Microsoft Word Tips for Kids

Basic terms to know:

  • Title Bar is the name of the bar shown in blue. The Title Bar gives you the title of the program and title of the document that you are using.
  • File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window, and Help is the Menu Bar. There are separate drop down menus for each word. For example, the File Menu, once you click on it has a list of drop down menu choices such as new, close, etc. in it.
  • The Tool Bar has little icons shown. When you pause (or rest) your mouse over each tool, it will tell you the name of each tool! The Tool Bar needs to be stretched out so you can see all the tools so it will be easier for you to see all of the tools available. One easy way to do this is to look at the lower tool bar shown at the top of your screen and then click on the last pull down triangular icon, and choose “Show Buttons on Two Rows.”

When saving documents for the first time, Go to File>SAVE AS or Control + S or Click on the disk icon.

When resaving the same document in the same location, go to File>Save or Control + S or Click on the disk icon.

To delete typing, you can press the Backspace key to erase to the left of the cursor.

To delete to the right of the cursor, press the Delete key.

To delete a lot of typing, highlight the typing and then press the Delete key or Backspace key.

To check for spacing errors, select the tool called, Show/Hide. (Whenever you pressed the Space Bar a dot will appear. Whenever you pressed the Enter key, a paragraph icon will appear. Whenever you pressed the Tab key, a right arrow will appear.) These little markers will not print out, they are just there for your use to check for spacing errors.

To undo a change made to your document (as long as you didn’t save the changes) you can press: Control + Z, or the undo icon, or Edit>Undo.

To Spell Check a document, Press the F7 key or the ABC checkmark tool and make the appropriate choices!

To print a document, go to File>Print and decide if you need to print all of the document or just certain pages. If you only need certain pages, type the page numbers needed separated by a comma or perhaps you might need to print pages 1 through 3. If so, type 1-3 to print those pages. Choose the appropriate printer and the number of copies needed for your document. If you need colored ink, choose the Phaser printer in your lab, if you only need black ink, choose the Laser printer.

To print a portion of a document, highlight what you would like to print and go to File>Print and choose the word, “Selection.”