Quiz 4
Chapter: Chapter 12: Volcanic and Tectonic Landforms
Chapter: Chapter 16: Landforms Made by Waves and Wind
1. A horst is a ______whereas a graben is a (an) ______
A) sunken block / raised block
B) raised block / sunken block
C) sunken block / downthrown block
D) raised block / upthrown block
E) sunken block / echelon block
2. Trough-like downfolds are referred to as:
A) synclines
B) anticlines
C) foreland folds
D) fault folds
E) normal folds
3. Which of the following types of faults is most commonly associated with horsts and grabens?
A) reverse
B) overthrust
C) transcurrent
D) strike-slip
E) normal
4. The East African Rift Valley demonstrates the early stage of the:
A) formation of a new ocean basin
B) formation of a new land mass
C) formation of a continental suture
D) formation of a transform plate boundary
E) formation of a new subduction zone
5. Block mountains are associated with which type of fault?
A) reverse
B) overthrust
C) transcurrent
D) strike-slip
E) normal
6. A table-topped plateau of comparatively small extent bounded by cliffs and occurring in a region of flat-lying strata is referred to as a:
A) mesaB) butteC) monadnock
D) cuestaE) dome
7. A prominent, isolated mountain that rises conspicuously above a peneplain, and composed of relatively more resistant rocks is referred to as a:
A) mesa
B) butte
C) monadnock
D) cuesta
E) dome
8. A prominent, steep-sided hill often representing the final remnant of a resistant layer in a region of flat-lying strata is referred to as a:
A) mesaB) butteC) monadnock
D) cuestaE) dome
9. Which of the following most accurately describes a cuesta?
A) A broad platform capped by hard rock layers
B) A table-topped plateau of comparatively small extent bounded by cliffs and occurring in a region of flat-lying strata
C) A prominent, isolated mountain that rises conspicuously above a peneplain, and composed of relatively more resistant rocks
D) A prominent, steep-sided hill often representing the final remnant of a resistant layer in a region of flat-lying strata
E) An asymmetrical low ridge with one side a steep slope and the other a gentle slope often associated with a coastal plain.
10. Which of the following most accurately describes a monadnock?
A) A broad platform capped by hard rock layers
B) A table-topped plateau of comparatively small extent bounded by cliffs and occurring in a region of flat-lying strata
C) A prominent, isolated mountain that rises conspicuously above a peneplain, and composed of relatively more resistant rocks
D) A prominent, steep-sided hill often representing the final remnant of a resistant layer in a region of flat-lying strata
E) An asymmetrical low ridge with one side a steep slope and the other a gentle slope often associated with a coastal plain
11. Acute angle between an inclined natural rock plane and an imaginary horizontal plane of reference is referred to as the:
A) dipB) strikeC) bedding plane
D) tiltE) ridge
12. Which of the following types of drainage pattern are associated with regions of uniform, horizontal strata?
A) dendritic drainage pattern
B) trellis drainage pattern
C) radial drainage pattern
D) parallel drainage pattern
E) folded drainage pattern
13. A stream that develops its course by stream erosion along a band or belt of weaker rock is a/an:
A) Braided stream
B) Graded stream
C) Alluvial stream
D) Consequent stream
E) Subsequent stream
14. A stream that takes its course down the slope of an initial landform such as a newly emerged coastal plain or a volcano is a/an:
A) Braided streamB) Graded streamC) Alluvial stream
D) Consequent streamE) Subsequent stream
15. Eroded edges of steeply dipping strata forming sharp-crested sawtooth ridges are referred to as:
A) synclinal mountainsB) fault scarpsC) hogbacks
D) cuestasE) domes
16. When a resistant rock type is exposed at the center of a downturned fold and the rock stands up as a ridge, which of the following features may result?
A) synclinal mountainsB) fault scarpsC) hogbacks
D) cuestasE) anticlinal valley
17. A descending fold crest is said to:
A) SinkB) PlungeC) Fly
D) DipE) Strike
18. The east African Rift Valley is formed by ______.
A) compression
B) volcanism
C) retraction of the crust
D) stress
E) extension
19. The Appalachian Mountains are famous for their______structure.
A) faultedB) volcanicC) ridge and valley
D) rift valleyE) hillside
20. Which of the following is a depositional coastal landform?
A) Marine cliffB) sea notchC) tombolo
D) wave-cut platformE) sea arch
21. A drowned river mouth indicates which of the following types of coastline?
A) submergent coast
B) emergent coast
C) depositional coast
D) erosional coast
E) barrier
22. A coastal zone whose landforms have been exposed due to tectonic uplift or a fall in sea level is referred to as a (an) ______.
A) submergent coast
B) emergent coast
C) depositional coast
D) erosional coast
E) barrier coast
23. A ring-like coral reef surrounding an empty lagoon is a (an) ______.
A) atollB) bermC) tombolo
D) spitE) stack
24. The vertical difference between high and low tide is referred to as the ______.
A) high water markB) tidal rangeC) tidal rise
D) low water markE) tidal gauge
25. Wave backwash flows ______.
A) at the same angle that the original wave arrived
B) at right angles to the shoreline
C) at right angles to the direction of the original wave
D) parallel to the sea edge
E) parallel to the wind direction
26. When a wave approaches a beach at an oblique angle, only part of it is lowed down as it reaches shallow water. The rest of the wave continues to move at a high velocity, bending the wave. This process is called ______.
A) wave broadeningB) wave reflectionC) wave refraction
D) wave driftE) beach drift
27. Which of the following describes the order of features observed as a breaking wave approaches a coast and finally breaks?
