ForenameSurname, University,e-mail: ***@*****.***
In this introductory section, the following aspects,at least, must be addressed:(i) location of the study site (Fig.1), (ii) types of coastal or estuarine ecosystemsand their relevance, particularly for coastal protection, (iii) problem description, statement and motivations and (iv)objectives and tentative methodology of the case study.The latter will be specified more precisely during the Summer School based on close collaboration with the other attendees andfeedback from lecturers/instructors.
The proposed case study should preferably befrom the candidate`s own country. More importantly, it should be related at least to one of the topics addressed in the Summer School and it will therefore be evaluated as an integral part of the application.
Abstracts must be produced to fit 8.5 by 11-inch paper. The text, together with tables, equations and illustrations, must fill no more than two pages, in 2-column layout (as in this accompanying example)
Figure 1. (a) Location of San Quintín Bay (SQB) in the Pacific Ocean; (b & c) examples of sport fishing and oyster farming: (d) location of barrier beach breaching within SQB, and; (e) beach location for pebble extraction.
Brief indications on the following maybe provided in this section: (i) previous, ongoing or planned studies and/or programmesat the proposed site, (ii) types,species, present state and possible threats for ecosystems to be considered in the case study (mangrove forests, coral reefs, salt marshes, freshwater coastal wetlands, sea grasses, vegetated coastal dunes), (iii) data on wind, waves, tides, currents, salinity and further water quality characteristics, (iii)topography and morphology, possibly including prevailing sediment transport regimes, (iv) available modelling and/or monitoring tools as well as available institutional and/or legal framework for the practical implementation.
Authors are required to supply Abstracts-in-Depth as computer files (ideally as PDF or Word format files).
The candidate should demonstrate howshe/he came across the proposed case study site by providing a very brief summary of the current knowledge, modelling and/or monitoring tools and frameworks with a few of the most relevant references. This state of the art review is expected to be finalised during the Summer School.
The official language of the Summer School: English. Paper Format: 8.5 by 11 inches, portrait. Margins: All the margins should be one inch. Columns: main text in two columns, justified; equal column width. Spacing: before and after: 0 pt: line spacing: single. Font: for the title: size 12 Microsoft Sans Serif, capital letters, bold; for the names of the authors: size 9 Microsoft San Serif, regular; for the text: size 9 Microsoft Sans Serif, regular. Page numbering: no page numbers. Title: leave no blank line between the title and the paper top margin; the title must be in capital letters, page-centred; maximum of two (2) lines and/or 70 total characters for the title. Name(s) of authors(s): leave 1 blank line after the title; the name of the authors and their affiliations must be presented as succinctly as possible, including the e-mail address of each author; leave one blank line before the main text. Main text: in 2 columns, one page only, including figures and tables; paragraphs separated by one line. Footnotes: do not use footnotes. Figures and tables: include the figures and tables precisely in the place you want them.
Mathematics: equations should be typed into the body of the text, or incorporated as an equation editor or graphic object; equations should be numbered. Bibliographic references: in the text, indicate the last name of the author (no initials, please) followed by the year of publication in brackets; if there are several references of the same author in the same year, use a suffix a, b,.. after the year; make a list of references at the end of the text sorted by alphabetic order of the last name of the first author, followed by the names of the co-authors (if any), editor, place and year of publication (or complete reference of the journal where the article or paper was published). File format for submission: use PDF format (size must be less than 2 MB); identify the files as “Name_Surname.pdf” or “Name_Surname.doc”.
Surname no initials please (year of publication in brackets 2007):
Author, co-author (2006): Title, Coastal Engineering, ELSEVIER, vol. 10, pp. 32-39.
It is planned that each attendee will have 10minutes to present his case study and these presentations need to be scheduled. Therefore, it would be useful to indicate in which topic(s)/session of the course programme your case study would fit best.
Please note that this example of the two-page abstract-in-depth is a style sheet, which makes the work much easier.Please do not try to include more text on the single 8.5 by 11 inch page than the space provided by this instruction. If your two-page abstract does not comply with this instruction, it will be rejected.