Mrs. Jennifer Jones
Website: https://
In French 4, we will strive to expand upon the knowledge base formulated in previous levels. We will focus on communication skills, both written and oral, as well as a better understanding and fluency of the French language and culture. We will study the literature, language, culture, geography, and history of the French-speaking world.
We will be using the Bravo textbook as a departure point for this year. We will have a class set. These books are not to leave the classroom. We will also be reading classical and contemporary poetry as well as 3 short novels during the course of the year.
Class periods will be used to develop reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in French. Class will consist of some direct instruction, a good deal of group and pair work, listening, speaking and vocabulary activities, compositions, projects, and discussions using the target language with an emphasis on practical and literary use of French.
Vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension quizzes will be given every Friday or more often depending on the unit. Tests or other assessments will be given at the close of a unit. Tests will be given on Mondays or Fridays.
Homework will be assigned daily and is to be completed in the composition book. Homework will be spot checked or corrected in class daily. Homework turned in more than 2 days late will not be accepted and any late work will receive partial credit. Absent students will have the time missed plus 2 days to turn in their homework and update their composition book. Students will not have homework assignments over the weekend unless they are finishing a project or making up missed work.
Since this is an Honors class, the students will be moving through the curriculum quicker than the regular class. This pace should allow for more interaction and a higher language proficiency level. The Honors students will be held to a higher standard for work ethic and final products.
Students will complete a daily journal in their composition book. The students will create a new answer to the broad weekly journal topic. These journals will be graded on a weekly basis and will be counted as a classwork grade. Journals will be assigned a number and should be completed in numerical order. Absent students will be expected to complete missed journals.
Students are required to have 1 composition book per semester (totaling 2 for the year), glue sticks, a dry erase marker and writing utensils. Pen is acceptable for classwork assignments but pencil will be the only acceptable writing utensil for assessments.
A French- English dictionary (available at Barnes and Noble or similar stores) is strongly recommended for this course. Please keep your dictionary in your backpack as you will need it in class and at home.
A portable external memory device (flash drive) is recommended as we do many projects on the computer.
Tutoring is available and encouraged for all students. I am available most mornings starting at 7:45. Students are encouraged to alert me the day before that they would like to meet the following morning so I can ensure my availability.
Every student taking French this year will be required to take the National French Exam in the Spring. There is a similar requirement in the Spanish and Latin classes this year. This exam tests the students’ knowledge of French 4 while comparing their scores to those of students across the US. Students who score better than the national average will receive awards based on their performance and will be honored at the annual Foreign Language Awards Night in May. This exam costs $10. Please turn in this money as soon as possible. Checks should be made out to Cherokee High School.
CHS is proud to have two state of the art language labs. The benefits of these labs include but are not limited to interactive communication, current cultural and spoken content, real life application, and digital literacy. All of these benefits align with the 21st Century Skills and Global Education Initiatives at CHS, allowing us as educators to further enrich the overall education of our students.
Grades for this course will be computed as followed:
Midterm/ Semester Exams: 15%
Tests/Projects: 30%
Classwork/Homework: 25%
Quizzes/Journals: 30%
Honesty and integrity are expected of all students. Plagiarism and/or any type of cheating will result in a zero on the assignment.
Students are encouraged to discuss their grades with me as long as it is not during instructional time (before or after class is best).
Students and Parents are encouraged to sign up for Remind. This service allows you to receive reminders and updates about class activities, due dates for projects, and dates for tests and quizzes. Information on how to sign up for this service is below.
Students must make up all missed work due to absence in accordance with Cherokee County Board Policy. Missed quizzes and tests must be made up before or after school. It is your responsibility to schedule make- up tests with me. All quizzes and tests must be made up within 10 days of an absence. The student’s grade on the assignment will be a zero until it has been made up.
1.) All rules in the Student handbook/agenda will be enforced as stated in that handbook.
2.) Students are to be in their seats working on their journal before the tardy bell rings.
3.) Students are to have textbook composition book, glue stick, and a writing utensil with them every day.
4.) Be respectable of classroom property.
5.) Stay focused and on task throughout the class period.
6.) Electronic devices are only acceptable if the green BYLD sign is out for class that day.
7.) Referrals will be completed for failure to comply with these rules.
8.) Food will only be allowed during journal time. Food will not be permitted after this time. If food is spotted after this or if at any time trash is found in the classroom, the class will no longer have this privilege.
9.) Students may ask to use the restroom before class starts or after instruction is complete. The teacher reserves the right to restrict bathroom access based on abuse of the privilege or required presence in the classroom.
I have read and do understand the above rules and syllabus for French 4 Honors.
Student Signature Parent Signature Date
Parent name (please print)______Relationship to Student: ______
Parent contact phone #: ______
Parent contact email: ______
Additional Contact Names and Contact Information: (optional)
Name: ______Relationship to Student: ______
Phone Number: ______
Email address: ______