A) Wave falls forward, steepens, and rushes up the beach slope
B) Wave widens, falls backward, and rushes up the beach slope
C) Wave steepens, falls backward, and rushes up the beach slope
D) Wave steepens, falls forward, and rushes up the beach slope
E) Wave widens, falls forward, and rushes up the beach slope
28. Which of the following features immediately precedes the formation of a sea stack?
A) marine cliffB) abrasion platformC) sea arch
D) sea notchE) sea cave
29. Relatively small sand dunes that are crescent-shaped are termed:
A) barchansB) star dunesC) transverse dunes
D) longitudinal dunesE) seif dunes
30. Which part of a sand dune typically slopes at the angle of repose of sand?
A) the windward side
B) the leeward side
C) the outer edges
D) the inner edges
E) the base
31. Saltation is:
A) the accumulation of salts in the upper parts of a soil
B) the bouncing of grains of material along the surface
C) the erosion of material by its rubbing together with material of a similar size
D) the mechanism which puts dust and debris into the atmosphere in extremely windy conditions
E) where wind has removed loose sand and material to leave a hollow behind
32. Which of the following type of dune does not have the curve of the dune crest is bowed outward in the downwind direction?
A) coastal blowout dune
B) barchan dune
C) longitudinal dune
D) parabolic dune
E) dunes in a sand sea
33. In which of the following environments could induced deflation potentially occur?
A) Semi-arid uncultivated land
B) Semi-arid cultivated land
C) Arid desert with fully formed barchan dunes
D) Arid desert with no fully formed dunes
E) In both arid and semi-arid regions
34. When waves approach a shoreline at an angle to the beach, a current is set up parallel to the shore in a direction away from the wind. This is specifically known as the:
A) undercurrentB) littoral driftC) beach drift
D) longshore currentE) longshore drift
35. The shifting of materials up and down the coastline edge with the wash and backwash is specifically known as the:
A) undercurrentB) littoral driftC) beach drift
D) longshore currentE) longshore drift
36. Backwash as it flows back down a beach may also be referred to as a/an:
A) undercurrentB) littoral driftC) beach drift
D) longshore currentE) longshore drift
37. Groins may be built on a beach to compact the results of which of the following processes except?
A) undercurrentB) littoral driftC) beach drift
D) longshore currentE) longshore drift
38. A deeply embayed coast formed by partial submergence of a landmass previously shaped by fluvial denudation would be classified as a:
A) ria coastB) barrier island coastC) fault coast
D) fiord coastE) delta coast
39. A coastline with a broad zone of shallow water offshore or lagoon, shut off from the ocean by a deposit would be classified as a:
A) ria coastB) barrier island coastC) fault coast
D) fiord coastE) delta coast
40. The lesser channels that flow across a delta are referred to as
A) tidal inletsB) distributaries C) embayments
D) lagoonsE) estuaries
41. Which of the following is a characteristic of barrier island coasts?
A) distributariesB) embaymentsC) tidal inlets
D) deltaE) estuaries
42. A coral reef that is lies out from the shoreline is referred to as a/an:
A) atollB) fringing reefC) barrier island
D) barrier reefE) raised shoreline
43. A shallow depression produced as a result of deflation is referred to as a/an:
A) sand seaB) barchansC) foredune
D) desert pavementE) blowout
44. Dunes that form long ridges at right angles to the prevailing wind are referred to as:
A) barchan dunesB) parabolic dunesC) transverse dunes
D) star dunesE) longitudinal dunes
45. Where a river runs into an ocean bay, the bay is termed a(n) ______.
A) shorelineB) estuaryC) coast
D) coastlineE) recreational area
46. The most important agent shaping coastal landforms is ______action.
A) stormB) streamC) salinization
D) gravityE) wave
47. When a beach is removed from a coastline during a storm ______.
A) it will be returned by the next storm
B) it will eventually be returned by weak wave action
C) the beach will not reform until new material is broken free from the sea cliff
D) the beach will reform within a day or two
E) it is lost forever
48. The time interval between high tide and the next high tide is approximately how long?
A) 6 1/4 hoursB) 13 hoursC) 12 1/2 hours
D) 24 hoursE) 25 hours
49. Tidal currents are made up of two opposing currents called ______currents.
A) ebb and flood
B) tides and floods
C) longshore and flood
D) ebb and littoral
E) longshore and littoral
50. Behind the barrier islands of the Atlantic Gulf coast there exist ______which are broad expanses of shallow water.
A) salt marshesB) marine terracesC) tidal inlet
D) lagoonsE) bays
Answer three (3) of the following essays……use at least five sentences for each.
You may use a diagram if it will help to answer the question. Double points off if not answered
- Compare and contrast the different types of coral reefs.
- Using an annotated diagram, describe and explain the development sea arches, stacks, notches, caves and abrasion platforms.
- Compare and contrast the different types of coastline that result from submergence.
- Compare and contrast the characteristics and formation of the different types of sand dune
- Describe and explain the formation of loess and account for where we find deposits of loess today.
- Describe the faulting associated with the Great African Rift Valley
- Identify the major characteristics of erosional landforms in arid regions.
- Using an annotated diagram, describe the development of a broad coastal plain.
- Using examples from your local region, describe the nature of the drainage network.
- Describe and explain the formation and development of a monadnock
- Identify the defining characteristics of a hogback and the processes responsible for producing them.
- Using an annotated diagram describe and explain the features of a sedimentary dome.