Honors Biology
Body Stories Video Lab: “Holly Gets Sick”
In this video, a young rock singer becomes ill before a major performance with her band. Her body goes into battle by using defense mechanisms to combat the virus. Look at the virus diagram below. How does is it similar to the virus you drew in your lab notes?
Study the diagram below to identify the type of infection. Circle the genetic material; box the protein coat. These are the two main parts of all viruses.
The above virus will attack Holly. In order for it to be successful, it must…
1. Enter
2. Spread
3. Multiply
4. Damage
What will be the outcome for Holly?
As you watch the video, answer the following questions as best as you can.
- Holly is standing in an elevator. What did one of the other elevator riders do while she was standing there? ______
- What structure(s) or secretions try to prevent the pathogen from entering Holly’s body?
- Influenza B virus is the pathogen that is invading Holly’s body. What specific cell must it invade to take hold of her body? ______What part of the virus will allow for the virus to invade these cells? ______What part of the cell will allow the invasion to happen?
- How do Holly’s cells respond once the virus commandeers the cell? (Which viral life cycle is beginning? ______
- What type of defense cell kills both infected and non-infected cells in Holly’s body? ______
- What type of defense cell moves through tissues “cleaning up” cellular debris from Holly’s infection? ______How do they do this?
- What chemical is released by the macrophages to inhibit viral reproduction? ______
- Dendritic cells, located in lymph nodes, are necessary to start up Holly’s specific defense mechanisms. What type of defense cell does a dendritic cell seek out______
- What causes swollen lymph nodes?
- Mast cells, another type of defense cell, release a chemical known as “histamine” which causes ______.
- The part of the brain, known as the hypothalamus, is responsible for regulating body temperature. What symptom is an elevated body temperature? ______
- Interleukins are release into the blood stream and…
a)make blood vessels in her brain to swell & cause what body symptom? ______
b)make nerve cells hypersensitive and cause what body symptom? ______
Holly’s body’s immune system is hard at work trying to destroy specific viruses before they can infect new cells. Specific immune cells will be doing specific jobs. The functions of specific ones are listed below. List the names as you hear them.
Post Video Assignment: Read 24.1-6 and then answer the following questions.
1. Which immune cell is it?
a) are matured in the lymph nodes ______, ______
b) manufacture antibodies ______
c) activates a T-cell to destroy infected cells ______
d) makes body immune to future infection ______
e) leaves lymph nodes to destroy infected cells ______
f) remains in the lymph nodes ______
2. Research: What is a vaccine and what is its purpose?
3. How does an antibody deactivate an antigen? (Use term epitope).