This is an open-ended research project that will help you further explore an issue concerning water that is of interest to you, You may choose one of the project topics listed below, or if you have a project idea of your own, you may also do this (as long as it has been approved by your teacher.

Your project must be based on a comprehensive research. A MINIMUM of 2 newspaper references and 3 website references must be used, although the more evidence you collect, the better your project will be. It will also be necessary to complete the attached review sheet, in which you are required to rate and summarize these 5 initial references.

How the assignment is constructed is completely up to you, but marking will be based upon the assessment criteria on the back of this sheet, so make sure you refer to this whilst putting together your project.

Student Project Ideas

  • Effect of Bushfires on Waterways
  • Will there ever be enough water to re-fill LakeEyre?
  • How much water do you use?
- can we be self sufficient?
  • Should we water Flemmington's Roses?
  • Tourism vs Sustainability
  • Rising E-coli levels
- is it due to lack of rainfall or more poo?
  • Adaptations of Australia's unique plants animals to cope with variable rainfall
  • Desalination
  • Do we need more Dams?
- What effect would it have on Rivers
  • Will we get enough rain to fill the dams?
  • Is Global warming effecting our water supply?
  • Monitoring Creeks in your local area
  • Data analysis of creek progress (water watch)
  • Presence of macro-invertebrates their sensitivities
  • Where does Litter from the school yard go?
  • How much can you save by using grey water athome?
  • How much are the new tanks at school savingus in Energy / Water costs?
  • What ratios of grey water to fresh water do plants need to survive?
  • What effect do non-biodegradable soap products have on plants?
  • Golf Courses - world image vs survival
  • Should the cost of water be increased?
  • How is the car wash water recycled?
- How much is lost?
- Can we develop domestic versions?
  • Vegetation survival - River Red Gums
  • What's Dry-land salinity?
  • Should we move farmers to the north where it rains?
  • El-Nino & La-Nina - is it still a 7 year cycle?
  • ls it our increased population effecting the use of water OR a decrease in rainfall along the Eastern Seaboard?
  • Importance of water in the body
  • Importance of water in the Australian Lifestyle
  • Effect of Evolution on survival - eg: desert frogs
  • Closures of beaches & Rivers due toindustrial constraints (old mercury problems) Should there be more laws?
  • Bore Water - why should we be able to take the water that would one day end up in rivers?
  • Does recycling sewage turn all the fish female? (hormones not removed from urine of females on the pill)

Due date: ______