master roster and receives monthly updates from the National ACS.
  5. Forwards to the appropriate Officers, Directors or Committee Chairs information received throughout the year concerning subjects of importance to the Local Section
  6. Provides information to the CHEMICAL RECORDas necessary to keep the Local Section membership informed of activities. This duty is shared with the other members of the Executive Committee.
  7. Certifies the elected Officers, Councilors, and alternative Councilors to the National ACS in December after the Local Section Election. The forms for this are provided by the National ACS. Certification can only be done after the Election Committee has counted the ballots and arrived at the election results.
  8. Coordinate Local Section stationary and distribute it to officers and chairs. Stationary is stored at CAS. (Not sure we have any Local Section Stationary in 2011.)
  9. Ensure safe keeping of Local Section Archives (Members who are not employees of CAS do not have access to the Archives. This duty may need to be delegated to a Local Section member who is a CAS employee.)

Note: Annual reports, newsletters, other publications, regional meeting records, photographs, awards and other memorabilia of the Local Section from 1897-1999 are stored at CAS in fireproof storage.

Recent annual reports are stored in the Columbus Section cabinets at CAS along with printed copies of annual reports starting from 2000. Copies of the annual report are also available online.

Electronic archives are also stored at CAS starting from 1997. From 1997 onwards, the minutes are only filed electronically.

Printed copies of the CHEMICAL RECORD are maintained at CAS. Electronic archives of the CHEMICAL RECORD are available on the Webpage starting from 2001.


The Treasurer is a voting member of the Executive Committee.

Duties and responsibilities include:

1. Assist in auditing Treasurer's books of the previous year.

2. Prepare proposed budget prior to January meeting of Executive Committee, based on proposed budgets submitted byCommittee Chairs.

3. Issue approved budget after final Executive Committee approval,to Executive Committee and Committee Chairs.

4. File a request by April 15 for Section dues to be collected by the Society for the following year, and state the amount to becollected. The amount should be confirmed or amended by the Executive Committee at its February meeting.

5. Receive funds from investment or other sources, and deposit to checking or savings account. This includes collection of payments at monthly meeting dinners and other events.

6. Make disbursements of funds only on receipt of authorized request. All disbursements of more than $300.00 require approval by theExecutive Committee.

7. Present a monthly financial report to the Executive Committee.

8. At the end of the year, arrange for change of address to incoming treasurer of bank accounts, Investment accounts, and others as required.

9. Prepare annual financial report on time for budget meeting inJanuary. Submit to Past Chair for inclusion in the annual report of Section (due Feb. 15)

10. Prepare income tax form at end of year. The outgoing treasurer must file a tax return at the end of his/her term of office,but in no case later than the 15th day of the 5th month following the close of the accounting year (presently May 15). Thefailure to file this return will result in a substantial penalty.

11. Serve on the Finance Committee.

The Treasurer-Elect is a voting member of the Executive Committee.

Duties and responsibilities include:

1. Attend Executive Committee meetings and present Treasurer reports in the event the Treasurer is unable to attend.

2. Assist the Treasurer in collection of payments at Section events.

3. Become familiar with management of accounts and disbursementpolicies.

4. Assist the Treasurer in preparation of the Annual Report and Tax filings as well as Audits.

5. Serve in the Finance Committee.


Councilors and Alternate Councilors are voting members of theExecutive Committee and are required to attend Committee meetings for quorum purposes.


The Council is the deliberative assembly of the Society. Its duties include nominating members for the office of ACS President-Elect; electing Directors-at-Large, members of the Council Policy Committee (the executive committee of the Council), the Committee on Committees, and the Committee on Nominations and Elections. The Council nominates members for the offices of Regional Directors; studies, recommends, and acts on all activities of direct and indirect interest to the members of ACS,including the setting of ACS annual dues; advises the ACS Board of Directors on matters concerning the management of the Society; influences decisions for which the ACS Board has responsibility; charters Local Sections and Divisions; and is responsible for amending the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society.

The term of a Councilor is three years, unless the Councilor is serving the unexpired term of a preceding Councilor.

Councilors provide interaction between the Section and the Society. This requires attendance at as many National Meetings as possible (with participation on Council Committees as appointments become available), as well as active participation in the Section.

Thus, to be most effective, a Councilor:

1. Keeps informed on issues at the Society level with particular attention to those which have implications for the Section.

2. Solicits the opinions of members of the Section on major issues before the Council, especially by consulting the Executive Committee for general guidance and to learn if the Committee wishes to adopt a position on an issue.

3. Attends meetings of the Council, but, if unable to attend, notifies the Secretary well in advance so an Alternate Councilor canbe authorized to attend. Reads the Council Meeting Agenda prior to the National Meetings.

4. Is willing to serve on Council Committees and dedicate considerable time and energy to fulfilling the obligation of suchmembership. Completes and returns the Committee Preference Form mailed by the ACS National Office in the spring.

5. Attends District II Councilor Caucus meetings.

6. Communicates the views of the Section to the ACS Staff and the Council Committees.

7. Communicates Society issues and Council decisions to the Section by attending Executive Committee meetings and reporting regularly tothe Committee and the members via oral reports and in writing.

8. Prepares written communications for publication in the CHEMICAL RECORD to inform the membership on major issues.