Read a Thon FAQ (frequently asked questions)2015
- How do I collect pledges and what is a pledge?
A pledge is an amount of money that a person you know says that they will pay to you for every minute you read during the read a thon. Collect pledges by asking parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and/or neighbors that you know if they would like to support your reading to help raise funds for your school. The sponsor (person giving a pledge) will then sign on the sponsor formthe amount they would like to give per minute or the flat amount they wish to give.
- Can sponsors just make a flat donation and not pledge per minute?
Yes, sponsors can make a flat donation or a maximum donation. There is a specific column on the sponsor form for this type of donation. Any donation is appreciated!
- How much do they pledge per minute?
This is up to the sponsors but usually it ranges from 5 to 25 cents per each minute you read. For example, if you read 20 minutes per day for the 12 day reading period, you will have read 240 minutes. If your sponsor pledged 10 cents per minute, they will owe you $24. If they pledged 5 cents per minute, they will owe you $12.
- Do the sponsors pay now?
They can, it is up to your sponsor if they want to pay now if giving a flat pledge. If they are pledging per minute, they will need to pay at the end of the reading period. Collection will be from September 22nd through October 23rd.All money needs to be turned into the school by October27th to be eligible for prizes!
- Do we count minutes we read while in school as well as out of class minutes?
You can count minutes read when assigned reading homework, but you cannot count minutes read in the classroom during normal reading times.
- Besides raising money for the school, are there other prizes for students?
Yes! If you turn in your sponsor form and reading log by October 27th, you are eligible for a number of rewards depending on the amount of minutes you read out of class time. We encourage you to read as much as you can so you can earn some great prizes! There also will be some overall class prizes such as a pizza party for the class with the most minutes and a pizza and ice cream party for the class with the most pledges!
- Where does this money go?
100% of all money earned through the read a thon will stay with Woodward Elementary and will go towards activities for students, technology to improve their educational experience and various fun days sponsored by the PTO.
- What are the goals of the Read a Thon?
The goals of the read a thon are:
- To generate enthusiasm for reading
- To help students become stronger readers
- To raise funds for school programs
We are hoping to reach a school wide goal of100,000 reading minutes!