Minutes from April 18, 2001 Meeting
WC 133 - 1:00 p.m.
Present: Charlotte Baker, Ben Zastrocky, Cheryl Sipe, Nancy Maierhofer, Pete Gordon, Liza Amon, Martina Grasse, Debora Martin, Jim Becker, Lynette Bousman, Rena Blake, Rachel Patarino, Carolyn Jennings, Dorothy O'Dowd, Michael Zastrow
Meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. The minutes from March were read and approved. Cards for departing employees were signed (Penny Smith, Lyle Baumgartner, Jennifer Miller and Katherine Stafford).
Treasurer's Report: Total deposits for the year: $3170; total expenditures=$2513.93; balance of $656.07. Allocation from the President: $877.00; expenditures=$760.05; balance $116.95. Thank you, Debbie Martin.
Committee reports:
- Staff Advisors and Mentoring: The Grievance Workshop that was scheduled for April 26th has been postponed until October, 2001. I will let you know the date and time as soon as I know.
- Constitution, Bylaws and Elections: Pete Gordon reported that nominations are going well and are due by April 25th. Elections will be done online.
- Professional Development: Rachel Patarino said that all sessions have gone very well and were well-attended. We have one more on time management on May 2nd. Please contact Rachel or Everlyn Sandoval for additional information.
- Scholarships: Cheryl Sipe reported that the new legal documents needed for the funds is being revised now. They are looking at fund raisers and an information flyer for the new employee orientation packets.
- Social Events and Ways and Means: These two committees have been working very hard on our new fundraising effort that will take place next Thursday, April 26th, during Spring Fling. CSC will have a dunking booth and will be selling candy with chances to win prizes. We are in need of volunteers and I will send out a separate email explaining those needs. Jim Becker has done a great job in securing donated prizes. Debbie Martin and Cheryl Sipe are going to work the booth during Spring Fling and Jim will run the dunking tank. Both committees have been very successful in selling candy during April also.
New and Unfinished Business:
Dr. Kaplan will be at our next meeting and her office is providing lunch for that meeting. Therefore, our entire hour will be devoted to talking to Dr. Kaplan. If you want to attend, you need to RSVP to me so that we can order enough lunches. I will be sending out an agenda to all of you for your input. I will also put out a separate email listing those who have signed up so far. The meeting is on May 15, 12 noon, CN 301.
The new chapter of IAAP (International Association of Administrative Professionals) is having their chapter meeting on Tuesday, April 24th, 12-1:30 p.m. in Room 470 of 1250 14th Street (CU Building). New members and interested parties are welcome to attend. For more information, please contact Rena Blake, the newly elected secretary for this chapter. She is in MSCD Chemistry and can be reached at 6-2610.
The Distinguished Service Award committee is working hard and will have decisions made by the end of next week.
The food drive for St. Elizabeth's went very well. We ended up with 52 boxes of food and $120. My thanks to everyone.
We voted that 25% from every fundraiser will go to the scholarship fund.
We will need to discuss a logo for CSC. Jim Becker is working on them and we will discuss it at the June meeting.