Checklist for board recruitment & new members
Prospective Board Members–Information Kit
- Letter of invitation signed by the Chair
- Overview of organisation and services/programs
- Constitution or Rules of Association and Objects of Association
- Term of office (if applicable)
- Time requirements
- Board meetings
- Sub-committee meetings
- Orientation sessions
- Other time requirements
- Selection process
- Mission, Goals and Values statements
- Code of ethics/conduct
- Upcoming meetings and events
- Annual Report (including most recent audit report)
- Newsletters/newspaper clippings/brochures/representative publications
- List of current board members
- Organisation’s contact details (address, telephone, fax, email and website)
- Contact details of Chair/Board contact and CEO
New Board Members – The Induction Folder
Background information:
- Brief overview of the organisation and its projects
- Brief history
- Summary of funding sources
- Current newsletters, flyers, brochures
- Contact details (address, telephone, fax, email and website)
- Group statistics (no. of members, programs, clients served, etc)
- Recent media clippings
Official documents:
- Objects of Association
- Constitution or Rules of Association
- Mission, Vision, Value statements
- Code of Ethics/Conduct
- Strategic Plan
- Copies of Insurance policies (for Board and the organisation)
- Relevant policies (eg Conflict of Interest, Work Health & Safety, etc)
- Current year’s budget
- Chart of delegations (including Media & Financial)
- Agenda and Minutes of recent board meetings
- Annual Report and auditor’s report
- List of Policies and Procedures
- Evacuation procedures
- Enterprise Agreement and link to relevant award (eg SCHADS)
The Board
- Board Job Description
- List of board members, their positions, short bio and contact details
- Meeting schedule and calendar of upcoming events
- List of sub-committees including terms of reference, chairs and members
- Copies of Board reviews or evaluations
- Declaration of Interest (to be completed at first Board meeting and first meeting after subsequent AGMs)
The staff
- Staff names, titles and areas of responsibility (including volunteers if relevant)
- Specific information about senior staff including brief bios
- Organisation chart including board sub-committees
For further information contact:Amanda Smithers
Senior Policy Officer
Ph –02 8960 7927
Email -
New south Wales Council of Social Service ©2016